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Homework 2- Monitoring COVID Requirements using JAX-WS


Monitoring COVID Requirements using JAX-WS
You are in charge of health at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. This is a tough year for you
because of COVID-19. You have to make sure all the social distancing, mask wearing, and
cleanliness rules are followed so that students, instructors, and staff are all safe from COVID. One
aspect of this is monitoring compliance with COVID rules in the UAH classrooms. In order to save
the cost of expensive networking equipment, you will use the Internet to transfer your data. Since
you have recently learned JAX-WS, you will use this as your middleware.
We will assume that normally each classroom provides space for 10 students and 1 instructor. We
will be using hybrid teaching so at most half the class (5 students) comes each class period.
Therefore, each classroom is divided into 5 Rectangles plus 1 additional Rectangle in the middle
front of the room for the instructor. There is also a Rectangle (to the left of the instructor Rectangle at
the front) where a student can wait to ask a (fairly private) question of an instructor, next to the
instructor’s Rectangle, for a total of 7 Rectangles (students are required to wait at their desks in their
own Rectangle until the instructor’s Rectangle is empty before moving to the instructor’s Rectangle).
Note that there is no desk in the question Rectangle (so there is nothing that need be wiped down).
Only one desk is allowed in each Rectangle and only one student is allowed in each student
Rectangle or in the question Rectangle, this ensures social distancing. Only the instructor and one
desk are allowed in the instructor Rectangle.
There will be one bottle of Lysol sanitizing spray at each desk (inside each Rectangle). It is important
that every time before class and after class the Lysol sanitizing spray is used to spray down the desk.
There will be one bottle of hand sanitizer at the doorway for student (and instructor) to use as they
exit the room. It is important that after class each student and the instructor uses the hand sanitizer.
Each student must wear a mask. The instructor must wear either a mask or a faceshield.
Entrance: Hand
DESK & Lysol
Student Question Rectangle
Rectangle #2
DESK & Lysol
Rectangle #3
DESK & Lysol
Rectangle #5
DESK & Lysol
Rectangle #4
DESK & Lysol
You will employ four different kinds of sensors:
1) A social distancing sensor that detects: zero, one, or more than one students/instructor present in
each Rectangle ( more than one is an alarm event)
2) A mask wearing sensor that detects: 1 mask worn correctly, 1 mask not worn correctly (alarm
event), 1 faceshield worn correctly, 1 faceshield not worn correctly (Alarm event)
3) A weight sensor that detects events as follows: Event1: Lysol bottle lifted from desk, Event2:
Lysol bottle returned to desk. (If in any rectangle the Lysol bottle is not lifted and replaced at the
beginning of a class after the student enters the rectangle it is an alarm event.) (If in any rectangle
the Lysol bottle is not lifted and replaced at the end of a class before the student leaves the rectangle
it is an alarm event.)
4) A hand sanitizer sensor that detect events as follows: EventA: student leaves room after hand
sanitizer dispenses, EventB: student leaves room with hand sanitizer bottle not dispensing (alarm
You will have one of each of sensor type 1 and sensor type 2 in the question rectangle. You will have
one of each of sensor type 1, sensor type 2, and sensor type 3 in all other student rectangles and in the
instructor rectangle. You will have one of sensor type 4 in the Room Entrance rectangle.
You will support 3 classes total, with all 3 running simultaneously. You will have a button that marks
the beginning and end of a class (this may be one or two buttons as desired). You will have a
simulation of students entering and leaving the classroom, and sitting appropriately at their desks for
class, etc. You will be able to set the number of students and which desk students will go to, each
time. You will be able to set whether any of the above mentioned alarm events will happen. Make all
of this information clearly configurable for each classroom/class session.
So you will do the following: 1) you will simulate student and instructor behavior and it will be
configurable in all aspects discussed above, and 2) you will separately monitor using the above
defined sensors all student and instructor behavior. 3) you will keep a running report of a classroom
going on a central health server. 4) you will generate appropriate alarm messages on both server and
in the classroom.
You will use the JAX-WS and the internal web server included in JAX-WS/Java EE 8 (Java EE 8 is
already installed on your VMs) to create the server in the central UAH COVID monitoring location.
All major events, including both normal events where students and instructors are following all the
COVID rules, as well as abnormal events where a student or the instructor break COVID rules, will
be noted to the servers.
You will use wsimport to create your client.
You will be prepared to show your WSDL (using FireFox).
Each alarm will show on the appropriate server. Also, a message will be returned back to the sensor
(that sent the data to the server that caused the alarm) as a callback. This message will result in a
JavaScript alert that will be associated with the appropriate sensor. It must be very clear which sensor
is associated with which alert message. Also, at every message returned back to the sensor as a
callback, it will update a line on the sensor giving the current status of that sensor as the associated
server believes it currently is.
To turn in:
1. Your team will provide a demonstration of your working software.
2. Each member of the team will be asked questions related to the working of the software.
3. All source files submitted to canvas in a zip file with the names of all team members
Note that the grading is very similar to project #1, but includes a rubric item about WSDL.
Connects from client to at least one server 5 points
Can show WSDL using FireFox 5 points
Hand sanitizer sensor+data sent+data returned+alarms 20 points
Mask sensor+data sent+data returned+alarms 15 points
Lysol bottle sensor+data sent+data returned+alarms 20 points
Social distancing sensor+data sent+data returned+alarms 15 points
Classes/classtime managed appropriately 15 points
Sufficient Comments 5 points

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