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Homework 1 Decision trees and random forests

Homework 1, 

Use a programming language or package where decision trees and random forests
can be trained and applied. Examples include Matlab, Python (scikit-learn package),
or R.
1. Using the training and test sets specified in the syllabus, perform the following tasks:
a) On the madelon dataset, train decision trees of maximum depth 1, 2, .... up to
12, for a total of 12 decision trees. If your package does not allow the max depth
as a parameter, train trees with 2
, 2
, ..., 2
12 nodes, again a total of 12 trees. Use
the trained trees to predict the class labels on the training and test sets, and obtain
the training and test misclassification errors. Plot on the same graph the training
and test misclassification errors vs tree depth (or log2 of nodes) as two separate
curves. Report in a table the minimum test error and the tree depth (number of
nodes or splits) for which the minimum was attained. (3 points)
b) Repeat point a) on the wilt dataset, with maximum tree depths d from 1 to 10
(i.e. 2
, ..., 2
10 nodes). (2 points)
c) On the madelon dataset, for each of k ∈ {3, 10, 30, 100, 300} train a random
forest with k trees where the split attribute at each node is chosen from a random
subset of ∼

500 features. Use the trained trees to predict the class labels on
the training and test sets, and obtain the training and test misclassification errors.
Plot on the same graph the training and test errors vs number of trees k as two
separate curves. Report the training and test misclassification errors in a table.
(3 points)
d) Repeat point c) on the madelon dataset where the split attribute at each node is
chosen from a random subset of ∼ ln(500) features. (1 point)
e) Repeat point c) on the madelon dataset where the split attribute at each node is
chosen from all 500 features. (1 point)

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