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Final Take-Home Exam: Time Travel Queries in L-Store

Final Take-Home Exam: Time Travel Queries in L-Store
ECS 165A -
The main objective of this milestone is to implement Time Travel Queries: retrieve an
older version of the record from the L-Store [Paper, Slides]. You can implement time
travel queries as an extension to your current implementation of Milestone 1, Milestone
2, or Milestone 3. If you are extending your Milestone 1 to implement the time travel
queries, the maximum grade you can obtain on the final take-home exam will be 80%.
Likewise, if you’re extending your Milestone 2, the maximum grade will be 90%.
Bonus: Kindly note that the fastest L-Store implementations (the top three groups) will
be rewarded.
Think Long-term, Plan Carefully.
Be curious, Be creative!
# Time Travel Queries
As we update the records in the database, it is important to retain the previous versions
of the records to enable the analysis of historical records. With the time travel queries,
the database should provide the option to retrieve the earlier version of the record. For
this, you will be required to retain and traverse the tail records backward to fetch the
appropriate version of the record.
Conceptual Example (not a representation of base vs. tail page design)
Assume you have the following records that were initially inserted in your L-Store.
Student Table
ID (Primary Key) fee_paid
1 300
2 600
3 200
The sum of fee_paid of version 0 (the latest version) must now be 300+600+200 =
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: March 16, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 20%
Suppose that every record is updated once, we will have like below,
Student Table
ID (Primary Key) fee_paid
1 100
2 500
3 200
The sum of fee_paid of version 0 (latest version) must now be 100+500+200 = 800.
The sum of fee_paid of version -1 (previous version) must be 1100.
Both the select and sum queries, intuitively, fetch the appropriate previous version of
records. You will be required to implement select and sum queries that return
appropriate results given the relative version number. If the given relative version does
not exist, e.g., relative version -2 in the given example, the oldest version of the record
must be used (-1 in the given example).
# Query semantics
You are expected to implement the following two functions in the Query class:
● query.select_version - Works like, but accepts one more parameter,
referred to as relative version (rv) to retrieve a corresponding version of the
record, for example,
○ rv = 0 returns the latest version,
○ rv = -1 returns the previous version,
○ rv = -k returns the k
th previous version, if the record has not been updated
times, then the oldest version of the record (the original version) is
● query.sum_version - Works like query.sum, but similar to query.select_version
accepts one more parameter relative version (rv) to retrieve the sum of a
corresponding version of the record column.
Instructor: Mohammad Sadoghi Due Date: March 16, 2022
TAs: Sajjad Rahnama Submission Method: Canvas
Shesha Vishnu Prasad Score: 20%
# Milestone Extension Penalties
You are allowed to extend your Milestone 1, Milestone 2, or Milestone 3 to implement
Time Travel Queries. However, the maximum grade you can obtain from extending the
chosen Milestone is:
● Extending Milestone 1: 80%
● Extending Milestone 2: 90%
● Extending Milestone 3: 100%
# Implementation
We have provided a code skeleton that can be used as a baseline for developing your
project. This skeleton is merely a suggestion and you are free and even encouraged to
come up with your own design.
Deliverables/Grading Scheme: What to submit?
This is an individual take-home exam that must extend your own L-Store project. Each
person must write and submit their own code. However, you are allowed to discuss with
your teammates the general design ideas. Grading of the final exam will be purely based
on auto-marker. There are three sample extended testers provided with code skeleton
which correspond with your choice of extending from Milestone 1, Milestone 2, or
Milestone 3; the final auto-marker may include additional test cases. You are expected
to submit your individual assignment before the due date.
Late Policy
No late submissions will be accepted.

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