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GPU Architectures Assignment 4

Spring 2018 ECE 8823/CS8803: GPU Architectures
Assignment 4

Purpose: The primary purpose of this assignment is for you to i) become familiar with the
micro-architecture of parallel processor, ii) learn about another parallel processor instruction set
architecture, and iii) extend the functionality of an parallel processor emulator codebase.
Target Machines: For this assignment you will use any Linux computer running gcc version 4.8
with C++ 11 support. You may use any of the available ECE public servers
( for building and running your code or your own
personal computer.
Implement the complete instruction set for the mini-harp parallel processor as described in the
next section. You could also refer to the Harp presentation for more information about the Harp
micro-architecture. An emulator for mini-harp parallel processor has been provided with partial
functionalities implemented and some sample programs compiled for the processor. Your goal is
to complete the emulator by implementing the remaining instructions described by the ISA. The
following should be completed:
1. General purpose register file
◦ Implement the class RegFile in regfile.h.
2. Warp execution stage
◦ Implement all remaining instructions defined in the ISA below (‘I’ column set to Y).
3. Performance counters
◦ getInstructionCount(): return the total number of executed instructions.
Execution elements are as follows:
1. Use the software infrastructure provided to you. The software consist of the mini-harp
emulator source code with Makefile.
2. The emulator takes as input the program binary and optional arguments for configuring
the emulator.
1. -r <regsize> : set the size of the register file
2. -w <warps> : set the number of warps
3. -t <threads> : set the number of threads per warp
4. -o <file> : write the console output into a file
5. -h : show command line usage
3. You have been provided three compiled programs for this assignment, together with their
corresponding assembly source to use a reference as how the instructions are used:
1. hello.bin : display Hello World! On a single-threaded warp
Spring 2018 ECE 8823/CS8803: GPU Architectures
2. sum.bin : parallel sum of 4 arrays on using multi-threaded warp
3. barrier.bin : parallel sum of 4 arrays on using 4 synchronized warps
4. The output generated from running the emulator against a program will be captured into a
file for validation.
5. Your programs will be tested on the PACE cluster with the following sequence of
◦ $ make
◦ $ ./miniharp <program> -o result.log -r <regsize> -t <threads> -w <warps>
6. You can change any part of the infrastructure provided to you, including the input
functions, data structures and makefiles.
7. Any additional files that must be included should be part of your submission.
8. You may not modify the build or execute commands used to run your program.
Mini-Harp Instruction Set Architecture
Machine Word:
 32-bit
Instruction Encoding:
 The most-significant bit is 1 if the instruction is predicated and 0 otherwise.
 A single predicate register @p0 is supported
 The next 6 bits are used for the opcode.
 Register operands are log 2 (#GPRs) bits long.
 Immediate fields are always the last field and occupy the remaining bits.
 Immediate fields are sign extended to the length of a machine word.
Assembly Language
It is RISC-like, and written destination register first (in this it differs from Unix assembly
syntax). Registers names are prefixed with the percent sign (%) and predicate register names
with the at symbol (@). Predicated instructions are prefixed with the predicate register name and
a question mark: e.g. @p0 ? addi %r7, %r1, #1
Instruction Set
Instruction Description I
nop No operation. N
Spring 2018 ECE 8823/CS8803: GPU Architectures
st %src0, %src1, #offset Store %src0 into memory address %src1 + #offset. Y
ld %dest, %src0, #offset Load memory value at address %src0 + #offset into %dest Y
ldi %dest, #imm Load immediate. Y
addi %dest, %src0, #imm Add immediate. Y
subi %dest, %src0, #imm Subtract immediate. Y
muli %dest, %src0, #imm Multiply immediate. Y
shli %dest, %src0, #imm Shift left immediate. Y
shri %dest, %src0, #imm Shift right immediate.
andi %dest, %src0, #imm Add immediate. Y
ori %dest, %src0, #imm Or immediate. Y
xori %dest, %src0, #imm Xor immediate. Y
add %dest, %src0, %src1 Add. Y
sub %dest, %src0, %src1 Subtract. Y
mul %dest, %src0, %src1 Multiply. Y
shl %dest, %src0, %src1 Shift left. Y
shr %dest, %src0, %src1 Shift right. Y
and %dest, %src0, %src1 And. Y
or %dest, %src0, %src1 Or. Y
xor %dest, %src0, %src1 Xor. Y
neg %dest, %src0, %src1 Two’s complement. Y
not %dest, %src0, %src1 Bitwise complement. Y
clone %src0 Copy all registers from active lane into specified %src0 lane.
Register %src0 holds the destination lane index.
e.g. If the register size per lane is 8, all 8 registers are copied.
bar %src0, %src1 Synchronize %src1 warps with barrier identifier %src0.
Register %src0 holds the barrier id (supported max value is
Spring 2018 ECE 8823/CS8803: GPU Architectures
3). Register %src1 holds the number of active warps that
should reach the barrier before execution resumes.
e.g. bar %r0 %r1 where %r0=1 and %r1=2 will insert a
barrier (#1) of size 2 to synchronize the first two active
wspawn %dest, %src0, %src1 Start new warp @ address %src0, copying %src1 into %dest N
jmpi #addr Jump to immediate (PC-relative). N
jmpr %src0 Jump indirect. N
jali %dest, #addr Jump and link immediate. N
jalr %dest, %src0 Jump and link indirect. N
Jalis %dest, %src0, #addr Jump and link immediate, spawning %src0 active lanes. N
jalrs %dest, %src0, %src1 Jump and link indirect, spawning %src0 active lanes. N
jmprt %addr Jump indirect, enable single lane 0. N
notp @dest, @src0 Inverse predicate value. N
rtop @dest, %src0 Set @dest if %src0 is nonzero. N
isneg @dest, %src0 Set @dest if %src0 is negative. N
iszero @dest, %src0 Set @dest if %src0 is zero. N
Halt Stop warp execution. N
Grading Guidelines
For your information here are the grading guidelines
 Program compile and executes without errors: 25 points
 Program executes hello.bin correctly: 25 points
 Program executes sum.bin correclty: 25 points
 Program executes barrier.bin correclty: 25 points
Submission Guidelines
All program submissions should be electronic. Submit a zip file with i) the complete software
Spring 2018 ECE 8823/CS8803: GPU Architectures
infrastructure including files that were not modified, and ii) the PDF file of the report. The zip
file should be named <last_name> Submissions must be time stamped by
midnight on the due date. Submissions will be via T-square.
Note: No late assignments will be graded. Remember, you are expected to make a passing
grade on the assignments to pass the course!

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