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Foundations of Algorithms Homework 2

Foundations of Algorithms Homework 2

To start, work on the problems in the order: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5. We’ll cover
the necessary material over the next couple of days.
Problem 1 (10 points)
Consider the following divide-and-conquer algorithm that assumes a global array A of
WHATDOIDO(integer left, integer right):
if left == right:
return (1, 1, 1)
m = (left + right) / 2 (integer divide)
(llstreak, lrstreak, lmaxstreak) = WHATDOIDO(left, m)
(rlstreak, rrstreak, rmaxstreak) = WHATDOIDO(m+1, right)
if A[m] == A[m+1]:
maxstreak = max(lmaxstreak, rmaxstreak, lrstreak+rlstreak)
if lmaxstreak == m - left + 1:
lstreak = lmaxstreak + rlstreak
lstreak = llstreak
if rmaxstreak == right - m:
rstreak = rmaxstreak + lrstreak
rstreak = rrstreak
maxstreak = max(lmaxstreak, rmaxstreak)
lstreak = llstreak
rstreak = rrstreak
return (lstreak, rstreak, maxstreak)
Before running the algorithm, we ask the user to enter n integers that we store in the
array A. Then we run WHATDOIDO(0,n-1).
a) State the recurrence for T(n) that captures the running time of the algorithm as closely
as possible.
b) Use either the “unrolling the recurrence” (telescoping) or mathematical induction technique to find a tight bound on T(n).
c) What does the algorithm do? Specify what the three returned values represent.
Problem 2 (8 points)
Use the Master Theorem to provide tight asymptotic bounds for the following recurrences.
In each case, also specify the values of a, b, and f(n), and indicate which case of the Master
Theorem applies.
(a) T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n
(b) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + √
(c) T(n) = 7T(n/3) + n
(d) T(n) = 2T(n/8) + n
Problem 3 (14 points: 10 for implementation / 4 for writeup)
Albert Grithum teaches seven and eight year olds. Today is school picture day and everybody, including the teacher, has lined up in a single line for the class picture. Initially
everyone has lined up in a random order. The photographer wants the following arrangement from left to right: first, all of the seven year olds, in order of increasing height. Next,
Mr. Grithum in the middle. Last, the eight year olds in decreasing order of height. The
only adjustment allowed is a swap, in which two neighboring people swap their positions.
Design an O(n log n) algorithm that computes the minimum number of swaps necessary to
get the class into the desired order.
Problem 4 (20 points: 15 for implementation / 5 for writeup)
Given is a large paper with n different points with coordinates (x1, y1),(x2, y2), . . . ,(xn, yn).
Notice that by folding the paper along a single line we can make some of the points align.
For example, if the points are (1,2), (2,1), and (4,3), then if we fold along the line going
through the origin at the 45 degree angle, the points (1,2) and (2,1) will align. Design
an O(n
log n) algorithm that finds the maximum number of pairs of points that can be
Problem 5 (20 points: 15 for implementation / 5 for writeup)
(a) We are given an array of integers A[0..n−1]. We would like to determine whether there
exists an integer x that occurs in A more than n/2 times (i.e., whether A has a majority
element). Design an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and argue its correctness and
running time estimate.
Example: For A = [3, 1, 2], the answer is NO. For A = [3, 1, 3] the answer is YES.
(b) We are given an array of integers A[0..n − 1]. We would like to determine whether
there exists an integer x that occurs in A more than n/3 times. Design an algorithm
that runs in O(n) time and argue its correctness and running time estimate.
NOTE: remember, you are not allowed to search the internet for answers. You will
not get any credit if you implement “Moore’s voting algorithm” or variations of this
algorithm for either part of your solution.

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