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Homework 1: Dependent Types

Homework 1: Dependent Types
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This homework is ungraded. Feel free to ask and answer questions via Canvas, but don't post
complete solutions.
Consider again the type Single from the slides and the function sum . We can rewrite sum making the
value on which the type depends an implicit parameter. (I call the function bsum to avoid naming
conflicts with the Idris predefined function sum .)
bsum : {b : Bool} -> Single b -> Nat
bsum {b = True}  x       = x
bsum {b = False} []      = 0
bsum {b = False} (x::xs) = x + bsum {b = False} xs
We can use sum as follows.
*Idris> bsum {b=True} 4
4 : Nat
*Idris> bsum {b=False} [3,4]
7 : Nat
We need to explicitly mention the value b in these examples since Idris can't reconstruct automatically
the Single types from the arguments. However, if we add value definitions to the Idris program with
corresponding type declarations, such as this:
xs : Single False
xs = [3,4]
we can apply sum without mentioning the implicit parameter.
*Idris> bsum xs
7 : Nat
Now consider the following dependent type definition for arbitrary tuple types.
Tuple : Nat -> Type
Tuple Z     = Nat
Tuple (S n) = (Nat,Tuple n)
Here are a few example values of that type.
t0 : Tuple 0
t0 = 2
t3 : Tuple 2
t3 = (2,3,4)
t4 : Tuple 3
t4 = (2,3,4,5)
(a) Define the function first that extracts the first component of an arbitrary tuple of type Tuple .
*Idris> first t3
2 : Nat
*Idris> first t4
2 : Nat
(b) Define the function lst that extracts the last component of an arbitrary tuple of type Tuple .
*Idris> lst t3
4 : Nat
*Idris> lst t4
5 : Nat
(c) Define the function project that extracts a specific component from an arbitrary tuple of type Tuple .
The function should have the following type.
project : Nat -> Tuple k -> Nat
Here some examples.
*Idris> project 1 t3
3 : Nat
*Idris> project 2 t3
4 : Nat
*Idris> project 0 t4
2 : Nat
Note: The definition of project requires four cases.

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