For this and all subsequent lab assignments, the following guidelines apply:
1. You must work individually, and you must submit a program which is your
own work. You may consult your friends and the TAs during the labs; however,
you are NOT working in groups. Do not share files with others. The labs offer a
chance to learn to program, take advantage of that opportunity, and make sure
your friends take advantage of it too.
2. All labs will be posted on the course website. You may work on the labs during
the scheduled practical sessions where a TA will be available to help you learn
OR on your own outside of practical sessions. You are free to attend any of the
weekly practical sessions; however, priority for TA time will go to students
attending their registered section. You can follow the instructions posted on the
APS106 Quercus site to install Python and the Wing101 development
environment on your own computer (both programs are freely available to
download from the Internet, with installation instructions below).
OBJECTIVE OF THIS LAB – to introduce you to Python programming with Wing101 and to
submitting your code to MarkUs. There are two parts in this lab which will focus on
identifying and debugging errors and modifying an existing program. As the term
progresses, labs will be more challenging and extensive.
1. A python file saved as “lab1_p1.py” for part 1
2. A python file saved as “lab1_p2.py” for part 2
Please review the “Introduction to MARKUS” video and “MARKUS submission checklist”
on quercus before submitting. Submissions failing autograder tests that do not adhere
to the checklist will NOT be regraded.
Note: The lab1_p1.py program and lab1 assignment were adapted from Robert Hesse, 2014.
For this first lab assignment, we will be using a drawing tool, called Turtle. Turtle is a
part of the Python programming language and allows us to create drawings from our
program. The idea is that the turtle runs around on the screen and the turtle’s tail can be
up or down. When it is down, the turtle leaves a trail and draws on the screen as it
moves. In our case, the turtle is called alex and the initialization code to bring the turtle
to life (show up in the center of the screen as a little triangle) has already been written
for you. Your task is to issue the correct commands to control alex the turtle, such that it
draws the right things. The turtle understands the following commands:
Command Action
alex.up() Lift the tail (stop drawing)
alex.down() Lower the tail (start drawing)
alex.right(d) Turn right by d degrees
alex.left(d) Turn left by d degrees
alex.forward(s) Move s steps in the current direction
alex.backward(s) Move s steps backwards with the current heading
Change heading to direction d (0: east, 90: north, 180: west, 270:
alex.goto(x, y) Move to coordinates (x, y)
alex.circle(r, d) Move in circle with r radius for d degrees (counterclockwise if d > 0)
Programming is a complex process, and because human beings are not perfect, they
often make mistakes. Therefore, it is very common for a program to contain errors.
Programming errors are called bugs and the process of tracking them down and
correcting them is called debugging. Learning how to find and correct bugs your
programs will be essential skill in completing the remaining labs.
There are many types of errors that can occur in a program, for the purposes of this lab
we will focus on four kinds: syntax errors, runtime errors, semantic errors and logical
errors. It is useful to distinguish between them in order to track them down more quickly.
Syntax errors
The compiler can only compile a program if the program is syntactically correct;
otherwise, the process fails and returns an error message. Syntax refers to the structure
of a program and the rules about that structure. For example, in English, a sentence
must begin with a capital letter and end with a period. this sentence contains a syntax
error. So does this one
Note: The lab1_p1.py program and lab1 assignment were adapted from Robert Hesse, 2014.
For most readers, a few syntax errors are not a significant problem, which is why we
can read the poetry of E. E. Cummings without spewing error messages. Python is not
so forgiving. If there is a single syntax error anywhere in your program, Python will print
an error message and quit, and you will not be able to run your program. During the first
few weeks of your programming career, you will probably spend a lot of time tracking
down syntax errors. As you gain experience, though, you will make fewer errors and
find them faster.
Runtime errors
The second type of error is a runtime error, so called because the error does not appear
until you run the program. These errors are also called exceptions because they usually
indicate that something exceptional (and bad) has happened.
Runtime errors are rare in the simple programs you will see in the beginning, so it might
be a while before you encounter one.
