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Programming 4- Drainage

Water Drainage
You decide to give up computer science, and instead go into
environmental engineering. Luckily, your computer science
skills will come in handy! Your first job is to deal with
modeling the water run-off – or drainage – in a basin area.
Given a representation of the area to model, your task is
to determine how far the water will flow.
The land will be represented by height map, which is a
two-dimensional grid of heights. Each grid will have r rows
and c columns. Each grid location – or grid cell – will have
an integer height elevation. Because you will be dealing
with multiple grids, each one will have a title as well.
Your task is to figure out the longest sequence of grid locations that water can flow between. Water will flow from
a higher elevation to a lower elevation. For the purposes of
this problem, water will never flow from a given elevation
to the same elevation, nor will it flow uphill. Futhermore,
water can only flow from one grid cell to an adjacent cell
(adjacent cells are above, below, left, and right; not diagonal!).
As an example, consider the following 5x5 grid. Note
that the input in this example is justified to help illustrate
the grid; there will only be one space between heights in the actual input.
66 78 41 3 77
4 90 41 8 68
12 11 29 24 53
0 51 58 9 28
97 99 96 58 92
There are many such valid drainage paths in this grid. One starts in the second cell of the second row,
and flows from 90-78-41-3. Note that 90-41-41-3 is not a valid drainage flow, as water is not always flowing
downhill (41-41 is not downhill). The longest drainage path in this example is of length 7, and flows from
the 99 in the bottom row to the 3 in the top row; the full path is 99-96-58-29-24-8-3.
You could try to solve this problem using top-down recursion or with a brute-force solution, but the
running time will be too long. So for this homework, you must use one of the approaches we’ve studied
in this unit: recursion with memoization, or bottom-up dynamic programming. Think carefully about the
problem and decide which approach is the better choice.
The first line of the input will be the number of test cases. There will not be more than 100 test cases
Each test case will start with three values space-separated on a single line: the title string of the test
case (all letters and numbers; no punctuation or whitespace) followed by r and c, the number of rows and
columns, respectively. The following r lines will contain c numbers each, defining the heights of the grid.
Both r and c will be positive integers not greater than 100. Each number in the grid itself will be an
integer height ranging from 0 to 100.
For each test case, your output should contain a single line that contains the test case title, a colon, a
space, and the length of the longest drainage run.
Sample Input
Charlottesville 5 5
66 78 41 3 77
4 90 41 8 68
12 11 29 24 53
0 51 58 9 28
97 99 96 58 92
Richmond 3 3
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
WashingtonDC 5 5
10 81 28 2 49
64 59 61 85 82
77 14 81 6 76
37 86 99 11 92
85 95 78 13 57
Wintergreen 5 5
1 2 3 4 5
10 9 8 7 6
11 12 13 14 15
20 19 18 17 16
21 22 23 24 25
Sample Output
Charlottesville: 7
Richmond: 1
WashingtonDC: 5
Wintergreen: 25

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