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Homework 2 – Functional HDL Simulation & Implementation

CSCE 587 Microprocessor Design and Synthesis
Homework 2 – Functional HDL Simulation & Implementation
Assignment (200): No written report is required.

There are three major parts to this homework, 1) simulating the Verilog-based clock_divider
module, 2) simulating the Verilog-based hvsync_generator module used to provide the data
and signals needed to drive an old style CRT and 3) redesign the hvsync_generator circuit to
output VGA compatible signals given an input clock rate of 25.175MHz (you do not need to
implement on the SOCKit boards!).
Note: When creating waveforms for simulation, set the “end time” first!
1. Copy/paste the Verilog clock_divider module from the 8-bit workshop website into a
Quartus project. Create a functional simulation that stimulates the generator with a
clock source (with the same frequency as run by the website emulator) and view the
resulting waveform. Document your effort by providing an annotated screenshot(s) of
the output waveforms. Provide a written document that describes the frequency of
your clock source (and why), and well as a pic of the output signals (i.e., clk_div2,
clk_div4, clk_div8, counter, etc.) much like was is shown below.
2. Copy/paste the Verilog hvsync_generator module from the 8-bit workshop website into
a Quartus project. Create a functional simulation that stimulates the generator with a
clock source (at the appropriate frequency) and view the resulting waveform.
Document your effort by providing an annotated screenshot(s) of the output
waveforms. Provide a written document that describes the frequency of you clock
source (and why), and well as a pic of a horizontal sync pulse much like what is shown
below (akin to Figure 9.3) – don’t be concerned with internal module signals such as
hmaxxed and vmaxxed. (Make sure to show a vertical sync pulse transition that will be
“filled” with lots of horizontal sync pulses!)
3. Given VGA signal specifications (and accompanying VHDL source code that generates
those signals, vga_sync.vhd), redesign the hvsync_generator (with the exact same
interface) circuit to produce those signals given a clock source of 25.175MHz – assume
reset is forced to low. Provide a written document that describes the new design as
well as a pic of a horizontal sync pulse much like what is shown above (using
simulation). (You do not need to implement this circuit on your FPGA board!)

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