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Adversarial Search_Homework 1 Solution

Homework #1: Adversarial Search
In this project, you will write a program to determine the minimax value for given positions of the Reversi game, using the Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm with positional weight evaluation functions.
Rules of the Game The rules of the Reversi game can be found at and interactive examples can be found at In the Othello version of this game, the game begins with four pieces (two black, two white) placed right in the middle of an 8x8 grid, with the same-colored pieces on a diagonal with each other (see the left side of Figure 1). A move of a player can be either a valid move or pass move.
Figure 1
Valid moves and Flips Assume that the current position is as shown in the left side of Figure 1 and that Black is the current player to move (the valid moves for White are similarly defined). Black can place a black piece on the board only in such a grid cell that there exists at least one straight (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) line of white pieces between the new black piece and another existing black piece. The right side of Figure 1 shows all the valid moves available to the Black player at the position as shown in the left side.
Once the new black piece is placed, all the line of white pieces that are between the new black piece and another existing black piece are flipped into black pieces. As an illustration, in the left side of Figure 2, the valid Black moves are shown as red cells. After placing the piece at e7, for example, Black flips two lines of white pieces (i.e. the
Due on February 6th 2017, 11:59PM PST
line e4-e5-e6 and the line d6). All flipped pieces are shown in blue cells in the middle part of Figure 2. Then, the game goes into the White player’s turn, and the right side of Figure 2 illustrates the resulting game state after White plays f6 (which flips d6 and e6 into black).
Figure 2
As another example of Flips, in the left side of Figure 3, the valid White moves are shown as red cells. After placing a new White piece at d3, all captured pieces are shown as blue cells in Figure 3 (middle). Then as shown in the right side of Figure 3, Black can use her own turn to flip some white pieces back by playing b6.
Figure 3
Pass Move and End Game If one player cannot make a valid move, she must play a pass move, which makes no change on the board, and the game goes to the other player’s turn. A player cannot pass when she has at least one valid move. When neither player can make a valid move, the game ends. This occurs when the grid has filled up or when neither player can legally place a piece in any of the remaining cells.
Your Task In this assignment, you will implement the Alpha-Beta algorithm (Figure 5.7, AIMA 3rd edition) to determine the depth-bounded minimax values of given game positions. Your program will take the input from the file input.txt, and print out its output to the file
output.txt. Each input of your program contains a game position (including the board state and the player to move) and a search cut-off depth D, and your program should output the corresponding information after running an Alpha-Beta search of depth D. That is, the leaf nodes of the corresponding game tree should be either a game position after exactly D moves (alternating between Black and White) or an end-game position after less than D moves. A leaf node is evaluated by the following evaluation function: Evaluation function: positional weights In this evaluation function, each cell 𝑖 of the board has a certain strategic value 𝑊 𝑖. For example, the corners have higher strategic values than other cells. The map of the cell values is shown in the left side of Figure 4.
Figure 4
Given these “weights”, the evaluation function of a given game position 𝑠 (with respect to a specific player) can be computed by
𝐸(𝑠) = ∑ 𝑊 𝑖 − ∑ 𝑊 𝑗𝑗 ∈{𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡′𝑠 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑠}𝑖 ∈{𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟′𝑠 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑠}
For example, the game position in the right side of Figure 4 is evaluated, with respect to Black, as E(s) = (4+0+0+0) - (0) = 4; while it is evaluated with respect to White as E(s) = (0) - (4+0+0+0) = -4.
Note: The leaf-node values are always calculated by this evaluation function, even though it is an end-game position. Although this may not be a good estimation for the end-game nodes (and is a deviation from the “official” Reversi rules), you should comply with this rule for simplicity (so that you do not need to worry about possible ordering complications between terminal utility values and evaluation values at non-terminal nodes). Tie breaking and expansion order Ties between the legal moves are broken by handling the moves in positional order as shown in the right side of Figure 5 (that is, first favor cells in upper rows, and in the
same row favoring cells in the left side). For example, if you need to expand the moves in the position of Figure 5 (left), you should expand them in the order of d3, c4, f5, e6.
Figure 5
File Formats
Input format:
<player to move
<search cut-off depth
<current board status
where the board status is denoted by * as blank cell, X as black piece, and O as white piece.
Output format:
<next state
<traverse log
where the traverse log requires 5 columns. Each column is separated by “,”. The five columns are node, depth, minimax value, alpha, beta.
Example Test Case
As an example, the following input instance asks to compute a depth-2 alpha-beta search from the starting game position:
******** ******** ******** ***OX*** ***XO*** ******** ******** ********
and the corresponding output should be:
******** ******** ***X**** ***XX*** ***XO*** ******** ******** ********
Node,Depth,Value,Alpha,Beta root,0,-Infinity,-Infinity,Infinity d3,1,Infinity,-Infinity,Infinity c3,2,-3,-Infinity,Infinity d3,1,-3,-Infinity,-3 e3,2,0,-Infinity,-3 d3,1,-3,-Infinity,-3 c5,2,0.0,-Infinity,-3 d3,1,-3,-Infinity,-3 root,0,-3,-3,Infinity c4,1,Infinity,-3,Infinity c3,2,-3,-3,Infinity c4,1,-3,-3,-3 root,0,-3,-3,Infinity f5,1,Infinity,-3,Infinity f4,2,0,-3,Infinity f5,1,0,-3,0 d6,2,0,-3,0 f5,1,0,-3,0 f6,2,-3,-3,0 f5,1,-3,-3,-3 root,0,-3,-3,Infinity e6,1,Infinity,-3,Infinity f4,2,0,-3,Infinity e6,1,0,-3,0 d6,2,0,-3,0 e6,1,0,-3,0 f6,2,-3,-3,0 e6,1,-3,-3,-3 root,0,-3,-3,Infinity

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