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Generalised Linear Models Computer Lab 4

MATH38172 Generalised Linear Models
Computer Lab 4
Information criteria
Recall that non-nested models can be compared using information criteria, namely choosing the model that
AIC = −2`(θˆ) + 2p or BIC = −2`(θˆ) + p log n
These can be computed easily using the AIC and BIC functions.
For example, recall that for the housing data we fitted the following models:
Houses <- read.csv("Houses.csv")
fitA <- glm(price~size, family=Gamma(link="identity"), data=Houses)
fitB <- glm(price~size+new+new:size, family=Gamma(link="identity"), data=Houses)
We can compute the value of AIC and BIC as follows:
AIC(fitA); AIC(fitB)
## [1] 1050.655
## [1] 1047.935
BIC(fitA); BIC(fitB)
## [1] 1058.471
## [1] 1060.961
We find that under AIC, Model B is preferable. This agrees with the results of the hypothesis test. However,
under BIC, Model A is preferable. This is consistent with the general result that BIC tends to select a model
with fewer parameters.
Stepwise regression
In the lecture videos we saw how to perform stepwise selection in R using the step() function. Here we show
how perform finer control of the behaviour of step. First we simulate data from an inverse Gaussian GLM
with explanatory variables a and b and response variable y as follows:
a <- rep(c(-1,1), c(10,10))
b <- rep(c(-1,1),10)
eta <- 1 + 0.2*a + 0.001*b + 0.3*a*b
y <- rinvgauss(n=length(eta), mean=exp(eta), dispersion=0.01)
To perform backward selection we first fit a complex model, such as the model with the main effects of ‘a and
b and their interaction. Then we use step:
big <- glm(y~a*b, family=inverse.gaussian(link="log"))
step(big, direction="backward")
## Start: AIC=39.13
## y ~ a * b
## Df Deviance AIC
## <none> 0.22907 39.129
## - a:b 1 0.94476 89.002
## Call: glm(formula = y ~ a * b, family = inverse.gaussian(link = "log"))
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) a b a:b
## 1.04435 0.21166 0.04323 0.32663
## Degrees of Freedom: 19 Total (i.e. Null); 16 Residual
## Null Deviance: 1.291
## Residual Deviance: 0.2291 AIC: 39.13
Note that if the direction argument is omitted, R will by default perform stepwise regression, i.e. it will try
both adding and removing terms.
To perform forward selection we fit a simple model such as the model with intercept only, and use the scope
argument to define the potential regressors to be tried:
small <- glm(y~1, family=inverse.gaussian(link="log"))
step(small, scope=y~a*b, direction="forward")
## Start: AIC=67.71
## y ~ 1
## Df Deviance AIC
## + a 1 0.95517 64.705
## <none> 1.29109 67.713
## + b 1 1.21329 68.553
## Step: AIC=63.69
## y ~ a
## Df Deviance AIC
## <none> 0.95517 63.686
## + b 1 0.94476 65.478
## Call: glm(formula = y ~ a, family = inverse.gaussian(link = "log"))
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) a
## 1.0976 0.2253
## Degrees of Freedom: 19 Total (i.e. Null); 18 Residual
## Null Deviance: 1.291
## Residual Deviance: 0.9552 AIC: 63.69
Interestingly in this example the answer from forward and backward selection is different. Backward selection
identifies the model y~a*b as optimal, which forward selection identifies y~a as optimal. Checking the AIC
values, we see that in fact the first model is better. The reason for the difference is that, due to marginality,
forward selection cannot get to the model y~a*b without first moving to the model y~a+b. However this
model has a lower AIC than the model y~a. Hence forward selection becomes trapped in the ‘local optimum’
y~a and cannot reach the global optimum y~a*b. The moral of this story is that we should try a few different
methods, and report the best model found overall.
Note that we can make step use BIC rather than AIC via the option k=log(n), replacing n with the number
of observations.
Exercises 1
1. a) Recall that we fitted a Gamma response GLM to the Nambe Mills data in nambeware.csv with
Price as the response variable. Assess whether a log or identity link is best. Include all explanatory
variables in the model.
b) For the best of your models above, produce residual diagnostic plots to assess the validity of the
model assumptions and report your conclusions.
2. The German credit data is one of the few publically available credit scoring data sets. It is available
from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, and can be imported into R by running the code in
german_credit_data.R, available on Blackboard. The variable response codes whether the loan is
Bad (1) or Good (0).
a) Load the German credit data, and fit an additive logistic regression model to model how the
probability of a Bad loan depends on the various explanatory variables.
b) Use stepwise selection to select an appropriate subset of the explanatory variables. Compare the
answers using AIC and BIC.
c) Which model do you prefer? Why?
Validation of logistic regression models
ROC plots
Recall that the classification performance can be evaluated using a plot of the receiver operating characteristic
plot, which is a plot of the curve traced out by the true positive and false positive rates as the classification
threshold is varied.
To see how to plot ROC curves in R, first we simulate some data from a logistic regression model and fit a
GLM to the simulated data.
x <- runif(500)
nu <- -3 + 6*x
mu <- exp(nu)/(1+exp(nu))
y <- rbinom(500, 1, mu)
fit <- glm(y~x, family=binomial)
Now we use the pROC library to plot ROC curves. First we plot the ROC curve of the theoretical ideal
classifier, which predicts the observations perfeclty. Then we add the ROC curve of the fitted logistic
regression model and compute the area under the curve (AUC), which measures the overall classification
performance across a range of choices for the cutoff. The high value of 0.8593 indicates the model is doing a
good job of classification.
## Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.
## Attaching package: 'pROC'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## cov, smooth, var
# theoretical best classifier
ideal_roc <- roc(y,y)
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls < cases
# our model
model_roc <- roc(y, fitted(fit))
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls < cases
1.0 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
## Area under the curve: 0.8593
Probability calibration
Probablity calibration (i.e. goodness of fit) of a logistic regression can be assessed via a Hosmer-Lemeshow
test. This can be done using the R package generalhoslem. Below we use the example from the previous
## Loading required package: reshape
## Loading required package: MASS
logitgof(obs=y, exp=fitted(fit), g=10)
## Hosmer and Lemeshow test (binary model)
## data: y, fitted(fit)
## X-squared = 13.693, df = 8, p-value = 0.09013
As the p-value is 0.09, in this case there the null hypothesis that the model fits the data is retained at the 5%
significance level.
Note that the above function uses g − 2 degrees of freedom, which is the correct number if the same data
are used to both fit the model and test its goodness-of-fit. If you wish to use a holdout sample, you should
manually compare the test statistic from this function to a χ
(g) critical value as can be obtained from the
qchisq function.
Exercises 2
3. For the German credit data, assess the performance of your chosen model via the ROC curve and assess
goodness-of-fit. Report your conclusions.

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