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Homework #2 single SQL query

CS360 Homework #2

In [ ]: %load_ext sql
 %sql sqlite:///
Instruction /Notes:
• This problem set does not come with a dataset to load; instead, make your
own instances of tables, either as solutions to the problems or for testing
solutions to the problems.
• You are encouraged to create new IPython notebook cells to use for testing,
debugging, exploring, etc. Just make sure that your final answer for each
question is in its own cell when you submit.
• When you see In [*]: to the left of the cell you are executing, this means that
the code / query is running.
- If the cell is hanging (i.e. running for too long): You can restart the
SQL connection by restarting the entire python kernel.
- To restart the python kernel: Use the menu bar (Kernel >> Restart).
- To restart the SQL connection: Re-execute the SQL connection cell at
the top of the notebook
- You will also need to restart the connection if you want to load a
different version of the database file
• Remember:
- %sql [SQL] is for single line SQL queries
- %%sql [SQL] is for multi line SQL queries
• See CS360_2017S for submission instructions
• Have fun!
For each part of this problem you will provide a single SQL query to check whether a
certain condition holds on a specific instance of a relation in the following way: your
query should return an empty result if and only if the condition holds on the instance.
(If the condition doesn’t hold, your query should return something non-empty, but it
doesn’t matter what this is).
Note our language here: the conditions that are specified in each part may not hold
in general for any instance of a relation without knowing the externally-defined
functional dependencies of that relation. You are checking whether they could hold in
general for the relation, given any specific set of tuples.
You may assume that there will be no NULL values in the tables, and you may
assume that the relations are sets rather than multisets, but otherwise your query
should work for general instances. We define the schemas of the tables used below for
convenience, but in this problem, you will need to construct your own test tables if
you wish to check your answers!
In [ ]: %%sql
{A, B} → {C} and {C} → {A,B} hold for a relation R(A,B,C,D,E).
In [ ]: %%sql
{A, B, C} is a superkey for a relation R(A, B, C, D, E).
In [ ]: %%sql
{A} and {B} are each keys for a relation S(A, B, C).
In [ ]: %%sql 
A multi-valued dependency (MVD) is defined as follows: let R be a schema i.e. a set
of attributes, and consider two sets of attributes X ⊆ R and Y ⊆ R. We say that a
multi-valued dependency (MVD), written:
X ->> Y
holds on R if whenever there are two tuples t1,t2 such that t1[X] = t2[X], there also
exists a third tuple t3 such that:
• t3[X] = t1[X] = t2[X]
• t3[Y]=t1[Y]
• t3[R\Y]=t2[R\Y]
Note that R \ B is all the attributes in R that are not in B, and that t3 need not be
distinct from t1 or t2. Note especially that an MVD holds on an entire relation,
meaning that any two tuples (in any order) in the relation should satisfy the above
conditions if the MVD holds. See the end of the lecture 6 slides for more on MVDs!
In this problem, write your query following the specifications listed at the top of
problem 1 to check if the MVD {A} ->> {C, E} holds for a relation R(A, B, C, D, E).
In [ ]: %%sql
Consider a relation R(X, Y, Z) with some list of functional dependencies f1, f2, . . . ,
fn. Suppose that K is a superkey for this relation, given these functional dependencies
(recall that any superkey K must be a subset of the attributes of R, which are
{X,Y,Z}). In each part of this problem, we will examine what can happen if we add
an additional functional dependency to our relation.
To answer yes, provide python code that assigns the variable answer to True and
assigns explanation to be a python string which contains a (short!) explanation of
why. For example, if we are given the statement “if K is a key, then it will still be a
superkey when we add a new functional dependency”, we can give the following
answer = True
explanation = "<insert explanation here>"
To answer no, provide python code that assigns the variable answer to False. You
must also assign the variable K to be a set of attributes, the variable FDs (functional
dependencies) to be a python list having elements that are pairs of sets, and the
variable new_FD (the new functional dependency to be added) to be a pair of sets,
such that these three variables together produce a counter-example for the desired
