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Homework 1: Search Artificial Intelligence

Homework 1: Search
Artificial Intelligence

For this assignment, students will implement search algorithms including Breadth
First Search, Depth First Search, and A* Search. They will apply these algorithms to a
variety of problems to examine the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm. Then
they will answer a set of questions about their observations, including both practical
and theoretical analysis of the algorithms involved.
1 Instructions
Please read the directions of this assignment carefully, and follow them. Failure to follow
directions will result in lost points. All work must be submitted through Blackboard and
before the due date to be considered for grading (baring extensions).
All portions of this assignment are to be completed by all students unless otherwise noted.
Requirements that are specific to students enrolled in 600.435 will be specified in the form
435 only: implement feature x. Students enrolled in 600.335 are not required to complete
these portions of the assignment, and will not receive extra credit for doing so. If you have
questions or concerns about any of the requirements, please contact the TA or the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are strongly encouraged to use the Java programming language for this assignment. The instructions below are written to allow for the use of other languages, but several
assignments will come with scaffolding (i.e. partial implementations of a problem solution)
in Java so that students do not have to implement certain things which would be timeconsuming and are unrelated to AI. If you wish to use a different language, please discuss
your plan with the instructor before beginning to work on your implementation.
1.1 Submission Contents
This homework consists of two parts, a programming portion and a written portion. The entire assignment should be submitted as a tarball through Blackboard. When extracted, your
tarball should produce the following directory structure. All your submitted work should be
in a top-level directory named ‘<lastname.<firstname/’, with your name inserted, all
lower case (for example, mitchell.ben/). That directory should contain the following subdirectories: src/, doc/, data/, output/, bin/, [include/], [lib/]. The directories
in brackets are optional; use them if appropriate for your implementation. The proper use
of these directories is described below.
src/ should contain all your source code
doc/ should contain all documentation and source for documentation (if applicable; eg.
*.tex files).
data/ should contain all data, problem instances, or other files that are read as input by
your program.
output/ should contain sample runs showing the behavior of your program.
bin/ should contain all binary executable files (it should be empty in your tarball; don’t
include binaries, just make sure they get put in bin/ when they get built).
[include/ ] should contain header files (eg. if you are using C/C++, you may wish to
have .h files in include/ and .c files in src/.
[lib/ ] should contain any libraries your code requires to link/run. You are not expected to
generate your own libraries (eg. libfoo.a) as a part of the assignment, though you may
do so if you wish. Any outside libraries used must by properly cited in your README.
The top level directory should also contain an ASCII text file named ‘README’. Your
README should contain your name, the name of the course, and the title of the assignment
(which is also the title of this document). It should include a listing of the files in your
submission, with a very brief description of what each file contains. It should describe the
structure and organization of your code, as well as describing in detail how to build and run
your program (ie. what arguments does it take/expect, what is the interface if the program
is interactive, how to make your program use a particular problem instance, etc.). It should
also list approximate runtimes for all the problem instances specified in the assignment.
Your README should also have a section entitled “Refelections” at the end, which
should contain a paragraph or two of text describing your thoughts about the assignment.
It should contain an estimate of how much time you spent on the assignment, along with
your thoughts about things like what parts you liked or didn’t like, what parts you found
particularly hard or easy, what you felt like you learned, or how you would change the
assignment if you were in charge of creating assignments for the class. You don’t have to
limit yourself to these things, nor do you need to discuss every single one of them for every
program; pick the ones that have interesting examples (but be sure to always include how
long the homework took you to complete).
The “sample program runs” in the output/ directory should be transcripts of your program’s output. It should be clear from the output which problem instance was used for a
given run. For most assignments, it should be sufficient to copy and paste the text from the
terminal in which you ran your program to a text editor. Alternatively, you may wish to
redirect stdout and/or stderr to a file.
1.2 Program Requirements
For the programming portion, all code must build and run on the ugrad linux machines, and
they must be buildable/runnable using command line tools. Where and how you develop are
up to you so long as the code you turn in satisfies these requirements. You should include
shell scripts called and that compile and run your program, respectively.
If you are using a language that does not require compilation, the script can
simply be a placeholder that does something like ‘echo "No compilation required"‘,
but it must still be included in your submission. These scripts should be in the top level
directory. If you are unfamiliar with shellscripting, there are many resources online, and you
are welcome as always to ask questions of the TA or the instructor. Additionally, you are
free to discuss scripting issues on the Blackboard discussion forum, where a topic has been
created specifically for this subject. These scripts are not considered to be a part of your
implementation of an algorithm, and therefore you may discuss them in any detail you wish,
including posting code or examples (if you are unsure if a given post is appropriate, send it
to the instructor or TA as a private message, and we will let you know).
