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CIS 527 Homework 6

Prove the following using resolution:
(a) (A ! B) ^ (B ! C) ^ :(A ! C) j= ?

(b) (A _ B _ C) ^ (:B _ D) ^ (:A _ D) ^ (:C _ D) j= D

(c) A ! B; B ! C; D ! C; C _ D j= :A _ C

Which of the following sets are inconsistent?
(a) ffp1; p2; p3g; fp1; :p3g; f:p1; :p2gg
(b) ffp1; :p2; p3g; fp1; :p3g; fp1; p2gg

For each of the following set of clauses S, write down the Herbrand domain H, the Herbrand base HB, and two
interpretations, one that satisfies S and one that does not.
(a) S = ffA(x); :B(y; x)g; f:A(y); C(c)gg

(b) S = ffA(f(x)); :B(y; x)g; f:A(c); C(x)gg

Show, using Herbrand interpretations, that the following set of clauses is unsatisfiable.
(a) S = ffA(x); :B(x; a)g; fA(a); B(y; a)g; f:A(y)gg

(b) S = ffA(x)g; f:A(x); B(f(x))g; f:B(f(a))gg

(c) S = ffA(x)g; f:A(y)gg

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