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Homework 2 DS502/MA543

Homework 2
So that everyone in the class has the maximum access to background material Homework 2 will focus
on problems from the book. Your answers will be graded both on your demonstrated understanding
of the concepts from the book and from the class, as well as the clarity of your explanations.
Please submit your homework online on before the start of class on Tuesday,
February 25. Please make sure that both team member names appear on the submission and that every
submission is stand-alone (i.e., does make the grader read or run your code)! and don’t zip your
files! In addition, for any problem on which you write code, plus submit your code online on before the start of class on Tuesday, February 25. You will not be graded your
programming style, but having access to your code will allow us to more easily give partial credit.
You are also welcome to use any of the R scripts in the book. To keep things organized, please upload
your R files using the following naming convention:
<Last name person 1>_<First name person 1>_<Last name person 2>_<First name person 2>_HW1_<question number>.R
Homework questions
1. (5 points) Section 4.7, page 168, question 1
2. (10 points) Section 4.7, page 169-170, question 5
3. (5 points) Section 4.7, page 170, question 8
4. (15 points) Section 4.7, page171, question 10
5. (15 points) Section 4.7, page 171-172, question 11
6. (10 points) Section 5.4, page 197, question 1
7. (10 points) Section 5.4, page 197, question 2
8. (15 points) Section 5.4, page 198, question 5
9. (15 points) Section 5.4, page 199, question 6

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