Code will be graded based on style as well as correctness. You are expected to write
well documented, well structured, readable code. The industry best practices for the language you are using is a good reference. The exact specification of what is desirable
will depend on the language you are using, but in addition to good documentation, code
should have good modular design and be written in a way that makes reading and understanding what it is doing as easy as possible. For Java, you should follow the standard
code conventions (
codeconvtoc-136057.html). This includes proper use of packages and JavaDoc comments.
Code will also be graded based on efficiency of implementation. This does not mean
that you are expected to write heavily optimized systems-level code, but rather that your
implementations should be reasonably efficient. If your implementation of an O(n) algorithm
takes O(2n
) time to run, for example, it will be penalized as a poor implementation of that
algorithm. You will not be penalized for your language choice except to the extent that if
your program is unable to solve the given problems before the assignment is due, you will
be unable to get full credit for having completed those problems (since there is no way to
prove that the answer would have been correct, and you will be unable to answer the written
problems related to those solutions). Additionally, if you choose a language other than Java,
you will be unable to use any code which is provided with the assignment, and must write
the equivalent code in your language of choice yourself.
Any generated documentation related to code (eg. JavaDoc, doxygen, etc.) should be
located in your doc/ subdirectory, and described in your README.
1.3 Writeup Requirements
Your writeup document should be located in the doc/ subdirectory. It should be a PDF
document with 12 point, single spaced text. I encourage the use of LATEXto generate your
writeup, but any program is fine so long as you can generate a PDF. Any non-PDF files
in your doc/ directory (eg. MSWord files, LATEXsource files, etc.) will not be used in
grading, though their presence will not be counted against you. The reason for this is that
PDFs render and print the same way on all platforms, and can be read using free software.
Additionally, PDFs can be created using free software, so no financial burden is incured by
standardizing to this format.
Unless otherwise specified, each question should be answered in complete, well formed
English sentences.
Links to information about LATEXcan be found on the instructor’s website, http://cs. for those that are interested. Additionally, the LATEXsource for this
assignment will be provided on Blackboard, along with the other files required to build this
2 Programming Assignment
For this assignment, you will implement a basic search algorithm, and several different search
strategies that work with it. The strategies you are required to implement are Breadth
First Search (BFS), Depth First Search (DFS), and A* search. For A*, you must also
implement non-trivial admissible heuristics for the given problems. You may re-use the same
heuristic for multiple problem instances, but you are not required to do so.
435 only: 435 students must implement iterative deepening depth-first search and
bi-directional search as well.
You will be provided with a very basic scaffold for this assignment; it does not provide
any useful Java code, but does demonstrate proper directory structure, correct use of Java
packages, and an example of one way to create scripts to build and run your program.
Your program must be able to take as input the provided data files, the format of which
will be described in detail below. Your program should output a list of the actions along the
path from the start to the goal found by your search algorithm, along with the total cost of
that path, and the total number of nodes expanded during the search process. If there exists
no path to a goal, your program should output a message stating that instead of the path,
and a cost of infinity. It should still report the number of nodes expanded. A user should be
able to specify at runtime which search strategy should be used (command line arguments
are fine, or a text based UI; no GUI is expected).
The problems your program will be expected to solve will be instances of path planning
in a rectangular grid-world. Data files for the gridworld problems will be flat ASCII text
files. The first line will contain the width and the height of the world (or map), separated by
whitespace. The rest of the file will be a 2d representation of the map, with open squares (ie.
squares the agent may move into) represented by a period (‘.’) or a comma (‘,’), squares
with an obstacle (ie. squares the agent may not move into) represented by a pound symbol
(‘#’), the start state marked with an ‘s’, and the goal state marked with a ‘g’. The actions
that are available for this problem are movement in any of the 4 cardinal directions, subject
to the constraint that movement into a square with an obstacle is not allowed. Movement
into a square marked with a period has a cost of one (regardless of what type of square
you are moving from); movement into a square marked with a comma has a cost of two
(regardless of what type of square you are moving from). Moving into the start or the goal
state has a cost of one.
In the following very simple example, there is only one path to the goal, and it requires
taking 7 steps to the right.
10 3
3 Problem Instances
Note: these are verbal descriptions of problems that are formally specified in the data files
that are distributed with this assignment.
1. map1.txt A very small map with a straight corridor of width 1 connecting the start
and the goal.
2. map2.txt A slightly larger map with an inverted-L shaped corridor connecting the
start and the goal.
3. map3.txt A 10×10 map, this time the path to the goal is more complicated and there
are several wrong turns possible.
4. map4.txt A 12×12 map, with several loops an agent can get stuck in.
