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Homework 11 Full expressive power of Datalog

Homework 11

Part 1: Engage with the full expressive power of Datalog and it’s evaluation, (up to, but not including Magic Sets)
Part 2: Serializability.
We lost a week due to the extended Spring break. Practicing the details of Magic Set transformation is no small task
and esoteric. So I can’t, in good conscience and under the circumstances assign you to work through that in the
closing days of the semester.
However, more impactful, and originally planned, in part, to tie everything together at the end of the semester, was to
be an assignment to have you write and execute some queries on Cypher the query language of the leading graph
database company Neo4j. I am still working with Geetali and my research student to create such an assignment. My
intention is to make that assignment optional and allow you to turn it in any time before the end of May. So it won’t
impact your grade. What it will do is, if you do that assignment, you may put on your resume and otherwise represent
to a potential employer, that this class included, not just visibility oh graph query processing, but also an introduction
to Cypher, AND, you may use me as a job reference, and I will back you up that this was done in class.
Part 1:
Do the review problems in the lecture web site Datalog 2 Evaluation
(Hint: The lecture was taken from the Ramakrishnan and Gehrke text. You have access to both the text and the
solution manual for the problems in that text.)
Part 2:
Text problems:
• 17.4.1, 17.4.3 b, d, 17.4.4 (per 17.4.3 b only)
• 18.1.1 a, b, c, 18.2.4 a, b, d, 18.3.3 per b and d
Note: Per lecture, undo and redo logging are presented as pedagogical tools that enable insight into the sequential
dependecies among the operations of, RAM updates, data disk updates, log inserts and commit (What I called “the dance
steps”). These are not algorithms that have interesting merit for actual implementation. So, there are no homework
questions for those sections of the chapter, as
• To reduce the size of this homework
• Contemporary (cloud) databases support durability completely differently and, if they implement atomicity, they do
it using completey different methods. Just remember, if, sometime in the future you need to understand “the dance
steps”, you know where to look.

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