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Homework 2 – Operations on Sparse Matrices

Homework 2 – Operations on Sparse Matrices
Matrix operations are computed frequently in machine learning, data science, and computer vision. This
assignment involves using linked lists to represent sparse matrices and compute matrix operations. Your
program will read two sparse matrices from files (see examples below), print both matrices, compute and
print the transpose of both matrices, and compute and print the matrix product of the two matrices.
Sparse Matrix
Let’s define a sparse matrix as a matrix where the majority of elements are zeros.
-1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 4
0 15 31 0 0
0 0 6 0 0
Consider storing a 100,000 by 100,000 matrix in an array representation. That would require storing 10
billion values, most of which are negligible; a O(n2) memory complexity.
For reading the sparse matrix representation from file:
￿ the first line of the file is the number of rows
￿ the second line is the number of columns
￿ the remaining lines are <column>,<value> pairs that represent the elements in the matrix, with
zero or more pairs per row
o Note: row and column numbering starts at 1, not 0
Matrix File Format
matrixA.txt: defines a 4 row x 6 column matrix
1,8 6,60 2,5
2,33 4,36
5,18 4,32 3,31
matrixB.txt: defines a 6 row x 6 column matrix
5,50 4,23 3,3 6,87
2,8 1,90 5,51
5,87 6,100
2,42 3,8 4,20
6,33 1,79
Matrix Transpose
The transpose of matrix A, denoted AT, can be computed by the interchange of row i with column i. That
is, the element at row i and column j of AT is the element at row j and column i of A.
Ex: Let A = 1 2 3 then AT = 1 4
4 5 6 2 5
3 6
Matrix Product
The matrix product, denoted AB, can be computed by evaluating the dot product of each row vector in A
with each column vector in B. (Note: the number of columns in A must equal the number of rows in B.)
Ex: Let A = A1 A2 A3 and B = B1 B2
A4 A5 A6 B3 B4
B5 B6
then AB = A1*B1 + A2*B3 + A3*B5 A1*B2 + A2*B4 + A3*B6
A4*B1 + A5*B3 + A6*B5 A4*B2 + A5*B4 + A6*B6
For this assignment, we will represent only the non-zero entries in the sparse matrix using linked lists.
Each non-zero element will be represented by a node. Each node will not only need to keep track of its
value, but also its row number and column number. As each node is in exactly one row and one column it
will appear in exactly two linked lists; one linked list for the row and one linked list for the column. These
row and column linked lists will be singly linked (not doubly linked). A head node will be needed to
maintain each column list and row list. Note that a head node points to the first node in the list, but is not
part of the list of values. The head nodes are similarly singly linked lists; one for the rows and one for the
columns. The sparse matrix will serve as the head node for both of these lists. As an example, the matrix
from matrixA.txt above would be represented visually as:
The design of your program should take advantage of object-oriented programming concepts. Start with
the following UML (find skeleton code here):
You will need to alter the class design in the following ways:
￿ Appropriate constructors, accessor methods, & mutator methods should be added.
￿ Private methods should be added to ensure methods don’t become too long and complex.
￿ Constants should be added and used where appropriate.
However, keep the class names, method names, return types and parameters the same.
Below are descriptions of functional requirements that solutions must provide:
￿ Each non-zero matrix value must be represented by an instance of ValueNode.
o No zero values should be represented by nodes
￿ The linked lists for rows, columns, and values must all be singly linked (not doubly)
o You must implement your own Linked List; not use Java’s
￿ Each instance of ValueNode must have a reference to the next ValueNode in its row
(nextColumn), and a reference to the next ValueNode in its column (nextRow)
￿ The insert method on MatrixRow and MatrixColumn should insert a ValueNode in
sorted order
o Based on the row / column of the ValueNode being inserted
￿ The get method on MatrixRow and MatrixColumn should return 0 if there is no
ValueNode at the specified position
o Note that row and column positions start at 1, not 0
￿ The getFirst method of MatrixRow and MatrixColumn should return the first
ValueNode in its row or column
￿ The getNext method of MatrixRow and MatrixColumn should return the next
MatrixRow or MatrixColumn in the list
￿ A SparseMatrix must have a reference to the head of the list of rows (firstRow), and a
reference to the head of the list of columns (firstColumn)
￿ The constructor of SparseMatrix should create a MatrixRow for each row and a
MatrixColumn for each column
￿ The getValue method on SparseMatrix should return 0 if there is no ValueNode at the
specified row and column
￿ The print method on SparseMatrix should print the values of each column in each row,
including any 0 values
￿ The transpose method on SparseMatrix should compute the transpose and return the
result as a new SparseMatrix
￿ The product method on SparseMatrix should compute the matrix product and return the
result as a new SparseMatrix
￿ The run method on Homework2 should perform the following:
o Read a file named matrixA.txt to build matrix A
o Print matrix A
o Read a file named matrixB.txt to build matrix B
o Print matrix B
o Compute the transpose of matrix A and print it
o Compute the transpose of matrix B and print it
o Compute the product of matrix A x matrix B and print it
o End
Other Considerations
￿ The main method should have no program logic. It should only start the program. The main
method should be placed by itself in a class.
￿ Do NOT make all of your methods and fields static. Limit usage of static to only constants and
utility methods that do not involve program state
￿ Implement the program incrementally; adding code, compiling, and debugging a little bit at a
time. This will help ensure your group’s program is always functional (can "do something"), even
if it is not complete.
￿ I recommend groups follow a bottom up approach. Start by implementing and debugging the
ValueNode, MatrixRow and MatrixColumn classes, before moving on to top level classes
like SparseMatrix that combine the other classes for the final program.
o Start by assuming inputs are ordered, so values can be inserted to the end. Wrap back
around later and ensure they insert in sorted order.
￿ Break up the program’s logic into smaller pieces to keep methods from getting too long and
￿ Use encapsulation, providing accessor and mutator methods instead of exposing public fields.
￿ Use good programming style when creating the program: descriptive names for classes, methods,
variables, and constants; proper indentation for code blocks; etc. It is also advisable to save
backup copies (e.g. of the program periodically as your group work, so that
you can restore to stable build if you want to experiment with something new or to avoid losing
your work if something goes wrong.
￿ Once implemented, test the program to verify that it satisfies all of the requirements listed above,
including error handling. Be sure to test using several different sets of input values.
￿ Verify the results of the matrix operations using online calculators (e.g. Transpose, Product).
Team collaboration is required for project assignments. A team allows for a maximum of three students.
Each team must join a “HW2” group on Canvas with each of the members (whether 2 or 3 students).
After your group has completed and thoroughly tested the program, upload a .zip file containing ONLY
your group’s source code files to Canvas.

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