09. Other tasks 9.01. Write a program which by given two days of any year computes the number of days between them. Hint: struct tm 9.02. Write a program which prints all subsets of a set. 9.03. Display on the console the characters of those elements of a text, which indexes fulfil at least one of the conditions: а) are powers of 2; b) are perfect squares; c) are Fibonacci's numbers. github.com/andy489 Member Type Meaning Range tm_sec int seconds after the minute 0-60* tm_min int minutes after the hour 0-59 tm_hour int hours since midnight 0-23 tm_mday int day of month 1-31 tm_mon int months since January 0-11 tm_year int years since 1900 tm_wday int days since Sunday 0-6 tm_yday int days since January 1 0-365 tm_isdst int Daylight Saving Time flag Conversion (function) Do asctime Convert tm structure to string ctime Convert time_t value to string