CS306: Introduction to IT Security
Homework #2
Please carefully read the following guidelines on how to complete and submit your solutions.
1. The homework is due on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, at 11:59pm. Late submissions are
accepted subject to the policy specified in the course syllabus. Starting early always helps!
2. Solutions are accepted only via Canvas, where all relevant files should be submitted as a single
.zip archive. This should include your typed answers as a .pdf file and the source code of any
programming used in your solutions.
3. If asked, you should be able to explain details in your source code (e.g., related to the design
of your program and its implementation).
4. You are bound by the Stevens Honor System. Collaboration is not allowed for this homework.
You may use any sources related to course materials, but information from external sources
must be properly cited. Your submission acknowledges that you have abided by this policy.
5. Solving correctly all five problems amounts to 120% of the total homework grade, i.e., there
is an opportunity for a 20% extra credit.
Problem 1: Domain-extension MAC implementation (30%)
Given the provided support code in Java, implement a secret-key message authentication code that
employs only a block cipher (and no other cryptographic primitive) to authenticate messages of any
size in a bandwidth-efficient manner. In particular and as specified in the provided instructions:
(1) Implement the mac() and verify() methods.
(2) Demonstrate that they are correct by providing the MAC tag (in hexidecimal) of the specified
default message using the specified default key.
(3) Explain which algorithm you implemented and why.
(4) Explain what are the domain-extension features of your algorithm in relation to its security.
Hint: Does your implementation securely handle messages of fixed size, messages of any
size or messages of any fixed size?
Public-key infrastructure
+ verifica(on
user “is answer correct?”
C = digest d signed by CA
Directory: <i
A, Alice, pkA, <i
B, Bob, pkB, …
+ signed digest
Merkle tree
B, Bob, pkB
blue hashes
D’, C’
d + cer(ficate C
Merkle tree
Figure 1: The public-key dictionary-as-a-service model for verifying public keys.
Problem 2: Data outsourcing & public-key infrastructure (30%)
(1) To protect the secrecy of course-related communications, CS306 makes use of public-key encryption: Enrolled students and staff members have their public keys registered with a trusted
certification authority (CA), e.g., Symantec; that is, each CS306 person with Stevens UID i and
name ni has a public key pair (ski
, pki). For efficiency reasons, the CA makes the directory
D = {(i, ni
, pki)|i ∈ CS306} of all such public keys available (for people to query) through a
Stevens online service that is administered by Mallory. Specifically (see also Figure 1):
• The CA provides Mallory with the public-key directory D along with a special certificate C
that is the Merkle-tree digest of the directory signed by the CA.
• To send a confidential message to Bob, Alice asks Mallory for his public key—even if Alice
had recently learned his public key via a previous query to Mallory, since public-key pairs
can be occasionally refreshed or revoked.
• Along with Bob’s public-key record (iB, Bob, pkB) in D, Mallory also returns to Alice the
certificate C and a Merkle-tree proof corresponding to Bob’s record.
• After any change in the class enrollment (e.g., a student drops it or enrolls in it with delay) or
any key pair is refreshed, the CA provides Mallory with the new (that is, updated) directory
D0 and the new (that is, corresponding to D0
) certificate C
Suppose that Eve manages to secretly get access to Bob’s laptop and successfully steal its secret
key skB. When Bob becomes suspicious of this, he registers a new public-key pair with the CA.
How can Eve collaborate with Mallory in order to decrypt all subsequent messages sent to Bob?
What is the name of this attack type?
Honeywords & split-server password authen5ca5on
Use decoy passwords and hide associa5on to real passwords
u red server stores k passwords for each user: one is the real, the rest are fake
u blue server stores the indices of users’ real passwords
Split verifica5on of candidate password P
u red server checks only P’s inclusion is user’s set; blue server confirms P’s correctness
password P Access
hit/miss, index
U1, p11, p12, p13
U2, p21, p22, p23
U3, p31, p32, p33
U1, 2
U2, 1
U3, 1
user, index
k = 3
Figure 2: Hardening password security by employing decoy passwords in a split-server architecture.
(2) Describe how the use of periodically timestamped signatures (i.e., signatures on a timestamped
message) can be employed by the CA to provide a solution to the above attack. You can assume
that no public key will be updated twice within the same day, and thus consider a 1-day period.
Problem 3: Intrusion resilience (30%)
Honeywords comprise a recently proposed method for hardening the password security against
stolen password files (after an attacker compromises an authentication server). The idea is to
distribute password verification across two servers, say one red and one blue, each storing and
verifying “half” of the credentials needed to verify in order to successfully authenticate a user
(see also Figure 2). Whereas the final accept/reject decision depends on both the red and the blue
partial decision, compromising any one server alone provides no (or little) advantage to an attacker.
(1) How does this split architecture improve security? Consider the two cases where an attacker
compromises only one of the servers.
(2) Explain how honeywords make password cracking detectable.
Hint: Users are not aware of the existence of honeywords.
(3) What constitutes a good honeyword for a user whose real password is pa$$word5, if honeywords
are generated by tweaking real passwords, i.e., by keeping the main password structure but changing
special symbols and numbers?
(4) You just stole the honeywords list of one of the employees in the Office of the Registrar, which
consists of passwords: Blink-123, Blink-182, itWb!%s45 3gMoI00286!*mooewTi409##21jUi, and
you have only one chance to impersonate him/her (and try to increase your GPA).
Which password will you choose and why?
Problem 4: On the RSA cryptosystem (30%)
(1) The RSA cryptosystem relies on modular exponentiations, as its core operations. How are such
operations realized more efficiently in practice? How is RSA decryption/signing further accelerated?
(2) Given the support code in Python that was provided in Lab#8, implement the RSA keygeneration algorithm. Namely, submit the completed skeleton code for Lab#8, including the methods you finished during the lab and the RSA key-generation algorithm, i.e., method keygen(size).