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Generalised Linear Models Computer Lab 1

MATH38172 Generalised Linear Models
Computer Lab 1
We will use the following software:
• R – a fully-featured statistical programming language (
• RStudio – a development environment for R, which organizes R nicely and makes it more efficient to
work with (
Both programs are available on the workstations in the Alan Turing Cluster and can also be downloaded free
of charge on your own computer.
Instructions: work through the explanatory content below and attempt the excercises when ready. The
explanatory material gives many R commands. Make sure you type these in to the console manually to check
you can get them to work. It is a good idea to save your work in an R script file.
Importing and exploring data
To download the data file beetle.csv from Blackboard:
• navigate to this week’s folder and find the item Datasets for Lab
• right click on beetle.csv, and select ‘Download linked file as. . . ’ / ‘Save linked file as. . . ’ / ‘Save
target as. . . ’ (depending on your browser)
• choose an appropriate location to save the file.
Importing data
To import the data in RStudio, use the menu option below (see left figure below):
This allows us to browse to the appropriate data file on the hard drive, or use a web address. If using the
computers in the Alan Turing cluster, make sure to access files through ‘Computer’ rather than ‘Libraries’
(see right figure above), as the latter will not work.
Once we have chosen a file, a menu appears which allows us to select the appropriate file format. E.g. below
we select Heading = ‘yes’ so that R reads the variable names from the data.
Clicking ‘Import’ puts the data in a data frame called beetle. We can inspect the structure of the data
frame using
## 'data.frame': 8 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ logdose : num 1.69 1.72 1.76 1.78 1.81 ...
## $ exposed : int 59 60 62 56 63 59 62 60
## $ affected: int 6 13 18 28 52 53 61 60
This shows the names of the different variables and their types, e.g. logdose is numeric, while exposed and
affected are integers.
Regression for Binomial data
We will use R to fit a simple logistic regression model to the beetle data, with log10 xi as the explanatory
variable i.e.
miYi ∼ Bi(mi
, µi)
1 − µi