5. map5.txt A 10×10 map, this time of a more open environment rather than a narrowcorridor maze, and introducing different types of terrain.
6. map6.txt A 100×10000 map, with a completely open environment (no obstacles but
the edges of the map). The size of this map will help you test the ability of your search
strategies to scale well.
7. map7.txt A 10×10 map, but this time the goal is completely inaccessible. Success is
not possible, but failure modes are interesting properties of different search strategies.
8. map8.txt A 10×10 map, with two paths to the goal. One has fewer steps and is more
direct, but the other has a lower total path cost.
4 Written Questions
For questions 1 through 4, consider the following search problem. A robot is in the dining
room, when its owner asks it to go and get her a beer so she doesn’t have to get up from the
table. The program controlling the robot knows some information about the layout of the
house, and how to get from location to location, but needs to plan a path that will take it
from its current location (in the dining room) to the kitchen (where the fridge with the beer
Back Hall
Library Kitchen
Grand Ballroom
Half Bath
Living Room
Dining Room
Front Hall
The agent has this map of the house, and knows how to move between rooms. The
costs for moving between each pair of rooms with a door connecting them are listed in the
following table. The costs are the same for the reverse directions (ie. the cost of going from
A to B is the same as the cost of going from B to A), so only one direction is specified.
Living Room Dining Room 1
Living Room Front Hall 2
Living Room Half Bath 1
Front Hall Back Hall 2
Front Hall Grand Ballroom 1
Dining Room Grand Ballroom 2
Back Hall Grand Ballroom 1
Back Hall Library 1
Back Hall Kitchen 2
Library Kitchen 2
The relevant state consists of what room the agent is currently in. The start state is
the agent being in the dining room, and the goal is the agent being in the kitchen. The
actions available to the agent and their costs are defined by the above table. Assume that
the agent orders its node evaluations by starting a sweep at 12 o’clock and proceeding in a
counter-clockwise fashion, evaluating each doorway the sweep crosses in order.
1. Draw a graph of the state-space for this search problem. Be sure to include and label
all nodes with appropriate names and all edges with the correct weights. Note the total cost
of the path found.
2. Draw a graph of the search tree that will be created if the agent uses the Depth
First Seach strategy to solve this problem. Draw only nodes of the tree that will actually be
expanded in the course of the search. Note the total cost of the path found.
3. Draw a graph of the search tree that will be created if the agent uses the Breadth
First Search strategy to solve this problem. Draw only nodes of the tree that will actually
be expanded in the course of the search. Note the total cost of the path found.
4. Draw a graph of the search tree that will be created if the agent uses the Uniform
Cost Search strategy to solve this problem. Draw only nodes of the tree that will actually
be expanded in the course of the search. Note the total cost of the path found.
The following questions are based on your implementation for the
programming portion of the assignment:
5. With respect to your program implementation, create a table listing the number of
nodes expanded by each search algorithm for each of the gridworld problems, as well as the
approximate runtime (use the time command, and report user time), and the total cost of
the path to the goal that was found. Note that timing information is useful only for very
rough relative comparisons, and is not a useful metric for rigorous analysis. If your program
failed to find a solution, report how it failed. The table should look something like the
following, only with all the maps, and with the numbers filled in. Also note that students in
435 should include all the algorithhms they implemented.
BFS: nodes time cost DFS: nodes time cost A*: nodes time cost
Map 1 x y z x
0 y
0 x
00 y
00 z
Map 2 p q r p
0 p
00 q
00 r
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
6. Describe the A* heuristic you chose for the gridworld problems. Justify its admissibility and discuss its usefulness in solving these problems, in particular the later ones.
7. Give an example of a problem where basic BFS would succeed but basic DFS would
fail. Describe why this example would cause this behavior.
8. Give an example of a problem where basic DFS would succeed but basic BFS would
fail. Describe why this example would cause this behavior.
9. Give an example of a problem where A* will not show improved performance over
BFS. Describe why this example would cause this behavior.
10. For each of the following heuristics for the gridworld map problems (as specified in
the assignment), state whether the heuristic is admissible, and then whether it is useful (ie.
how good a job does it do of allowing us to expand as few nodes as possible before finding
the goal). Justify your response.
• h(n) = 2 for all n
• h(n) = 0 if n is the goal, 1 otherwise
• h(n) = Euclidean distance from current node to goal node
• h(n) = Twice the Euclidean distance from current node to goal node
• h(n) = Manhattan distance from current node to goal node
• h(n) = One half the Manhattan distance from current node to goal node
11. 435 only: answer the following question:
For long-distance path planning for aircraft, the Euclidean distance between the 3D
coordinates of two locations is not admissible. Discuss why this is the case, and give an
example of a better heuristic to use.

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