Homework 1 Writeup
In this homework we will look at several ways to implement a function, kth smallest.
Given an array and an integer k, the function should return the kth smallest element
in the array.
You will implement this function using 3 different methods:
1) mergesort
2) quickselect
3) min heaps
Your goal will be to correctly implement the methods mergesort() and quickselect(),
as well as a Heap class.
Note: Make sure you fully understand how each algorithm works before you
implement it! It is highly recommended to rewatch some of the example animations
of each algorithm, and that you read through and use the pseudocode from the notes
in your implementations to get the most out of this assignment!
Note 2: In general, we won't be testing for illegal inputs and actions throughout your
homeworks (null input, empty array, extracting from an empty heap, etc). While
this is important from a programming perspective, the main focus of these
homeworks will be on the algorithms themselves.
Part 1: Understanding
Your first goal is to read and understand the code that we've given you. There are 3
files in total:
1) KthSmallest. This is the main file of your homework. It contains 3 static methods,
which all return the kth smallest element of an array, using the 3 different
implementations that you will be writing. Read these functions carefully- we've
written for you how the functions that you'll be writing will be used to implement
2) Sorting. This file contains two static methods, mergeSort(CompareInt[] arr) and
quickSelect(int k, CompareInt[] arr). You will be implementing both of these
functions, which are used by KthSmallest. Using helper functions is highly
3) MinHeap. This file is used by your third implementation of the kthSmallest()
function. You will have to implement the minHeap's add() and extractMin()
Part 2: Mergesort
The first implementation of kthSmallest() uses mergesort. In the Sorting class,
implement the mergeSort(CompareInt[] arr) method. Don't forget to refer to the
slides for helpful pseudocode!
NOTE: Rather than finding the kth smallest element on an array of primitive ints,
you will be using the provided CompareInt class. The stubs in the homework that
we've provided for you all use this class: for example, you will see CompareInt[] as
the input array, rather than the usual int[].
You can treat CompareInts more or less as normal integers. The only major change
in your code will be how you compare two CompareInts. For example, rather than
writing a statement as follows:
int i;
int j;
if (i < j) {
} else if (i > j) {
} else {
//i == j
You will write the following:
CompareInt i;
CompareInt j;
if (i.compareTo(j) < 0) {
} else if (i.compareTo(j) > 0) {
} else {
//i and j have the same value
If you haven't seen the compareTo method before, you can find the javadocs for the
comparable interface here:
In general, i.compareTo(j) will return a negative number if i < j, a positive number if
i > j, and 0 if the two are equal.
Part 3: Quickselect
The second implementation uses quickselect. Also in the Sorting class, implement
the quickSelect(int k, CompareInt[] arr) method. A few tips:
-Remember to look at the pseudocode from the slides!
-Don't forget that arrays are 0-indexed. However, the int k is not (selecting k=1
means select the smallest element in the array).
Part 4: Heaps
The final implementation of kthSmallest() uses a minHeap. First, go back to
KthSmallest and reread the function that uses the min heap. Next, go to the
MinHeap class and take a look at the parts that we've already given to you:
minHeap(int n) - In this heap implementation, we've chosen to pass in the maximum
number of elements that our heap can contain. This will simplify your
implementation, as you don't have to worry about resizing the internal array that
we're storing the data in.
field variables:
CompareInt[] heap - We will be storing our heap internal in this array. There are a
few things to remember. To simplify the way we do indexing for our heap, we will
1-index our heap. This means that we'll use an array of size n+1, and ignore the 0th
element of the array (heap[0]). I.e. the first element to be inserted into the heap
should go into heap[1].
int size - We need to keep track of the number of elements in our heap. Notice that
this is completely different from heap.size (the "capacity", or maximum number of
elements that we can store in the heap).
Finally, you need to implement the minHeap's two main functions:
add(int val) - adds "val" to the heap. We've asked you to throw an
IllegalArgumentException() if the heap is already at maximum capacity (it already
has heap.size - 1 elements in it).
extractMin() - removes the smallest element from the heap. Some tips for both
-What should happen to size when we add/extract an element?
-don't forget to use helper functions here! swim() and sink() are used in the lecture
NOTE: This implementation of building the heap inserts each of the n elements one
by one into a heap, requiring O(nlgn) time. There is actually a better
implementation that can build a heap directly from an array in linear time (O(n)),
but it was not covered in the lecture recordings.