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Homework 10 – To the future!

COMP 598 Homework 10 – To the future!
10 pts

Hey everyone, this has been a wonderful semester! Next week we’ll spend time during lecture talking about
next steps in data science. But I’d like for you to spend some time doing that as well for this homework
Task 1: Data Science Careers (5 pts)
Look around the internet for data science-related job postings. Pick three that are appealing to you and write a
paragraph about why you’re interested in them (one paragraph for all three). Include a screen capture of each
job posting.
Task 2: Highs and Lows (5 pts)
This is the first time I’m offering this course … it’s the first official data science course offered at McGill, in
fact… thank you for being part of this first offering! I know that I’ll get feedback in the official course feedback
system, but I’d appreciate hearing from you on a couple specific points:
- What were the highlights of the class for you?
- What could have been done better? How?
- How did this course impact the future you see for yourself (if at all)?
o A couple of you have shared how this helped you in job interviews or land internships. I’d LOVE
to hear these anecdotes if you’re willing to share.
If you don’t feel comfortable answering any or all of these questions, I understand. So you can also simply put
“NA” as your answer to this task and get full points.
Submission Instructions
Your MyCourses submission must be a single pdf file entitled HW10_<studentid>.pdf. It should contain two
sections – one for Task 1 and one for Task 2.

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