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Homework 2 Implementing Search Algorithms

Introduction to AI
Homework 2 (100 pts)
General Information

● For the written questions (Problem 1 Parts 2 and 4, Problems 2 and 3), put your
answers in a pdf (with your name in the pdf) and submit to the corresponding
assignment on Gradescope.
● For the coding questions (Problem 1 Parts 1 and 3), submit your code files and to the
corresponding assignment on canvas, and also append the code to the end of your
For any solutions that require programming, please comment and format your
code to make it readable. You should code your solutions in Python 2, and your code
should be able to run on CAEN.
Problem 1: Implementing Search Algorithms (60 points)
You will implement a subset of the search algorithms covered in this class. The algorithms
you will implement are the graph versions of: breadth-first search, depth-first search,
iterative deepening search, uniform-cost search, A* search. You will also implement hill
climbing search.
Problem Setup
There is a robot in a room. There is also a battery. The robot would like to move from its
initial position (marked by a ‘2’) to its battery (marked with a ‘3’) in an optimal manner.
The robot will use a search algorithm to get there.
The text grid that you process looks like this:
Figure 1: Example environment grid
2 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
3 1 1 0
Walls are marked with ‘0’ and free squares are marked with ‘1’. The robot’s initial position
is given by the number ‘2’ and batteries are marked by the number ‘3’ (there is only one
battery per environment).
The robot can move one grid square at a time. It can move north, east, south, or west. It
cannot move outside of the grid, nor can it move into interior walls. The path cost of
moving north is 1, east is 2, south is 3, and west is 4.
Part 1: Implementing the Algorithms (30 pts)
Fill in the following search functions in the provided file “”:
breadth_first_search, depth_first_search,
iterative_deepening_search, uniform_cost_search, a_star_search. Use
graph search, not tree search - so you must maintain a list of visited nodes. Do not change
the arguments or the return values on these functions. To aid in your search, we define a
priority queue (min heap) data structure, a node class, and an outline of the search
structure. You do not need to follow our outline, or use our data structures - these are just
there to help. As long as you implement the five search functions listed above, and the
extract_path, manhattan, and euclidean functions, you are fine - just make sure to
document your code structure well if you deviate from ours. You may create additional
classes and helper functions, as long as they are within the file
Your code will be run with the following commands:
python <search_module_name <gridfile <search
type [heuristic]
“Search type” is one of ‘dfs’, ‘bfs’, ‘ucs’, ‘ids’, ‘astar’. So, for example, you could run
python search grid1.txt dfs
If you run A* search, include the heuristic (either ‘manhattan’ or ‘euclidean’) as a command
line argument:
python search grid1.txt astar manhattan
Data Structures
For different algorithms, different data structures are needed. The following data
structures, which are included in the provided code, may prove helpful:
● deque from the Python collections library. This can be used as a stack or a queue.
● Set from the Python sets library. Good for maintaining a set of visited objects.
● MinHeap: a class we define for you, built on top of the Python heapq library
functionality. Implements a data structure that always maintains the minimum
element of a collection of items. (You may ignore, modify, or extend our provided
Node ordering and tracking
Your code should track the total number of nodes generated during the search, as well as
the maximum number of nodes stored in the frontier data structure at one time. You should
also track the number of iterations run by the algorithm, and the depth and total cost of the
goal node.
● Since the exact number of nodes and iterations depend on where you place the
updates for these values in your loop, we will tolerate answers that differ from ours
by a few iterations or nodes.
● Always insert successor nodes into data structures in the following order: north,
east, south, west
● Don’t forget the path costs of different successors: 1 for north, 2 for east, 3 for south,
4 for west.
Other Implementation tips
● If you need to make deep copies of objects, import the copy module and use
copy.deepcopy. Otherwise, Python may make shallow copies, which can
produce strange errors. You should be able to write your code without needing to
make deep copies, however.
● If you write your own Python class, and want to be able to put it into a Set or
MinHeap, you will need to overload built-in operators. For example, if you want an
object to be comparable to others using the less-than (<) operator, implement the
class function def __lt__(self, other). If you want an object to be
hashable, implement def __hash__(self). If you want to be able to judge
equality, implement def __eq__(self, other). And so on. Search online if
there is something else you want to overload for a class.
● A neat search implementation will have a node class and separate functions for
check_goal and get_successors. Don’t bunch everything together in one function -
that’s hard to read.
● Comment your code well and make it neat.
The code itself is worth 5 points per search function. The last 5 points come from your code
running smoothly on our held-out test cases.
Part 2: Questions about Informed and Uninformed Search (12 pts)
1. (4 pts) For each search algorithm in Part 1, and each provided environment, fill in a
table with the following columns:
Grid #
Total Nodes
stored at
Depth of
Cost of
path to
Length of
path to
2. (3 pts) Which search algorithm
a. Generated the fewest total nodes?
b. Stored the fewest nodes at one time?
c. Found a solution in the fewest number of iterations?
3. (5 pts) Compare the performance of the uninformed search algorithms vs the
informed search algorithms. Which type did better in this environment? Why do you
think that is?
Part 3: Implementing Local Search for the 8-Puzzle (10 pts)
In class we talked about constructing searches for the 8-puzzle. The 8-puzzle is a tile
sliding game. There is an initial state in which the tiles are in a random configuration and a
