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Assignment 2 Support vector machines

Assignment 2
 The main goal of this assignment is that students
obtain hands-on experience in using tools for support vector machines and apply them to real
problems. For this assignment, use your favorite software package or programming language.
Implementations of SVM in Matlab, Octave, Python, C/C++ and Java are available. Note that
you do not have to implement the SVM. You can use an existing implementation of SVM such
as LibSVM in Weka, Scikit, Matlab or Octave.
You will work with the 4 datasets given in Resources (clusterincluster, halfkernel, twogaussians
and twosprials).
1. Download a SVM toolbox from any of the sources cited in class (LibSVM or Scickit’s SVC
is recommended) and install it on your system.
2. Using the SVM tool you installed, run three different classifiers with the following kernels
and their parameters: (a) SVM-L: linear kernel; (b) SVM-P: polynomial kernel – degree 2;
(c) SVM-R: RBF. Note: you dot have to submit anything for this item, though you have to
make sure you use all these classifiers in item #3.
3. Run the three classifiers with default parameters on the 4 datasets using 10-fold cross
validation, obtaining, for each classifier, the averages of the five measures of efficiency seen
in class: PPV, NPV, specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, where class 1 corresponds to “positive”
and class 2 to “negative”.
4. Compare and comment on the performances you obtained for the three classifiers on the 4
datasets. Provide valid reasons for justifying why the classification is better for some kernels
than others on each particular dataset.
5. For SVM-R, plot the ROC curve and find the AUC for each dataset. Note: for constructing
the ROC curve, you can run SVM-R with different parameters. Eventually, you can apply
grid search to obtain the best parameters (not required for this assignment).
6. Compare and comment on the performance (both accuracy and AUC) of the classifiers.
1) A report in PDF that includes all the items as required:
a) The source from which the SVM tool was obtained, a brief description of the tool and
how it was used in your classifiers.
b) All measures of efficiency for each kernel (classifier) and each dataset.
c) Comparison and comments on measures of efficiency obtained for the different
classifiers, kernels, and parameter optimization.
d) The plots of the ROC curves.
e) Comparison and comments against the classification results.
2) The source code or screenshots that show how the classifiers were run.
Note: Missing explanations about your implementations will imply marks deducted!Upload a single Zip file that includes all the files to the Blackboard system no later than the
date/time specified as the deadline. Late submissions will be penalized with 10% per day for up
to 3 days – after the 3rd day, the mark will be zero.

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