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Homework 2 (Haskell)

Homework 2 (Haskell)

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and insert the following lines at the top of your file.
Exercise 1. Programming with Lists
Multisets, or bags, can be represented as list of pairs (x, n) where n indicates the number of occurrences of x in the
type Bag a = [(a,Int)]
For the following exercises you can assume the following properties of the bag representation. But note: Your
function definitions have to maintain these properties for any multiset they produce!
(1) Each element x occurs in at most one pair in the list.
(2) Each element that occurs in a pair has a positive counter.
As an example consider the multiset {2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7, 8}, which has the following representation (among others).
Note that the order of elements is not fixed. In particular, we cannot assume that the elements are sorted. Thus,
the above list representation is just one example of several possible.
(a) Define the function ins that inserts an element into a multiset.
ins :: Eq a => a -> Bag a -> Bag a
(Note: The class constraint ”Eq a =>” restricts the element type a to those types that allow the comparison
of elements for equality with ==.)
(b) Define the function del that removes a single element from a multiset. Note that deleting 3 from {2, 3, 3, 4}
yields {2, 3, 4} whereas deleting 3 from {2, 3, 4} yields {2, 4}.
del :: Eq a => a -> Bag a -> Bag a
(c) Define a function bag that takes a list of values and produces a multiset representation.
bag :: Eq a => [a] -> Bag a
Homework 2 (Haskell)
Download the file HW2types.hs
1. Prepare aHaskell file HW2sol.hsthat compiles without errors. (Put allnon-working partsincomments.)
2. This isanindividual assignment. Put your name, email and date in the header comments.
3. Submit solutionsinCanvas. Do not emailsolutions.
4. Latesubmissions will receive a 10% deductionperday.(Upto 2days)
CS 381 Winter 2023
module HW2sol where
import HW2types
sname = "Your name"
For example, with xs = [7,3,8,7,3,2,7,5] we get the following result.
> bag xs
(Note: It’s a good idea to use of the function ins defined earlier.)
(d) Define a function subbag that determines whether or not its first argument bag is contained in the second.
subbag :: Eq a => Bag a -> Bag a -> Bool
Note that a bag b is contained in a bag b

if every element that occurs n times in b occurs also at least n times
in b

(e) Define a function isSet that tests whether a bag is actually a set, which is the case when each element occurs
only once.
isSet :: Eq a => Bag a -> Bool
(f) Define a function size that computes the number of elements contained in a bag.
size :: Bag a -> Int
Exercise 2. Graphs
A simple way to represent a directed graph is through a list of edges. An edge is given by a pair of nodes. For
simplicity, nodes are represented by integers.
type Node = Int
type Edge = (Node,Node)
type Graph = [Edge]
type Path = [Node]
(We ignore the fact that this representation cannot distinguish between isolated nodes with and without loops;
see, for example, the loop/edge (4,4) in the graph h that represents an isolated node.)
Consider, for example, the following directed graphs.
g =
1 2
3 4
h =
1 2
3 4
These two graphs are represented as follows.
g :: Graph
g = [(1,2),(1,3),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)]
h :: Graph
h = [(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(3,2),(4,4)]
Note: In some of your function definitions you might want to use the function norm (defined in the file HW1types.hs)
to remove duplicates from a list and sort it.
(a) Define the function nodes :: Graph -> [Node] that computes the list of nodes contained in a given graph.
For example, nodes g = [1,2,3,4].
(b) Define the function suc :: Node -> Graph -> [Node] that computes the list of successors for a node in a
given graph. For example, suc 2 g = [3,4], suc 4 g = [], and suc 4 h = [4].
(c) Define the function detach :: Node -> Graph -> Graph that removes a node together with all of its incident
edges from a graph. For example, detach 3 g = [(1,2),(2,4)] and detach 2 h = [(1,3),(4,4)].
(d) Define the function cyc :: Int -> Graph that creates a cycle of any given number. For example, cyc 4 =
Note: All functions can be succinctly implemented with list comprehensions.
Exercise 3. Programming with Data Types
Here is the definition of a data type for representing a few basic shapes. A figure is a collection of shapes. The
type BBox represents bounding boxes of objects by the points of the lower-left and upper-right hand corners of the
smallest enclosing rectangle.
type Number = Int
type Point = (Number,Number)
type Length = Number
data Shape = Pt Point
| Circle Point Length
| Rect Point Length Length
deriving Show
type Figure = [Shape]
type BBox = (Point,Point)
(a) Define the function width that computes the width of a shape.
width :: Shape -> Length
For example, the widths of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
f = [Pt (4,4), Circle (5,5) 3, Rect (3,3) 7 2]
> map width f
(b) Define the function bbox that computes the bounding box of a shape.
bbox :: Shape -> BBox
The bounding boxes of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
> map bbox f
(c) Define the function minX that computes the minimum x coordinate of a shape.
minX :: Shape -> Number
The minimum x coordinates of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
> map minX f
(d) Define a function move that moves the position of a shape by a vector given by a point as its second argument.
move :: Shape -> Point -> Shape
It is probably a good idea to define and use an auxiliary function addPt :: Point -> Point -> Point, which
adds two points component wise.

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