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Homework 1: Exploratory Data Analysis

CSE 351 - Introduction to Data Science 
Homework 1: Exploratory Data Analysis
This homework will investigate doing exploratory data analysis in iPython. The goal is to get you
fluent in working with the standard tools and techniques of exploratory data analysis, by working
with datasets where you have some basic sense of familiarity.
Data downloading
There are two datasets required for this homework. Please find them attached in blackboard
under “Assignment 1”. The first dataset is about criminal activity in the Washington, D.C. metro
area. The second dataset is regarding the unemployment rates in Washington D.C. based on
the Ward (Note: Washington, D.C. is geographically divided into 8 wards).
Python Installation
Instead of installing python and other tools manually, we suggest installing Anaconda, which is
a Python distribution with package and environment manager. It simplifies a lot of common
problems when installing tools for data science. More introduction can be found here.
Installation instructions can be found here.
If you are an expert of Python and data science, what you need to do is install some packages
relevant to data science. Packages that I believe you may use for this homework include:
● pandas
● numpy
● matplotlib
● seaborn
The packages above are very well documented and can be found online.
Another modern alternative is Google Colaboratory. This is another option for those who want to
run their Jupyter notebook remotely instead of installing the required packages locally.
Tasks(50 points)
1. Filter out your data to examine the violent crimes. For 4 fields of your choice(2 numerical
& 2 categorical), examine the distribution of the values, and explain any interesting
insight you get from this. How do the distributions on violent crimes compare to the
non-violent ones(show with visual analysis)? (10 points)
2. Often in Data Science, you won’t be able to find one dataset with all the information
required for your analyses. Instead, you will have to find datasets from multiple sources
and fuse them together yourself to proceed with your analytics. For this task, you are
required to combine both datasets given to you (HINT: Dataframes can be combined
using the pandas merge function).
a. Which “ward” reported the most criminal activity based on the data presented?
Justify with a plot. (3 points)
b. Which “ward” reported the highest average unemployment rates? (2 points)
c. For the ward from part b, plot the trends between the number of crimes occurring
in this ward along with the unemployment rate of this ward based on the years
chronologically present in the datasets. Note that you may have to clean the data
to exclude some years which may not have data for the entire year, as this will
skew your analysis. Explain your procedure and what you observed. (5 points)
3. XBLOCK and YBLOCK refer to the coordinates of where a certain crime has taken
a. For the year 2016, plot a scatter plot based on these coordinates, where the
points represent the crimes in that year, and the crimes are color coded based on
DISTRICT. You may have to handle missing values, explain how you handled
these rows. (5 points)
b. Plot a scatter plot for the same year as above, where the crimes are color coded
based on OFFENSE. Explain what you observed(HINT: Playing around with the
opacity of the points may help you make interesting observations. For seaborn,
this can be done using the “alpha” parameter). (5 points)
4. Make your best educated guess as to which time of the day was the most dangerous in
the D.C. area. Note that we are defining “danger” to be any violent crime for the purpose
of this question. Explain your inference with suitable plots. (5 points)
5. Create two plots(at least one unique plot not used above) of your own using the dataset
that you think reveals something very interesting. Explain what it is, and anything else
you learned. (10 points)
6. Visual Appeal and Layout - For all the tasks above, please include an explanation
wherever asked and make sure that your procedure is documented (suitable comments)
as well as you can. Don’t forget to label all plots and include legends wherever
necessary as this is key to making good visualizations! Ensure that the plots are visible
enough by playing with size parameters. Be sure to use appropriate color schemes
wherever possible to maximize the ease of understandability. Everything must be laid
out in a python notebook(.ipynb). (5 points)
1. For question 2, you may NOT merge the datasets manually. In a real world scenario,
datasets will be much larger and you’ll have to be familiar with the pandas
functionality(which is fairly straightforward).
2. If you are not familiar with Python and the mentioned libraries, this may take some time.
Please get started early!
3. This assignment must be done individually by every student. Your code will be checked
thoroughly to detect copying/plagiarism. Do your own work!
4. Please use Piazza to ask any questions.
5. Submit everything through Blackboard. You will need to upload:
1. The Jupyter notebook all your work is in (.ipynb file)
2. Python file (export the notebook as .py)
3. PDF (export the notebook as a pdf file)
These files should be named with the following format, where the italicized parts should
be replaced with the corresponding values:
1. cse351_hw1_lastname_firstname_sbuid.ipynb
3. cse351_hw1_lastname_firstname_sbuid.pdf
1. Installation instructions, courtesy of Professor Steven Skiena (CSE 519)

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