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Generalised Linear Models Computer Lab 3

MATH38172 Generalised Linear Models
Computer Lab 3
Fitting GLMs with various response distributions
Recall that the assumptions of a GLM are that
indep ∼ F(θi
, φ/wi) F an exponential dispersion family
µi = E(Yi) µ the expected response
g(µi) = ηi g the link function
ηi = β1x1 + . . . + βpxp η the linear predictor
We have already seen how to fit two types of GLM using the glm command: Poisson response models with a
log link (using family=poisson), and Binomial response models with a logit link (using family=binomial).
More generally, we can fit models with other response distribution families, e.g.
• glm(y~x, family=Gamma) for a Gamma GLM
• glm(y~x, family=inverse.gaussian) for an inverse Gaussian response
The gamma and inverse-Gaussian distributions are commonly used to model positive continuous responses.
They may be appropriate if the variance increases with the mean, since V (µ) = µ
for the Gamma distribution
and V (µ) = µ
for the inverse-Gaussian.
By default, R uses the canonical link function, or a scalar multiple, e.g.:
Family Canonical link Equation R link
Binomial proportion logit g(µ) = log µ
Poisson log g(µ) = log µ
Gamma reciprocal g(µ) = −1/µ g(µ) = 1/µ
Inverse-Gaussian inverse-square g(µ) = −1/(2µ
) g(µ) = 1/µ2
Note that, for a gamma response, using R’s link rather than the true canonical link corresponds to multiplying
the βj by −1.
Different link functions can be specified using the link argument as follows:
• glm(y~x, family=binomial(link="probit"))
• glm(y~x, family=Gamma(link="log"))
• glm(y~x, family=Gamma(link="identity"))
For full details of options, see the R help file ?family
For Gamma responses, the canonical link has the problem that µ = 1/η is negative for some values of η. As
the expectation of a gamma distribution must be positive, this leads to constraints on the parameters and
explanatory variables. However, the log link does not suffer from this problem, as µ = g
(η) = e
is always
positive. As a result the log link is a common choice for the Gamma distribution.
Model comparison
Hypothesis tests
Recall that if we wish to compare two GLMs with the same response distribution but different (nested) linear
predictors, e.g.
Model A: η = β1x1 + · · · + βpA xpA
Model B: η = β1x1 + · · · + βpA xpA + · · · + βpB xpB
then this can be done by testing the null hypothesis H0 : Model A is correct versus H1 : Model B is correct.
Recall that for some exponential families (e.g. Binomial or Poisson) the dispersion parameter is known
(e.g. φ = 1). As we have seen in lectures, in this case, the fit of Model A and Model B can be compared using
a likelihood ratio test:
Reject H0 if L = 2{`B − `A} =
[D(µˆ A, y) − D(µˆ B, y)] > χ2
This can easily be done in R using the anova command.
Example For the Small Business Administration data (SBA.csv), compare the binary-response logistic
regression models with the following two linear predictors:
Model A: η ∼ Portion
Model B: η ∼ Portion + Recession + RealEstate
SBA <- read.csv("SBA.csv")
fitA <- glm(Default~Portion, family=binomial, data=SBA)
fitB <- update(fitA, ~.+ Recession +RealEstate)
Note the use of the update command to include additional variables in the linear predictor of Model A. Then
conduct the test:
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: Default ~ Portion
## Model 2: Default ~ Portion + Recession + RealEstate
## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 2100 2340.7
## 2 2098 2222.9 2 117.79 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
We see that the additional terms in the linear predictor significantly improve the model; the p-value of the
test is < 2.2 × 10−16, so we would reject H0 at any reasonable significance level.
It can sometimes be useful to directly access the deviance of a given model, and/or its residual degrees of
freedom n − p. This can be done via
deviance(fitA); df.residual(fitA)
## [1] 2340.664
## [1] 2100
For other families (e.g. Gamma/inverse-Gaussian), φ is unknown. As we have seen in lectures, in this case,
the fit of Model A and Model B can be compared using analysis of deviance, i.e.
Reject H0 if F =
[D(µˆ A, y) − D(µˆ B, y)]/(pB − pA)
> Fα;(pB−pA),(n−pB)
where φˆB is an estimate of φ computed using Model B, usually the Pearson estimate. Again this can be done
easily in R using the anova command in R.
Example For the house price data (Houses.csv), using a Gamma response GLM with price as the response
and identity link, compare the following two linear predictors:
Model A η ∼ size
Model B η ∼ size + new + size:new
Houses <- read.csv("Houses.csv")
fitA <- glm(price~size, family=Gamma(link="identity"), data=Houses)
fitB <- glm(price~size+new+new:size, family=Gamma(link="identity"), data=Houses)
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: price ~ size
## Model 2: price ~ size + new + new:size
## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance F Pr(>F)
## 1 98 11.283
## 2 96 10.563 2 0.72071 3.2698 0.04229 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Thus the inclusion of the main effect of new and the interaction term new:size significantly improves the
model at the 5% significance level.
Exercises 1
1. For the SBA data:
a. Assess whether inclusion of the Portion:RealEstate and Portion:Recession interactions significantly
improves Model B.
b. Interpret the resulting model.
c. Try fitting a model that includes the main effects and two-factor interactions between Portion,
RealEstate, and Recession. What do you notice about the parameter estimates?
d. Why does this happen? [Hint: tabulate the combinations of values of the variables Recession and
RealEstate that are present in the data using table(SBA$Recession, SBA$RealEstate)]
2. Suppose that n = 300 patients are treated, with m = 100 patients allocated to each of three treatments.
Each patient either recovers or not. The sample recovery rates are 87%, 83%, and 78%, for Treatments
A, B, and C respectively. Using R, assess if there is significant evidence at the 5% significance level
that the probability of recovery depends on which treatment is applied.
3. The file nambeware.csv contains data about items produced by Nambe Mills, a tableware manufacturer.
The following variables are included: Type (item type), Diam (item diameter), Time (item polishing and
grinding time) and Price (item price).
a. Plot item price versus diameter and explain why a Gamma GLM may be suitable.
b. Using Gamma GLMs with a log link, assess whether there is significant evidence that the item
price depends on the item type, adjusting for item diameter and polishing and grinding time.

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