goal state in which the tiles are in a pre-specified configuration.
(Left) Initial state (Right) Goal state
You have decided that it will be interesting to investigate the 8-puzzle problem in the
context of local search. What we are going to try to figure out in this problem is how well
local search algorithms work in this domain. Use the sum of the Manhattan distances
between current location and goal location for each tile as the heuristic value of a state.
Create a file When the command
is run, the code should generate 25000 random 8-puzzles, do hill-climbing search on each,
and print out the initial states of the puzzles that were solved using hill-climbing search.
There should be about 25-40 of them on average. Print out the puzzles in the format of the
following example:
1 3 2
0 4 5
7 6 8
6 2 4
7 0 1
3 5 8
where ‘0’ represents the empty slot, and the numbers are separated by spaces and
newlines, with an empty line between separate puzzles. This question is worth 6 points for
your code and 4 points for your code running smoothly.
Part 4: Questions about Local Search for the 8-Puzzle (8 pts)
1. (4 pts) Does local search do well? Which aspects of the 8-puzzle make it difficult for
local search to solve? Contrast this to a problem like 8-queens for which local
search is better suited.
2. (4 pts)What advantages might simulated annealing offer in this case? What about
random restart hill climbing?
Problem 2: General Questions about Search (30 pts)
Figure 2: A Search Graph
1. (6 pts) For each of the following search algorithms, list the nodes from Figure 2 in
the order that they are examined by the algorithm. No need to show work. Start at
node A and examine nodes in alphabetical order if there is any tie or ambiguity (so
BFS would examine A, B, C, D, and DFS would examine A, B, etc. Technically this
means that you push nodes into a queue in alphabetical order, and onto a stack in
reverse alphabetical order.). Stop either when the algorithm finishes, or when 8
nodes have been examined. The numbers in parentheses by the letters are heuristic
values, and the numbers by the edges are edge costs. Note that the graph is
a. Breadth-first tree search
b. Depth-first tree search
c. Iterative Deepening tree Search
d. Uniform Cost (graph) Search
e. Greedy best-first (graph) search
f. A* (graph) search
2. (8 pts) Consider the classic problem of Missionaries and Cannibals. There are 3
missionaries and 3 cannibals on one side of a river. To cross the river, they must use
a single boat that can carry at most 2 people at a time (at least one person must be
in the boat whenever it crosses the river). At no point during the crossing should
cannibals outnumber missionaries on one of the river banks - otherwise the
cannibals will eat the missionaries. How can everyone get across the river safely?
a. (2 pts) Devise a simple representation of the states of this problem and
describe it. Full points will only be awarded for solutions that have at most
32 representable states.
b. (1 pt) How many states are representable in your notation? (Show your
c. (1 pt) What is the initial state in your representation?
d. (1 pt) What is the goal state in your representation?
e. (2 pts) Define a transition model, i.e., describe the potential successors of an
arbitrary state.
f. (1 pt) Solve the problem, i.e., provide list of states going from the initial state
to the goal state, with valid transitions between adjacent states.
3. (4 pts) Prove that every consistent heuristic is admissible. (Hint: use mathematical
4. (8 pts) Local search in general
a. (4 pts) Describe two possible advantages of local search over graph/tree
search, and two possible disadvantages.
b. (2 pts) Explain the difference between hill-climbing search and genetic
c. (2 pts) Explain the difference between simulated annealing search and
random restart search.
5. (4 pts) Real-world search-based agents need strategies for dealing with
nondeterministic actions and partial observability (sections 4.3 and 4.4 in the book,
a. (2 pts) Suppose a robot is trying to vertically balance a pole. The pole can be
in one of three states: L (leaning left), R (leaning right), or V (vertical). The
robot has two actions: NudgeLeft and NudgeRight, which nudge the pole left
and right respectively. Whenever a pole is nudged, the result is
nondeterministic: the pole may either stand up vertically or lean the way it
was nudged (if it was already leaning in the way it was nudged, nothing
happens). Write pseudocode for a conditional plan that solves this problem.
b. (2 pts) Now suppose the robot cannot know the direction that the pole is
initially leaning. All the robot can sense is whether or not the pole is vertical.
Write pseudocode for an algorithm that will solve this partially observable
problem (actions are still nondeterministic).
Problem 3: Adversarial Search (10 pts)
Apply minimax to the tree below (you may list the names and values of the nodes, rather
than copying and pasting the image). (4 pts)
If we are using alpha-beta pruning, which node(s) can we skip (assuming we fill the tree in
left to right)? (2 pts)
Apply minimax to the tree below with chance nodes. (4 pts)
Rules for Programming and Submission
● After you fill out, rename it to (of course,
“firstname” and “lastname” should be replaced with your actual first and last name).
Your local search file should be called Submit both
files to Canvas under assignment 2.
● Submit a neat pdf of answers to the questions (with your code pasted at the end) to
Gradescope. Be sure to identify the correct pages with the correct problems. Put
your name in the header on each page of the pdf.
● Include a comment at the top of each of your code files with your name
● Your program must run from a command line on CAEN computers.
● Use good style and layout. Comment your code well.
Answer Format and Grading
● Partial or (possibly) full credit will be given to answers that are well-explained, or
have work shown, even if they are different from our answers. (Or code that is
well-written, even if it has errors).
● Points are broken down as follows:
○ Problem 1: 60 pts
■ Part 1: 30 pts
■ Part 2: 12 pts
■ Part 3: 10 pts
■ Part 4: 8 pts
○ Problem 2: 30 pts
■ Part 1: 6 pts
■ Part 2: 8 pts
■ Part 3: 4 pts
■ Part 4: 8 pts
■ Part 5: 4 pts
○ Problem 3: 10 pts

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