Semantic errors
The third type of error is the semantic error which results from improper use of the
statements or variables. In this case the syntax of the programming language is correct
but the problem could result from the use of wrong variables, wrong operations or in the
wrong order.
Semantic errors may result from applying an operator not intended for the variable type,
calling a function with the wrong number of arguments or with arguments of the wrong
type, etc.
Logical errors
The fourth type of error is the logical error. A logical error is when the wrong output is
produced due to a miscalculation or misunderstanding of the requirements. These types
of errors are generally the most difficult to fix because the code will execute without
crashing. There are no error messages produced.
Identifying logical errors can be tricky because it requires you to work backward by
looking at the output of the program and trying to figure out what it is doing. Another
method of debugging logical errors is to step through the program one instruction at a
time to figure out where things go wrong.
Let’s get some practice in debugging!
Part 1 - Debugging
You are to complete all portions of these instructions, including submission of the
modified program in step 13.
1) On the APS106 Lab Quercus site under “Lab Materials”, find “Lab 1”.
Note: The lab1_p1.py program and lab1 assignment were adapted from Robert Hesse, 2014.
2) On your computer, create a folder called APS106, in which you’ll keep all of your
labs for the course. Inside APS106, create a folder called lab1, for the assignment
this week.
3) Download the file lab1_p1.py and the file Windows_Python_Wing101.pdf from
Quercus into your lab1 folder.
5) Become familiar with the Wing101 environment by opening
Windows_Python_Wing101.pdf if you are using a windows machine or
OSX_Python_Wing101.pdf if you are using a mac. Start at Step 1: Install Python
and complete all the exercises in the document.
6) Now that you’ve made your first program by yourself, we want you to explore some
existing code. Right click lab1_p1.py, choose Properties, and where it says Open
With, choose Wing101. (You’ve now made Wing101 the default application for
opening Python files.) All you need to do is double click on lab1_p1.py and Wing101
should open it. Open lab1_p1.py from the lab1 folder.
7) Before you run the program, use comments (comment with #) to add your name and
section number to the second and third line of the program. It is a good idea to do
this for all your labs in this course.
8) lab1_p1.py uses the turtle package to generate graphics. This is not the only
graphics package, but it is a relatively simple one to start with. Read through the inline comments that describe what lab1_p1.py does. Notice how clearly documenting
code improved the readability of the code and increase the ability of a new coder to
understand code written by someone else.
9) Try to visualize what the code is doing following through each step.
10)You can run the code by clicking on or holding down ctrl+alt+v (in Wing101).
This code has some errors in it, so you will need to make all the corrections before
the turtle will draws out the shape below for you. As you are making the changes be
sure to write them down in the table provided below. Hint: Is there anything
inconsistent with the comments? Is it really doing what it says?
Note: The lab1_p1.py program and lab1 assignment were adapted from Robert Hesse, 2014.
Table 1. List of Errors in lab1.py
Number Error Description Type of error (Syntax, Runtime,
Semantic, or Logical)
11)Once you have corrected all the bugs in the program, submit the lab1_p1.py file to
MarkUs. Your submission for this part will be graded according to the following:
a) The program is correctly submitted to MarkUs [1 mark]
b) The program executes without any errors [2 marks]
c) The program creates the correct image using the turtle [2 marks]
To check if your program is correctly submitted to MarkUs, execute the automated tests
and check the results. To see how to do this, see the ‘MarkUs How To’ video posted to
Part 2:
In this part of the lab you will write a program that draws your initials (first and last)
using the turtle module.
1) Download the file lab1_p2.py from quercus and open in Wing101. We have written
some of the code for you. Read through the code and the comments to familiarize
yourself with the code provided.
2) Add lines of code to make alex the turtle draw the initials of your first and last name.
You may choose to use lower or uppercase letters. You can choose to style the
letters in the format of your choice (e.g. block, bubble, cursive, etc.). The only
requirement is that both letters must be clearly legible.
3) When finished, submit your code to MarkUs. Your submission will be graded
according to the following:
a) The program is correctly submitted to MarkUs [1 mark]
b) The program executes without any errors [2 marks]
c) The program creates an image of your initials using the turtle [2 marks]