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Assignment 2 Table of decimal numbers

Introduction to Computer Programming II

1. (100 pts) Write a program to produce a table of decimal numbers and roman numerals from
1 to 1000. The romans used a special method of showing numbers based on the following
symbols I,V,X,L,C,D and M representing 1,5,10,50,100,500 and 1000 respectively.
There are a few rules for roman numerals
(a) To write a roman numeral each of the nonzero digits should be treated separately. For
example, to write 651=500+100+50+1, D=500,C=100,L=50,I=1, we have DCLI.
(b) The symbols I,X,C and M (symbols representing powers of 10) can be repeated at most
3 times in succession. D, L and V (symbols not representing powers of 10) can never be
(c) I can be subtracted from V and X only. X can be subtracted from L and C only. C
can be subtracted from D and M only. In other words, symbol representing 10x
be subtracted from symbol representing 5 ∗ 10x and 10 ∗ 10x
. V, L and D can never
be subtracted. In other words, symbols not representing powers of 10 can never be
Your program should produce a table of decimal numbers and corresponding roman numerals.
As a starting point find how a decimal number can be represented using numbers which has a
roman equivalent. Given a decimal number n find the values of a, b, c, d, e, f, g which satisfies
n = a ∗ 1000 + b ∗ 500 + c ∗ 100 + d ∗ 50 + e ∗ 10 + f ∗ 5 + g ∗ 1
This will give you a roman numeral representation which will be correct in most cases. For
example, 752 = 500 + 2 ∗ 100 + 50 + 2 ∗ 1 can be converted into DCCLII. Since we have
2*100 C repeats and since we have 2*1, I repeats. After that you can take care of the special
cases where a symbol appears 4 or more times or a nonrepeating symbol appears two or more
times. Your final program will have several if-else statements.
Sample output for this assignment is as follows
1 I
2 II
4 IV
5 V
6 VI
1000 M
Name your program assign2.c and leave a single space between a decimal number and the
roman numeral. You can save your output to a file using redirection. You can compare 2 files
using linux command diff as shown below to see which lines differ.
fox01 diff romans1.txt romans2.txt