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Homework 02: Transformations

Introduction to Visualization and Computer Graphics

Homework assignment No. 02

Task 2.1: Programming : Transformations 10 P + 5 BP
This is the first exercise of several in which you will be using Inviwo - an overview and the instructions for
installing it can be found on the course canvas page. When you run Inviwo and open File → Example Workspaces
→ DH2320Lab1 → Setup.inv you should see a window like in Fig. 1. The XYZ global coordinate system is
symbolized by the RGB axes in the ball in that order.
(a) The initial configuration is shown in Fig. 1. Transform all of the dice by modifying the parameters of
the World Transform Mesh processors so that the configuration shown in Fig. 2 is achieved. You may add
additional transformation processors if necessary.
(b) (Bonus Points: +5)
Transform the 6th die to obtain the configuration shown in Fig. 3
Task 2.2: Animation 10 P
Task 2.1(a) Modify the code of the processor Cube Animator (in inviwo-module-dd2320lab1) to animate the
6th cube, so that it rotates around the other cubes and at the same time performs a swirly motion as shown in
the video animation_exercise.mp4.
Figure 1: Initial Framework
Figure 2: Expected Output for 2.1(a)
Figure 3: Expected Output for 2.1(b)

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