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CSCI 247 Computer Systems I
Homework 2 : Assembly
You will use your newly acquired gdb skills to reverse engineer three C programs, which have been
compiled without the -d flag (hence the executables do not contain debugging information allowing you
to inspect each line of the equivalent plain-text program). However, you can disassemble the programs.
• Gain more experience in the use of gdb
• Become more familiar with assembly, including the use of control routines
You CAN work in groups of 2 in completing this assignment. In that case, only a single person
uploads .c files to Canvas, and the names of both people should be in the header of each file.
Retrieve the three executables hw2_prog1, hw2_prog2, and hw2_prog3 from the following directory:
Your task
• Use gdb to set breakpoints for each of the three executables; each program has a main method
• Disassemble each program
• Compose three program files, hw2_prog1.c, hw2_prog2.c, and hw2_prog3.c which are the
source code equivalents for the executables
Hints and suggestions
• Look up the opcodes (online) that you encounter in the disassembled programs
• Refer to the GDB tutorial pdf that is available for lab 3; consider using gdb’s layout asm
Rubric and Submission
Upload your hw2_prog1.c, hw2_prog2.c, and hw2_prog3.c file to Canvas.
Correctness Points
• hw2_prog1.c correctly reverse engineers hw2_prog1
• hw2_prog2.c correctly reverse engineers hw2_prog2
• hw2_prog3.c correctly reverse engineers hw2_prog3
Total 45 points
And, adhere to correct formatting. This is the quality component of code. You will be deducted points if
your code is not of high quality.