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Homework 1 Implementing a decision tree learner

# Homework 1

In this question you will be implementing a decision tree learner. You will experiment with
the decision tree hyperparameters using cross-validation.

There is a secret computer science conference that only a selected group of computer
scientists will be invited. Fortunately, we have a secret agent that has access to the guest
list. But, she only has part of it. The accessible name list is in the Dataset/
file. Your job is to use this training data to learn a decision tree classifier that can predict
if the names in the Dataset/ file will be invited to the secret conference. We
suggest some features for the dataset, but you need to extract the features yourself. You are
also welcome to add your own features.

You may use any programming language for your implementation. However, the graders
should be able to execute your code on the CADE machines.

## Cross-Validation
The depth of the tree is a hyper-parameter to the decision tree algorithm that helps reduce
overfitting. You will see later in the semester that many machine learning algorithm (SVM,
logistic-regression etc) have some hyper-parameters as their input. One way to determine a
proper value for the hyper-parameter is to use a technique called cross-validation.

As usual we have a training set and a test set. Our goal is to discover good hyperparameters
using the training set. To do so, you can put aside some of the training data
aside, and when training is finished, you can test the resulting classifier on the held out data.
This allows you to get an idea of how well the particular choice of hyper-parameters does.
However, since you did not train on your whole dataset you may have introduced a statistical
bias in the classifier. To correct for this, you will need to train many classifiers with different
subsets of the training data removed and average out the accuracy across these trials.

For problems with small data sets, a popular method is the leave-one-out approach. For
each example, a classifier is trained on the rest of the data and the chosen example is then
evaluated. The performance of the classifier is the average accuracy on all the examples.
The downside to this method is for a data set with n examples you must train n different
classifiers. Of course, this is not practical for the data set you will use in this problem, so
you will hold out subsets of the data many times instead.

Specifically, for this problem, you should implement k-fold cross validation. The general
approach for k-fold cross validation is the following: Suppose you want to evaluate how good
a particular hyper-parameter is. You split the training data into k parts. Now, you will
train your model on k 1 parts with the chosen hyper-parameter and evaluate the trained
model on the remaining part. You should repeat this k times, choosing a different part for
evaluation each time. This will give you k values of accuracy. Their average cross-validation
accuracy gives you an idea of how good this choice of the hyper-parameter is. To find the
best value of the hyper-parameter, you will need to repeat this procedure for different choices
of the hyper-parameter. Once you find the best value of the hyper-parameter, use the value
to retrain you classifier using the entire training set.

1. [25 points] *Implementation*
For this problem, your will be using the data in Dataset folder. This folder contains
two files: and You will train your algorithm on the training
file. Remember that you should not look at or use your testing file until your training
is complete.
    a [8 points] Implement the decision tree data structure and the ID3 algorithm for
your decision tree (Remember that the decision tree need not be a binary tree!).
For debugging your implementation, you can use the previous toy examples like
the alien data from Table 1. Discuss what approaches or choices you had to make
during this implementation.

    b [4 points] Suggest at least 4 other features you could have extracted from this

    c [2 points] Report the error of your decision tree on the Dataset/

    d [5 points] Report the error of your decision tree on the Dataset/ file.

    e [1 points] Report the maximum depth of your decision tree.

2. [20 points] *Limiting Depth*
In this section, you will be using 4-fold cross-validation in order to limit the depth of
your decision tree, effectively pruning the tree to avoid overfitting. You will be using
the 4 cross-validation files for this section, titled Dataset/CVSplits/training
where X is a number between 0 and 4 (inclusive)

    a [10 points] Run 4-fold cross-validation using the specified files. Experiment with
depths in the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20}, reporting the cross-validation accuracy
and standard deviation for each depth. Explicity specify which depth should be
chosen as the best, and explain why.

    b [5 points] Using the depth with the greatest cross-validation accuracy from your
experiments: train your decision tree on the Dataset/ file. Report
the accuracy of your decision tree on the Dataset/ file.
    c [5 points] Discuss the performance of the depth limited tree as compared to the
full decision tree. Do you think limiting depth is a good idea? Why?

## Experiment Submission Guidelines

1. The report should detail your experiments. For each step, explain in no more than a
paragraph or so how your implementation works. You may provide the results for the
final step as a table or a graph.
2. Your code should run on the CADE machines. You should include a shell script,, that will execute your code in the CADE environment. Your code should
produce similar output to what you include in your report.
You are responsible for ensuring that the grader can execute the code using only the
included script. If you are using an esoteric programming language, you should make
sure that its runtime is available on CADE.
3. Please do not hand in binary files! We will not grade binary submissions

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