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Homework 1 – Skip lists

Homework 1 – Skip lists
ENSEA/FAME Computer Science

A skip list is a probabilistic data structure, invented in 1989 by William Pugh. It is used to represent
an ordered sequence. It can be thought as many layers of linked lists. The bottom layer is an ordinary
ordered linked list (see figure 1). Each higher layer acts as an express lane.
1 4 5 7 8 9 11 16
Figure 1: skippy the skip list
More precisely, a skip list is a collection of nodes. Each node contains a list of pointers, and all but
the first one have a label (in case of figure 1 an integer, but the labels can be of any ordered type). The
first node is called the head. The height of the skip list is the maximal number of pointers in a node.
Here is how we implement nodes.
class SkipListNode:
def __init__(self, label, height):
self.label = label = [None] * height
For example, the skip list in figure 1 contains 9 nodes. Here is our definition of a skip list.
class SkipList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = SkipListNode(None, 0)
When we instantiate a skip list, its head carries no information (it is a node of height 0 and its label is
List operations
Suppose we want to know if 13 belongs to our skip list skippy. We start in the topmost level of the head
(see figure 2). We go through the list in this level until we find node with the largest element that is
smaller than 13 (or until we reach None). We then go to the level below and search again for node with
the largest element that is smaller than 13, but this time we begin the search from the node we found in
the level before.
We repeat this process until we reach the bottom level. The node found in the bottom level will be
the largest element that is smaller than 13 in the whole list.
level 0
level 1
level 2
level 3
hd n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8
1 4 5 7 8 9 11 16
Figure 2: Finding a path towards 13 in skippy
Question 1. Write a method def findpath(self, label) in the class SkipList which returns a list
of nodes in each level that contains the greatest value that is smaller than label.
For example skippy.findpath(13) returns [n7, n6, n6, n1]. Also skippy.findpath(7) returns
[n4, n4, n4, n1] whereas skippy.findpath(0) returns [hd, hd, hd, hd].
Question 2. Write a method def mem(self, x) in the class SkipList which returns True is x is in
the skip list self, and False otherwise.
Question 3. Figure 3 shows the effect of deleting an element in a skip list. In the class SkipList, write
a method def delete(self, x) which deletes x in the skip list self. In case x does not belong to self,
this method has no effects on self.
1 4 5 7 8 11 16
Figure 3: Deleting 9 from skippy
To insert a node with value x in a skip list, we proceed roughly in the following way:
• we choose randomly an integer ` > 1, according to a geometric law of parameter 1/2, that is
P(` = 1) = 1/2, P(` = 2) = 1/4, and more generally P(` = n) = 1/2
• we insert a SkipListNode of label x and height `
• we connect this node with the other in the lists. In case where ` is greater than the height of the
skip list, we have to add pointers in the head node (see figure 4 for an example).
Question 4. Write the method def insert(self, x) in the class SkipList which inserts a node of
label x in self.
Question 5. Create a skip list containing the elements 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 16. Give the height of
this skip list.
1 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 16
Figure 4: Inserting 10 to skippy
Suppose we have a skip list with n + 1 nodes. We call Xi the height of each node. Recall that X0
is the height of the head, there, it is the height of the whole list. Moreover, X1, . . . , Xn are chosen
independently according to the geometric law of parameter 1/2.
∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, ∀k > 1, P(Xi = k) = 1
Question 6. Explain why X0 = max(X1, . . . , Xn).
Question 7. Let h be a positive integer. Show that
P(X0 6 h) = 
1 −
Question 8. Deduce that
P(X0 > C log2 n) ∼
Conclude that the height of a skip list is O(log2 n) with high probability.
Question 9. Show that the complexity of the method findpath is O(log2 n) with high probability.
Deduce from this result the complexities of insertion, deletion, and searching.

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