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Homework 2 CS 436/580L

Homework 2
CS 436/580L: Introduction to Machine Learning

1. You can use either C/C++, Java or Python to implement your algorithms.
2. Your implementations should compile on
3. Make sure has the packages that you require
before starting to implement.
4. This homework requires you to implement post-pruning in Decision Trees
and Naive Bayes. Using existing packages for post-pruning or naive bayes
is not allowed.
5. Your homework should contain the following components:
(a) README.txt file with detailed instructions on how to compile and
run the code.
(b) Code source files
(c) Type-written document containing the results on the datasets.
6. Submit the homework as a single zip file: f irstname lastname
1 Post-pruning in Decision Trees (45 points)
• Implement the post pruning algorithm given below as Algorithm 1 (See
also Mitchell, Chapter 3).
• Once we compile your code, we should be able to run it from the command
line. Your program should take as input the following six arguments:
.\program <L> <K> <training-set> <validation-set> <test-set> <to-print>
L: integer (used in the post-pruning algorithm)
K: integer (used in the post-pruning algorithm)
Algorithm 1: Post Pruning
Input: An integer L and an integer K
Output: A post-pruned Decision Tree
Build a decision tree using all the training data. Call it D;
Let DBest = D;
for i = 1 to L do
Copy the tree D into a new tree D0
M = a random number between 1 and K;
for j = 1 to M do
Let N denote the number of non-leaf nodes in the decision
tree D0
. Order the nodes in D0
from 1 to N;
P = a random number between 1 and N;
Replace the subtree rooted at P in D0 by a leaf node. Assign
the majority class of the subset of the data at P to the leaf
/* For instance, if the subset of the data at P
contains 10 examples with class = 0 and 15
examples with class = 1, replace P by class = 1 */
Evaluate the accuracy of D0 on the validation set;
/* accuracy = percentage of correctly classified
examples */
if D0
is more accurate than DBest then
DBest = D0
return DBest;
It should output the accuracies on the test set for decision trees constructed using the two heuristics as well as the accuracies for their postpruned versions for the given values of L and K. If to-print equals yes, it
should print the decision tree in the format described above to the standard output.
• On the two datasets available on myCourses:
Choose 10 suitable values for L and K (not 10 values for each, just 10
combinations). For each of them, report the accuracies for the post-pruned
decision trees constructed using the both the heuristics (information gain
and variance impurity) on both test datasets.
2 Naive Bayes for Text Classification
In this question, you will implement and evaluate Naive Bayes for text classification.
0 Points Download the spam/ham (ham is not spam) dataset available on myCourses. The data set is divided into two sets: training set and test set.
The dataset was used in the Metsis et al. paper [1]. Each set has two directories: spam and ham. All files in the spam folders are spam messages
and all files in the ham folder are legitimate (non spam) messages.
40 points Implement the multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm for text classification
described here:
(see Figure 13.2). Note that the algorithm uses add-one laplace smoothing.
Make sure that you do all the calculations in log-scale to avoid underflow.
Use your algorithm to learn from the training set and report accuracy on
the test set.
Extra Credit 20 points Improve your Naive Bayes by throwing away (i.e., filtering out) stop words
such as “the” “of” and “for” from all the documents. A list of stop words
can be found here:
Report accuracy for Naive Bayes for this filtered set. Does the accuracy
improve? Explain why the accuracy improves or why it does not?
What to Turn in
• Your code
• (5 points) README file for compiling and executing your code.
• (10 points) A detailed write up that contains:
1. The accuracy obtained on the test set for different values of L and
K for the post-pruned version of decision tree.
2. The accuracy on the test set for Naive Bayes algorithm.
[1] V. Metsis, I. Androutsopoulos and G. Paliouras, “Spam Filtering with Naive
Bayes - Which Naive Bayes?”. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Email and
Anti-Spam (CEAS 2006), Mountain View, CA, USA, 2006.

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