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Homework 2 Image Mosaics

Computer Vision,
Homework 2
Image Mosaics
For this assignment, you will implement an image stitcher that uses image warping
and homographies to automatically create an image mosaic. We will focus on the
case where we have two input images that should form the mosaic, where we warp
one image into the plane of the second image and display the combined views. This
problem will give some practice manipulating homogeneous coordinates, computing
homography matrices, and performing image warps. For simplicity, we’ll specify
corresponding pairs of points manually using mouse clicks.
Note: There are some built-in Matlab functions that could do much of the work for
this project. However, to get practice with the workings of the algorithms, we want
you to write your own code. Specifically, you may not use any of these functions in
your implementation: cp2tform, imtransform, tformarray, tformfwd, tforminv,
Provided files:
Two image files that can be used for the mosaic: uttower1.jpg and uttower2.jpg
What You Have to Do
Task 1 (10 points) Getting correspondences:
Write a function named getPoints() to get manually identified corresponding
points from two views. Look at Matlab’s ginput function for an easy way to collect
mouse click positions. The results will be sensitive to the accuracy of the
corresponding points; when providing clicks, choose distinctive points in the image
that appear in both views.
Your function will take in two provided images: uttower1.jpg and uttower2.jpg. The
function will return a 10 x 4 matrix, where each row is a pair of corresponding
points, and the 4 columns represent the (row,column) position from the 1st image,
followed by the (row,column) position from the 2nd image.
Note: in the next task, you will have to compute the homography that relates these
point pairs. Remember to choose points (features) that are as much as possible:
a) coplanar, and
b) visible in both images.
Task 2 (30 points) Computing the homography parameters:
Write a function computeH() that takes the set of corresponding image points
returned by the function getPoints() from Task 1, and computes the associated
3 x 3 homography matrix H, with the help of a RANSAC-like algorithm:
1. Pick 4 random point correspondences from the 10 supplied.
2. Compute the associated 3 x 3 homography matrix H
This matrix transforms any point pi in one view to its corresponding homogeneous
coordinates in the second view, pi’, such that
λ* pi = H * pi’
Note that pi and pi’ are both vectors with 3 elements. Useful Matlab functions
include the ‘\’ operator (help mldivide), cat and reshape.
3. Calculate the Euclidian distance between the selected points in one image,
and the projection of their corresponding points using the computed
homography. Note that pi’ is in homogeneous coordinates, but after
multiplying with H, the resulting 3 x 1 vector will not have 1 as the third
value. You will need to divide by the 3rd value the get the new (x,y)
4. Save the distance value and repeat from step 1 for 20 times.
Your function should return the homography matrix with the smallest distance.
Task 3 (20 points) Warping between image planes:
Write a function warp1() that can take the recovered homography matrix and one
image, and return a new image that is the warp of the input image using H (or its
inverse) . Since the transformed coordinates will typically be sub-pixel values, you
will need to sample the pixel values from nearby pixels. Feel free to use the
sampleBilinear.m you developed for the first assignment. For color images,
warp each RGB channel separately and then stack together to form the output. To
avoid holes in the output, use inverse warp rather than direct mapping.
To compute the bounding box of the destination image, you will need to warp the
points from the source image into the reference frame of the destination. Then
sample all points in that destination bounding box from the proper coordinates in
the source image. Note that transforming all the points will generate an image of a
different shape / dimensions than the original input. It is ok to have some areas of
the new image be black (0).
Useful Matlab functions: round, interp2, meshgrid, isnan, inv.
Task 4 (20 points) Create the output mosaic:
Once we have the source image warped into the destination image’s frame of
reference, we can create a merged image showing the mosaic. Create a new image
large enough to hold both (registered) views; overlay one view onto the other,
simply leaving it black wherever no data is available. Don’t worry about artifacts
that result at the boundaries.
You are free to use a method/convention of your own choosing, for the overlap
Task 5 (20 points) After writing and debugging your functions:
1. [5 pts] Write a script in which you apply your functions to the provided pair of
images and display the output mosaic. Use subplots to display the original images
and the resulting mosaic.
2. [5 pts] Show two additional examples of mosaics you created using images that
you have taken. You can make a mosaic from two or more images of a broad scene
that requires a wide-angle view to see well. Include these examples in the same
3. [10 pts] Warp one image into a “frame” region in the second image. To do this, let
the points from the one view be the corners of the image you want to insert in the
frame, and the let the corresponding points in the second view be the clicked points
of the frame (rectangle) into which the first image should be warped. Use this idea
to replace one surface in an image with an image of something else. For example --
overwrite a billboard with a picture of your dog, or project a drawing from one
image onto the street in another image, or replace a portrait on the wall with
someone else’s face, or paste a Powerpoint slide onto a movie screen, …
For all examples, play around a bit with the choice of points for the correspondence
pairs until you get a reasonable alignment. Include this exercise in the same script.
Submitting the assignment:
Make sure each script or function file is well commented and it includes a block
comment with your name, course number, assignment number and instructor name.
Zip all the .m and image files together and submit the resulting .zip file through
Moodle as Hmwk 2 by Sunday, February 18th, by 11:55pm.
• It can be useful when debugging to plot the corners and clicked points from
one view on top of the second view after transforming them via H. Use
axis([minx, maxx, miny, maxy]); to adjust the viewing window so that you
can see all points.
• You will need the inverse of the homography matrix to transform
• Be aware that Matlab’s image (matrix) indices are specified in (row,col)
order, i.e., (y,x), whereas the plot and ginput functions use (col,row)
order, i.e., (x,y).
• Check the order of the clicked corresponding points, to make sure your code
uses the intended corresponding point pairs.
• As usual, be careful with how images are cast for computations and display
(double vs. uint8). In particular, for your sampleBilinear.m function, be
sure to pass a matrix of doubles for the image input.
• When collecting your own images, be sure to either maintain the same center
of projection (hold the camera at one location, but rotate between views), or
else take shots of a scene with a large planar component (a building, maybe).
In either case, use a static scene. Textured images that have distinctive points
you can click on are good. Also ensure that there is an adequate overlap
between the two views.

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