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Homework 2 Database Systems

Homework 2 Database Systems

Version: 1.0

Reading: textbook
• 8.3, 8.4 , 14.1, 14.2
Part A from the text
• (pg 359) 8.4.1, 8.4.2
• (pg 631) 14.1.1
• (pg 646) 14.2.1 b, c, 14.2.2 b, c,
• Consider – but do not hand anything in: 14.2.5 a, c, f, g
Part B:
For this question you need to use the B+ tree visualization provided at
Consider the height 2 B+ tree with maximum degree 3 created by inserting the numbers, 10, 20, etc. in
Determine a sequence of additional inserts such that the root of the B+ tree splits and the value of the last
insert is promoted (appears in) the root node.
Turn in your sequence of inserts and 2 screen shots; A screen shot of the final visualization of the tree and a
screen shot of the tree immediately prior to the last insert.

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