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Homework #2 ALU Solved

ECE 351- 
Homework #2

Source code should be structured and commented with meaningful variables. Include a header at the
top of each file listing the author and a description. You may use the following template:
// <filename>.sv - <one line description>
// Author: <your name> (<your email address>)
// Date: <date you created the code>
// Description:
// ------------
// <text description of what function the module performs>
Files to submit:
o (your model for problem 1)
o (your testbench for problem 1)
o results_hw2_prob1.txt (your transcript from a successful simulation of problem 1)
o (your model for problem 2)
o (your testbench for problem 2)
o results_hw2_prob2.txt (your transcript from a successful simulation of problem 2)
o (your model for the ALU)
o (your top level model including the ALU and register file)
o results_hw2_prob3.txt (your transcript from a successful simulation of problem 3)
Note: the name of the file should match the name of the module. The file should have a .sv extension for
a SystemVerilog source code file or package.
Create a single .zip or .rar file containing your source code files and transcripts showing that your
implementations simulates correctly. Name the file <yourname> (ex:
Acknowledgement: These problems are based on an exercises from Advanced Digital Design with
the Verilog HDL: 2e by Michael D. Ciletti, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd, 2017.
Modifications for SystemVerilog designed by Roy Kravitz, 2020.
Problem 1 (25 pts)
A. (5 pts) Write a SystemVerilog module that implements the schematic below using continuous
assignment(s). Note that there are no delays in the circuit.
The signature for this module is:
module hw2_prob1 (
input logic A, B, C, D,
output logic Y
B. (10 pts) Write a testbench to verify the functionality of your model. The testbench for this circuit
should set up a $monitor() statement in one initial block and generate all of the possible input
combinations with a #5 ns delay between changing the inputs.
C. (10 pts) Simulate your model and your testbench using ModelSim or QuestaSim to demonstrate
that your design is correct. Submit a transcript of a successful simulation
Problem 2 (25 pts)
A. (5 pts) Write a SystemVerilog model of the following circuit. Note that the buffer is a tri-state
buffer. Model the combinational logic using an always_comb block and the tri-state buffer using
continuous assign statement(s):
The name of your module should be hw2_prob2. You are the engineer for this project so we are
leaving the signature of the module to you. Note: the inputs are x_in1..x_in5. The tri-state output is
B. (10 pts) Write a testbench to verify the functionality of your model. The testbench for this circuit
should set up a $monitor() statement in one initial block and generate all of the possible input
combinations with a #5 ns delay between changing the inputs. Be sure to check that y_out is ‘z
whenever enable = 0. Hint: Declare y_out as a tri s that it is capable of be driven by more than one
C. (10 pts) Simulate your model and your testbench using ModelSim or QuestaSim to demonstrate
that your design is correct. Submit a transcript of a successful simulation.
Problem 3 (50 pts)
For this homework problem we are going to create a SystemVerilog model for a simple digital system
the includes an ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) with inputs taken from a 32 entry x 16 bit wide Register File
and the results written back to the Register file. A block diagram of the system is shown below:
Register File
` Opcode[2:0]
Write_enable Write_enable `

A. (20 pts) Write a SystemVerilog module that implements an 8-bit ALU. The ALU is a block of
combinational logic that implements the following functionality (ex: ADD Opcode = 3’b000, EXNOR
Opcode = 3’b111):
Opcode Operation Function
3’b000 ADD a + b + c_in
3’b001 SUBTRACT a + ~b + c_in
3’b010 SUBTRACT_a a + ~a + ~c_in
3’b011 OR_ab {1’b0, a | b}
3’b100 AND_ab {1’b0, a & b}
3’b101 NOT_ab {1’b0, (~a) & b}
3’b110 EXOR {1’b0, a ^ b}
3’b111 EXNOR {1’b0, a ~^ b}
Make use of SystemVerilog constructs as appropriate. The signature for the module is:
import ALU_REGFILE_defs::*;
module hw2_prob3_alu (
input logic [ALU_INPUT_WIDTH-1:0] A_In, B_In, // A and B operands
input logic Carry_In, // Carry In
input aluop_t Opcode, // operation to perform
output logic [ALU_OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] ALU_Out // ALU result(extended by 1 bit
// to preserve Carry_Out from
// Sum/Diff)
Note that the ALU Output is one bit wider than the inputs. This is to preserve the Carry Out. Note also
the use of a typedef enum for the ALU opcode (operation to perform) in the ALU_REGFILE_defs
B. (15 pts) Create a model of the DUT called hw2_prob3_dut that instantiates instances of your ALU
module and the register file module provided in the release. Pad the extra bits from the ALU to the
register file with 0’s. The signature for the module is:
import ALU_REGFILE_defs::*;
module hw2_prob3_dut (
// register file interface
input logic [REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] Read_Addr_1, // read port addresses
input logic [REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] Write_Addr, // write port address
input logic Write_enable,// write enable (1 to
// write)
input logic [REGFILE_WIDTH-1:0] Write_data, // data to write into the
// register file
// ALU interface. Data to the ALU comes from the register file
input logic Carry_In, // Carry In
input aluop_t Opcode, // operation to perform
output logic [ALU_OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] ALU_Out, // ALU result
// system-wide signals
input logic Clock // system clock

C. (15 pts) Simulate your source code with QuestaSim using the provided testbench to demonstrate
that your design is correct. Submit a transcript of a successful simulation. You will be graded on the
correctness of your design. 

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