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Homework 06. Strings

06. Strings
6.01. Write an implementation of:
- strlen;
- strcmp;
- strcat;
- strcpy.
6.02. Write a program that searches for start indexes of all
occurrences of a given substring in a given string.
6.03. Write the following program: You are given two strings
separated by a new line. Each string will consist of lower
case Latin characters ('a'-'z').
- In the first line print two space-separated integers,
representing the length of a and b respectively;
- In the second line print the string produced by
concatenating a and b;
- In the third line print two strings separated by a space,
a' and b'. a' and b' are the same as a and b, respectively,
except that their first characters are swapped;
6.04. Write a function that checks whether a given word is a
Example input Expected output
1 3
Jake and Jill and their friend have androids
and 5 14 36
Example input Expected output
4 2
ebcd af
Example input Expected output
civic 1
palindrome 0
kapak 1
6.05. Write a function with signature void revert(char*
text), which converts the given string as a parameter,
replacing all lowercase Latin alphabets with uppercase and
reverse. Do not use the built-in string library.
6.06. Write a program which reads a line containing integer
numbers, separated by spaces, and prints their sum. In
addition to the numbers, each line will contain one or more
words (sequences of English letters) – print those words on a
separate line, separated by spaces, after the sum, in the
order they were in the input.
6.07. Write a function which checks whether a string is а
substring in another string. If true, the functions must
return the index to the first position the substring is
located in the string, else return -1.
6.08. Write a program which changes each word in a text to
start with a capital letter (don’t bother with the exact
title-case rules about not capitalizing things like in, from,
etc.). Assume the first letter of a word is an English
alphabetical symbol preceded by a non-alphabetical symbol (so
in “we will--rock you”, “we”, “will”, “rock” and “you” are
all considered words which need to be capitalized).
6.09. Write a program which is given a line of text, another
line with a "find" string and another line with a "replace"
string. Any part of text which matches the "find" string
should be replaced with the "replace" string. Print the
resulting text on the console.
Example input Expected output
1 2 3 invalid 4 10
foo 2 bar baz -1 4 5
foo bar baz
0 HELLO 13 -5 ten 10 14 Noise 32
HELLO ten Noise
Example input Expected output
On the south Carpathian mountains, a tree is
On The South Carpathian Mountains, A Tree Is
Write a program which changes each word in Write A Program Which Changes Each Word In
6.10. Write a function which counts words in char* text. A
"word" is defined to be a single or a sequence of characters
different from ' ', '\t', '\n'. If the array of characters is
empty, the function must return -1.
6.11. Write a function which takes a string and prints out a
char histogram of that string. Each string will consist of
lower case Latin characters ('a'-'z').
NOTE: The order of the output is irrelevant. The only
importance is the histogram accuracy.
Example input Expected output
I am the night. Dark Night! No, not the knight
I am the day. Dark Night! No, not the kday
Example input Expected output
aaaabb a - 4
b - 2
r - 1
a - 1
n - 2
d - 1
o - 1
m - 1
e - 1
s - 2

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