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Assignment #2: Analysis of Recursive Algorithms

The aim of this assignment is to give you some practice analyzing runtime and proving correctness of recursive algorithms.
For each question, please write up detailed answers carefully. Make sure that you use notation and terminology correctly,
and that you explain and justify what you are doing. Marks will be deducted for incorrect or ambiguous use of notation and
terminology, and for making incorrect, unjusti?ed, ambiguous, or vague claims in your solutions. You should clearly cite any
sources or people you consult, other than the course notes, lecture materials, and tutorial exercises.
Your assignment must be typed to produce a PDF document A2.pdf (hand-written submissions are not acceptable).
You may work on the assignment in groups of 1, 2, or 3, and submit a single assignment for the entire group on MarkUs.
1. Consider the following recurrence relations:
S(n) = (
1; if n = 0
(S(n 1))2 + 2S(n 1) if n 0
Hint: let T(n) = S(n) + 1, and try to ?nd a closed form of T(n) ?rst.
S(n) =
0; if n = 0
1; if n = 1
S(n 2) + 2n 1 if n 1 and n is even
S(n 2) + 3n if n 1 and n is odd
For each recurrence relation, ?nd a closed from for S(n) and brie y describe how you get the closed form. Then prove
the closed form is correct. Based on the closed form, state a conjecture for f(n) such that S(n) 2 (f(n)), and prove
the bound is correct.
2. Assume S(n) is monotonic non-decreasing. We do not know the value of S(n) for every n 2 N except when n = 2k
some k 2 N, in which case S(n) = n log n + 3n 5. Show that S(n) 2 (n log n) for all n 0 2 N, not just special
Hints: you may need to use one of the following facts (or both, or none of them) in your proof:
(a) 8n 1 2 N; 9k 2 N, such that 2k1 ? n ? 2
(b) for functions f(n); g(n) : N ! R
+, if limn!1 f(n)=g(n) = 1, then f(n) 2 (g(n))
3. Consider the problem of ?nding the maximum sum of consecutive values in a sequence of integers. For example, the
maximum consecutive sum in 2; 5; 3; 1; 1; 4 is 3 + (1) + (1) + 4 = 5, and the maximum consecutive sum in
1; 2; 3 is 3. Let n be the number of integers in the sequence.
(a) Give a brute force algorithm that solves the problem with worst-case running time O(n
), and informally state
why your algorithm would have worst-case running time O(n
Consider a Divide & Conquer approach to this problem, based on the idea that, for any sequence, either the middle
element is included in the maximum consecutive sum, or it is not. Based on the idea above, consider how many
subproblems the original problem would be split into, and approximately how large each subproblem
(b) Give a recurrence T(n) that represents the worst-case running time for an algorithm based on this idea. If the
Master Theorem was applied to this algorithm, what would a and b be for T(n)?
(c) Give a D&C algorithm for this problem (i.e. write the pseudo-code), with worst-case runtime T(n) 2 (n log(n)).
(d) Prove that T(n) 2 (n log(n)).
Note: The optimal solution to this problem, which is not a D & C algorithm, should cost time (n) if the maximum
sum is calculated for sublists with constant length.
4. (a) Let T(n) denote the number of distinct ways that a postage of n cents, where n ? 4 and n is even, can be made by
4-cent and 6-cent stamps. For example, if n = 12, then we can use 3 4-cent stamps or 2 6-cent stamps, and there
are no other possible ways. So T(12) = 2. Give a recursive algorithm (i.e. write the pseudo-code) to compute
T(n) for n ? 4 and n is even. Brie y explain why the algorithm is correct but no formal proof is required.
(b) Now assume we have 10-cent stamps in addition to the previous 2 kinds. Find a recurrence relation, S(n), for the
number of distinct ways that a postage of n cents, where n ? 4 and n is even, can be made by 4-cent, 6-cent and
10-cent stamps.
(c) Without using a closed form, prove S(n) in part (b) is non-decreasing.
5. Proof of Correctness for iterative algorithms.
(a) Design an iterative closest pair algorithm for ?nding the closest pair of points in 2D.
Precondition: Input is a list of n ? 2 points in the form (xi
; yi), where xi
; yi 2 R
Postcondition: Return a closest pair of points. If more than one pair of points with the same smallest distance,
return any pair.
Note: full mark will be given to only algorithms with complexity O(n
) or better.
(b) Find complexity class of your algorithm in part (a) and brie y explain why.
(c) Prove the correctness of your algorithm. You should ?rst de?ne a loop invariant, and then prove the partial
correctness. Finally show that the algorithm will terminate.

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