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assignment 1 Linear regression

General instructions
1. The following languages are acceptable: Java, C/C++, Matlab, Python and R.
2. You can work in team of up to 3 people. Each team will only need to submit one copy of the source
code and report.
3. You need to submit your source code (self contained, well documented and with clear instruction for
how to run) and a report via TEACH. In your submission, please clearly indicate your team members’
4. Be sure to answer all the questions in your report. Your report should be typed, submitted in the pdf
format. You will be graded based on both your code as well as the report. In particular, the clarity
and quality of the report will be worth 10 points. So please write your report in clear and concise
manner. Clearly label your figures, legends, and tables.
1 Linear regression
Data You will use the Boston Housing dataset of the housing prices in Boston suburbs. The goal is to
predict the median value of housing of an area (in thousands) based on 13 attributes describing the area
(e.g., crime rate, accessibility etc). The file housing desc.txt describes the data. Data is divided into two
sets: (1) a training set housing train.txt for learning, and (2) a testing set housing test.txt for testing. Your
task is to implement linear regression and explore some variations with it on this data.
1. (10 pts) Load the training data into the corresponding X and Y matrices, where X stores the features
and Y stores the desired outputs. The rows of X and Y correspond to the examples and the columns
of X correspond to the features. Introduce the dummy variable to X by adding an extra column of
ones to X (You can make this extra column to be the first column. Changing the position of the added
column will only change the order of the learned weight and does not matter in practice. Compute
the optimal weight vector w using w = (XT X)
−1XT Y . Feel free to use existing numerical packages
to perform the computation. Report the learned weight vector.
2. (10 pts) Apply the learned weight vector to the training data and testing data respectively and compute
for each case the average squared error(ASE), which is the SSE normalized by the total number of
examples in the data. Report the training and testing ASEs.
3. (10 pts) Remove the dummy variable (the column of ones) from X, repeat 2 and 3. How does this
change influence the ASE on the training and testing data? Provide an explanation for this influence.
4. (20 pts) Modify the data by adding additional random features. You will do this to both training and
testing data. In particular, for each instance, generate d (consider d = 2, 4, 6, ...10, feel free to explore
more values) random features, by sampling from a standard normal distribution. For each d value,
apply linear regression to find the optimal weight vector and compute its resulting training and testing
ASEs. Plot the training and testing ASEs as a function of d. What trends do you observe for training
data and test data respectively? Do more features lead to better prediction performance at testing
stage? Provide an explanation to your observations.
2 Logistic regression with regularization
Data. For this part you will work with the USPS handwritten digit dataset and implement the logistic
regression classifier to differentiate digit 4 from digit 9. Each example is an image of digit 4 or 9, with 16
by 16 pixels. Treating the gray-scale value of each pixel as a feature (between 0 and 255), each example has
162 = 256 features. For each class, we have 700 training samples and 400 testing samples. You can view these
images collectively at, and
The data is in the csv format and each row corresponds to a hand-written digit (the first 256 columns) and
its label (last column, 0 for digit 4 and 1 for digit 9). You can use the MATLAB command imshow to view
the images. Say x is a row vector of 256 dimensions for a particular digit image, imshow(reshape(x,16,16))
allows you to see the image.
1. (20 pts) Implement the batch gradient descent algorithm to train a binary logistic regression classifier.
The behavior of Gradient descent can be strongly influenced by the learning rate. Experiment with
dierent learning rates, report your observation on the convergence behavior of the gradient descent
algorithm. For your implementation, you will need to decide a stopping condition. You might use a
xed number of iterations, the change of the objective value (when it ceases to be signicant) or the norm
of the gradient (when it is smaller than a small threshold). Note, if you observe an overow, then your
learning rate is too big, so you need to try smaller (e.g., divide by 2 or 10) learning rates. Once you
identify a suitable learning rate, rerun the training of the model from the beginning. For each gradient
descent iteration, plot the training accuracy and the testing accuracy of your model as a function of
the number of gradient descent iterations. What trend do you observe?
2. (10 pts) Logistic regression is typically used with regularization. Here we will explore L2 regularization,
which adding to the logistic regression objective an additional regularization term of the squared
Euclidean norm of the weight vector.
L(w) = Xn
l(g(wT x
), yi
) + 1
where the loss function l is the same as introduced in class (slide 7 of the logistic regression notes).
Find the gradient for this objective function and modify the batch gradient descent algorithm with
this new gradient. Provide the pseudo code for your modified algorithm.
3. (25 pts) Implement your derived algorithm, and experiment with different λ values (e.g., 10−3
, 10−2
, ..., 103
Report the training and testing accuracies achieved by the weight vectors learned with different λ values. Discuss your results in terms of the relationship between training/testing performance and the λ
Remark 1 Producing an image of weights may help you to interpreter the results.

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