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Assignment 3 Java classes and interfaces

 Assignment 3 – 100/100 points possible
The goal of this assignment is to gain basic Object-Oriented Programming experience working
with Java classes and interfaces.
For this assignment, you’ll implement a hierarchy of Java classes that share a common
interface. You’ll then be able to create a data structure using this interface type and populate it
with various instances of classes inheriting from the interface.
1. [10] Implement a new interface named AreaMeasurable with a single method named
getArea() which takes no arguments and returns a double.
2. [10] Implement a new class named Circle which implements AreaMeasurable. Provide a class
constructor which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 2D circle and implement the
getArea() method to return the area of the circle.
3. [10] Implement a new class named Rectangle which implements AreaMeasurable. Provide a
class constructor which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 2D rectangle and implement
the getArea() method to return the area of the rectangle.
4. [10] Implement a new class named Square which extends Rectangle. Provide a class
constructor which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 2D.
5. [10] Implement a new class named Sphere which implements AreaMeasurable. Provide a
class constructor which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 3D sphere and implement
the getArea() method to return the surface area of the sphere.
6. [10] Implement a new class named Box which implements AreaMeasurable. Provide a class
constructor which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 3D box and implement the
getArea() method to return the total surface area of the box.
7. [10] Implement a new class named Cube which extends Box. Provide a class constructor
which takes arguments appropriate for creating a 3D cube.
8. [30] Implement a new class named Main with a public static main() method and private static
nextRandomDouble() and calculateSum() methods:
• (10) The nextRandomDouble () method should simply return a double on the range (0.0,
1.0] (i.e., 0.0 exclusive to 1.0 inclusive). Hint: see java.util.Random nextDouble and
java.lang.Double MIN_VALUE.
• (10) The calculateSum () method should take an ArrayList of type AreaMeasurable as an
argument and return the sum of all areas in the list.• (10) The main() method will need to take a String[] as an argument (as usual). The
method should create an ArrayList of type AreaMeasurable and populate that list with
1000 random instances of your AreaMeasurable classes from parts 2-7 (i.e., 1-in-6
chance of creating an instance of the six classes). Each AreaMeasurable should be
created with random dimensions using the nextRandomDouble() method above. Finally
call the calculateSum() method and print the result.
Your output should look like:
circles: 180 rects: 168 squares: 148 spheres: 163 boxes: 163 cubes:
sum: 1587.7837804408477

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