statement. For example, a counter-example to the statement “if K → {Z} is false, then
it will remain false when we add a new functional depencency” could look like:
answer = False
K = set("X")
FDs = [
 (set("Y"), set("Z")),
 (set(("Y", "Z")), set("X"))
new_FD = (set("X"), set("Z"))
CS360 student Kim claims that if we add any new functional dependency fn+1 = U →
V (where U and V are subsets of {X, Y, Z}) to our list of functional dependencies,
then K will still be a superkey for R given f1, f2, . . . , fn+1. Is Kim correct? If yes,
explain why. If no, provide a counter-example.
In [ ]: %%sql
Consider again a relation R(X, Y, Z) with some list of functional dependencies f1,
f2, . . . , fn. Now suppose that K is a key for this relation, given these functional
CS360 student Park claims that if we add any new functional dependency fn+1 = U
→ V (where U and V are again subsets of {X, Y, Z}) to our list of functional
dependencies, then K will still be a key for R given f1, f2, . . . , fn+1. Is Park correct?
If yes, explain why. If no, provide a counter-example.
In [ ]: %%sql
Part(c) :
Consider now a more general relation R(X1, X2, . . . , Xm) with some list of
functional dependencies f1, f2, . . . , fn. Suppose again that K is a key for this relation,
given these functional dependencies (recall that any superkey K must be a subset of
the attributes of R, which are {X1,X2,...Xm}).
CS360 student Lee claims that if we add any new functional dependency fn+1 = U →
V (where U and V are subsets of {X1, X2, . . . , Xm}) to our list of functional
dependencies, and the new functional dependency does not include any of the
attributes that are in the key K (that is, U ∩ K = V ∩ K = ∅), then K will still be a
key for R given f1, f2, . . . , fn+1. Is Lee correct? If yes, explain why. If no, provide a
In [ ]: %%sql
Choi wants to find the keys of a relation based on an instance (the concrete rows
stored in a database), rather than the functional dependencies (which are external
constraints on the schema), but he isn’t sure when this problem is possible. In this
problem, you will study potential errors that can occur when using an instance
instead of the functional dependencies.
Choi defines a set K to be a plausible key for an instance T if K could be a superkey
for T, and no subset of K could possibly be a superkey for T. (Equivalently, K is a
plausible key for T if there is a set of functional dependencies that are consistent with
T in which K is a superkey, and for all subsets U ⊂ K, there are no sets of functional
dependencies that are consistent with T in which U is a superkey.)
Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D) that satisfies the following set of functional
{A, B} → {C} (1)
{C} → {D} (2)
{D} → {A, B} (3) 
Create an instance T of R for which {A, B} is a plausible key. If you believe that T
cannot be created, provide it as an empty table.
Use a series of INSERT statements below to populate the table T.
In [ ]: %%sql
 CREATE TABLE T(A int, B int, C int, D int);
Create an instance T of R for which {A} is a plausible key. If you believe that T
cannot be created, provide it as an empty table.
Use a series of INSERT statements below to populate the table T.
In [ ]: %%sql
 CREATE TABLE T(A int, B int, C int, D int);
Create an instance T of R for which {A, B, C} is a plausible key. If you believe that T
cannot be created, provide it as an empty table.
Use a series of INSERT statements below to populate the table T.
In [ ]: %%sql
 CREATE TABLE T(A int, B int, C int, D int);
Consider a schema R(A, B, C, D) which has functional dependencies
{A, C} → {B} (4)
{D} → {C}. (5) 
Create an instance of R which is consistent with these functional dependencies, but
not with any other functional dependencies (i.e. all functional dependencies that are
not inferred from these are violated).
Use a series of INSERT statements below to populate the table R.
In [ ]: %%sql
Consider a schema R(A, B, C, D, E) which has an additional attribute E, but the same
functional dependencies
{A, C} → {B} (7)
{D} → {C}. (8)
Create an instance of R which is consistent with these functional dependencies, but
not with any other functional dependencies (i.e. all functional dependencies that are
not inferred from these are violated).
Write one or more SQL statements that populate the table S using the table R you
constructed in part (a). You may find the following SQL query helpful: INSERT
something you will have to fill out.
In [ ]: %%sql
 CREATE TABLE T(A int, B int, C int, D int, E int);

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