= ηi = β0 + β1 log10 xi
• xi denotes the ith dose
• mi denotes the number of beetles exposed to the ith dose
• Yi denotes the proportion of beetles that are affected at dose xi
• miYi
is the total number of beetles affected at dose xi
Computing the response
First note that we can compute the response Y as follows
y <- beetle$affected / beetle$exposed
## [1] 0.1016949 0.2166667 0.2903226 0.5000000 0.8253968 0.8983051 0.9838710
## [8] 1.0000000
Note that for vectors a, b, a/b performs elementwise division, i.e. the ith element of a/b is |a[i]|/|b[i]|.
Fitting the model
Now to fit the model use the glm function as follows:
fit1 <- glm(y~logdose, family=binomial, weights=exposed, data=beetle)
• fit1 <- tells R to store the model fit in an object called fit1 (you can use any name, so long as it is
not already taken)
• the formula y~logdose tells R to fit a model with response y (the proportion of affected beetles) using
logdose as an explanatory variable.
Note that you do not need to explicitly specify the intercept or the parameters in the formula: R will
include them automatically.
• family=binomial tells R to use a binomial response distribution – R will then automatically fit a
logistic regression model.
• weights=exposed tells R that the numbers of binomial trials for each observation are given in the
vector exposed.
• data=beetle tells R to look for the vector logdose in the data frame beetle.
Multiple explanatory variables
If we had multiple explanatory variables, say x1 and x2 we could include these in the model by replacing the
formula y~logdose with y~x1+x2.
Inspecting the results
The coefficients can be extracted as follows:
## (Intercept) logdose
## -60.71745 34.27033
More detailed results can be inspected using the command summary(fit1). This gives the output shown
Alternative response specification
Another way of specifying the response is as a matrix where the first column gives the number of binomial
successes and the second column gives the number of binomial failures, e.g.
fit2 <- glm(cbind(affected, exposed-affected)~logdose, family=binomial, data=beetle)
In this case the argument weights is not needed.
Note that the cbind command used above joins two vectors together as columns to create a matrix, e.g.
a <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
b <- rep(7,6)
## [1] 7 7 7 7 7 7
## a b
## [1,] 1 7
## [2,] 2 7
## [3,] 3 7
## [4,] 4 7
## [5,] 5 7
## [6,] 6 7
An alternative way of specifying the vector a is a <- 1:6.
Exercises part 1
1 For the beetle data, check that the two different ways of specifying the response variable give the same
2 The file orings.csv contains the Challenger data.
a) Import the data into R and inspect them.
b) Fit a simple logistic regression model for the probability of O-ring failure using temperature as the
explanatory variable. Try both ways of specifying the response.
c) Check that the results from both ways agree with each other and with what was given in lectures.
3 (Credit risk example). The file SBA.csv contains data about loans made to 2102 small businesses in the
USA. The file contains four variables:
• Default – whether the business defaulted on the loan (1 – default; 0 – did not default)
• Portion – the proportion of the loan gross amount that is guaranteed to the bank by the US Small
Business Administration (SBA) (a real number in (0,1))
• Recession – whether the loan was active during the Great Recession (December 2007 to June 2009) (1–
active; 0 – not active)
• RealEstate – whether the loan is backed by real estate (1 – backed by real estate; 0 – not backed by
real estate)
a) Fit a logistic regression model to predict the probability of loan default using Portion, Recession, and
RealEstate as explanatory variables.
b) Interpret the parameters of this model.
c) A small business applies to the bank for a loan with no SBA guarantee, and no real estate backing.
What is the estimated probability that they default on the loan?
Poisson regression
Recall that the simple Poisson regression model (with a log link) is
Yi ∼ Po(µi)
log(µi) = β0 + β1xi
This model can be fitted using glm(y~x,family=poisson,data=dataset). Note that the argument weights
is not needed here.
Exercises part 2
4 The data nminer.csv contains the Noisy miner data.
i) Import the data into R and inspect them.
ii) Fit a Poisson regression model and verify that your results agree with what was given in lectures.
Fitting linear models
To fit a linear model
Y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 +   ∼ N(0, σ2
use the R command
model1 <- lm(y~x1+x2)
(assuming the data are stored in R vectors y, x1, x2 – they may have different names in R). Similar to the
glm command, to inspect the fitted model use summary(model1).
Qualitative explanatory variables
It is straightforward to include a qualitative/categorical variable as an explanatory variable in all of the above
models. If the variable is stored as a character type – e.g. letters or text strings for the different levels – then
R will automatically create appropriate dummy variables.
If the levels of the categorical variable are coded numerically, then it should first be converted to a factor
type (e.g lm(y~factor(x))). E.g. if we have a numerical vector
a<- c(1,1,2,2)
## [1] 1 1 2 2
this can be converted to a categorical variable with two levels:
## [1] 1 1 2 2
## Levels: 1 2
Exercises part 3
5 The file chemistry.csv contains data on reagent concentration (x) and product yield (Y ) for 15 different
runs of an experiment. We wish to fit the quadratic model
Y = α + βx + γx2 +  .
i) Import the data, create a new variable z=chemistry$xˆ2 and fit the above model using lm().
ii) What model is fitted if you use the command lm(y~x+xˆ2,data=chemistry)? What model is fitted if
you use the command lm(y~x+I(xˆ2),data=chemistry)?
6 The file fertilizers1.txt contains experimental data on plant heights for ten different types of fertilizer,
with the fertilizers coded as A, B, . . ., J. The file fertilizers2.txt contain the same data but with the
data coded as 1, 2, . . ., 10.
i) Import both datasets and inspect their structure.
ii) For each of the two datasets, fit a linear model to predict the plant height from the fertilizer. Write
down the fitted models and interpret the parameters.
iii) Why aren’t the results the same for the two datasets? How can we make them the same?

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