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Homework 1 Ray Framework and Intel R AI DevCloud

CS533 - Homework 1
Ray Framework and Intel R AI DevCloud

1 Preliminaries
To work on this assignment, you need to have a DevCloud account. You can
register through this link. Once your account is activated, you will receive an
email with a link to your account as well as the information on how to setup
your account, connect to DevCloud through Terminal, upload files and run jobs.
You should go over these information to be able to do the rest of the homework.
2 Ray Framework Tutorial (75 points)
The objective of this section is to get you started with Ray Framework. You are
provided with a skeleton code ray This file contains explanation
on Ray framework. You should go over the file, read the comments and complete
the sections annotated as EXERCISE. To complete this part:
1. Copy ray to your home directory on DevCloud:
scp /path/to/local/file colfax:/path/to/remote/directory/.
2. Connect to DevCloud login node: ssh colfax
3. Connect to a compute node: qsub -I -lselect=1
4. Implement the exercises in ray
5. Test your code: python ray
The final implementation should execute successfully and pass all the assertions.
3 Evaluating The Performance of Ray (25 points)
The objective of this section is to measure the performance of Ray for a simple
parallel program. A python file named map is provided with this
homework. This program generates an array of size 8, increments each element
by one, computes the sum of the elements and finally outputs the running time
of the program. The only input of the program is the number of the CPUs
that it can use. In this part, you should run this program with different CPU
numbers (1, 2, 4, 8) and report the running time of the program. The running
time is printed to the output as total time: xxx.
4 Deliverables
You should submit a zip file containing 1) completed ray file, 2)
a graph of time against number of CPUs for map program (this can
be in png or jpeg format) .

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