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Homework 2 - Create a cosine similarity matrix

Homework 2 -
How to do this assignment: Using Google Colab ( please
answer the following questions in a new notebook. You are to write the question on a Text field,
and your programming answer on a Code field. Please write your name and student ID number
on a Text field at the very beginning of this notebook. Note that when you are testing your code,
the output needs to be shown
What to submit: Via iCollege you are to download a copy of the executed Colab notebook in
PDF format, and submit this file ALONGSIDE a link (in the comments/description section) to
your own GitHub repository where this Colab notebook is stored. In other words, you are
expected to keep your own personal GitHub repository for this class and place ALL your
assignments and project code in that location.
Questions (150 total points): NOTE: You can only use Python’s built-in regular
functions, scikit-learn as your ML library for these exercises, NLTK as your NLP
library. Any code using any other ML or NLP libraries will not be graded. Note:
You can use pandas and/or numpy as these are NOT machine learning libraries.
TEXT: Using all of Shakespeare’s works found in iCollege titled: Write the following pieces of
1. Create a cosine similarity matrix for all of Shakespeare’s works found in the provided
file. This will result in a 42 by 42 matrix with the cosine similarity between each of his
works. In other words, calculate the document-wise cosine similarity between all of
Shakepeare’s works. (50 points). Use TF_IDF for this. Note, you can use the Cosine
Similarity function on scikit-learn or implement your own, but no other library/package is
2. Write a function that takes the previous matrix and a number n as parameters (nothing
else will be accepted) and return the top n similar works. Use the function to output the
top 10 similar works. (30 points).
3. Using the code from the Language Models II class, train two simple language models
using all of the files (together) in One
model should be trained using bigrams, the other using trigrams. (40 points).
4. Write a function that takes the following three parameters: model, list of start words,
number of sentences to generate. This function should return the sentences generated
as a list. DO NOT print anything to the screen from within the function. Use this function
to generate 10 sentences with the bigram model from the previous question, and 5
sentences with the trigram model from the previous question. (30 points)
Bonus (20 points): Using the same methodology from questions 1 and 2, create a
similarity matrix between the 20 newsgroups corpus. And find the top 5 similar

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