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Homework 2 Probabilistic Language Identification

CS540 Fall 2022 Homework 2
1 Probabilistic Language Identification
Your detectives arrived at company X only to find an important piece of evidence, a business letter, has been shredded. After painstakingly recovering
the pieces, the detectives reported to you that all they could do was to count
how many times each alphabet character appeared in the letter. Your mission,
should you choose to accept it, is to estimate whether the letter was written in
English or Spanish.
1.1 Build your own digital shredder
We gave you a python program skeleton You should complete the
program. The first thing it should do is to read in a plain text letter and
digitally shred it: print out the character counts.
• Your program should read from the input file named “letter.txt” in the
same directory as We will supply this text file when we grade your
program. For developing your code, copy any one of the samples/letter[1−
4].txt files as letter.txt. Do not hardcode your input filenames as letter0.txt, letter1.txt, and so on.
• The input file may contain any printable ASCII characters and can be
short (e.g. a single word) or long (e.g. an article). In particular, there can
be a mix of upper and lower case characters; numbers and other printable
ASCII characters are possible too.
• The letter is known to be either entirely written in English or entirely
written in Spanish. For the sake of this homework, we assume Spanish is
written in printable ASCII characters, namely without accent marks etc.
• Your program should ignore case, i.e. merge “A” and “a” counts together,
and so on. This is known as case-folding.
• Your program should only count characters A to Z (after case-folding),
and ignore all other characters such as space, punctuations, etc.
• For this part, your program should output the string Q1 on its own line,
followed by exactly 26 lines. Each line contains the upper case letter, a
space, the count of that letter (after case-folding). You can see the sample
output in samples/letter[1 − 4] out.txt.
For example, assume letter.txt is the following:
Hi! I’ll go :-)
This part of your program should output:
A 0
B 0
C 0
D 0
E 0
F 0
G 1
H 1
I 2
J 0
K 0
L 2
M 0
N 0
O 1
P 0
Q 0
R 0
S 0
T 0
U 0
V 0
W 0
X 0
Y 0
Z 0
1.2 Language identification via Bayes rule
We arrange the 26 counts into a 26-dimensional count vector
X = (X1, . . . , X26),
where X1 is the count of A, X26 is the count of Z, and so on. X is the observed
evidence. We are interested in the source language y ∈ {English, Spanish}.
Our goal is to compute the conditional probability
P(Y = y | X).
For this, we will use the Bayes rule:
P(Y = y | X) = P(X | Y = y)P(Y = y)
P(X | Y = y)P(Y = y)
y0∈{English,Spanish} P(X | Y = y
0)P(Y = y
We need to know the following:
• P(Y = y) the prior probability that the letter is of language y, without
seeing any shredded evidence. For this homework, assume
P(Y = English) = 0.6, P(Y = Spanish) = 1 − P(Y = English) = 0.4.
• P(X | Y = y) the conditional probability of observing evidence X given
language y. We will use the multinomial probability. Under this model,
for y = English let
e = (e1, . . . , e26)
be a 26-dimensional multinomial parameter vector of English where ei ≥ 0
for i = 1 . . . 26, and P26
i=1 ei = 1. ei
is the probability of the ith character
in English, i.e. e1 is for A, e26 is for Z. Similarly, let
s = (s1, . . . , s26)
be the parameter vector of Spanish. e and s are given to you as two plain
text files e.txt, s.txt with self-explanatory format.
Then, the multinomial probability is defined as
P(X | Y = y) = C(X)
where p is e if y = English or s if y = Spanish, and C(X) is the multinomial coefficient:
C(X) =
i=1 Xi

X1! · . . . · X26!
You now have everything needed to mathematically compute P(Y = y | X)
for y ∈ {English, Spanish}.
1.3 Computational considerations
However, as a computer scientist we want to avoid unnecessary computation
and to avoid underflow. By inspecting P(Y = y | X) and remembering the
normalization P(Y = English | X) + P(Y = Spanish | X) = 1, we see that
any terms that does not depend on y can be ignored, as long as we normalize
in the end. Concretely, we say
P(Y = y | X) ∝ P(Y = y)
where we removed C(X) and P(X). Equivalently, we can compute (recall p
depends on y)
f(y) = P(Y = y)
and then normalize:
P(Y = y | X) = f(y)
f(English) + f(Spanish)
We also do not like multiplying many small numbers for fear of underflow, so
we want to compute things in the log domain:
F(y) = log f(y) = log P(Y = y) +X
log pi
We will use the default base in python which is natural log. From F(y) we can
compute the desired conditional probability by
P(Y = y | X) = e
F (y)
F (English) + e
F (Spanish)
However, F() can be very negative if the letter is long. This leads to e
F ()
underflow, and we may have a divide-by-zero error. To make the computation
more robust, let’s fix y = English and note that
P(Y = English | X) = e
F (English)
F (English) + e
F (Spanish)
1 + e
F (Spanish)−F (English)
Now, F(Spanish)−F(English) can be very positively large and e
F (Spanish)−F (English)
overflows toward infinity. But we know the ratio should approximate 0 in
that case. Conversely, F(Spanish) − F(English) can be very negative and
F (Spanish)−F (English) underflows toward zero. But we know the ratio should
approximate 1 in that case. Thus we suggest in your python program you do
an if-else check as follows:
• If F(Spanish) − F(English) ≥ 100 then simply set P(Y = English |
X) = 0;
• If F(Spanish) − F(English) ≤ −100 then simply set P(Y = English |
X) = 1;
• Otherwise compute
P(Y = English | X) = 1
1 + e
F (Spanish)−F (English)
1.4 Program output specification
We should be able to run your program with the following command:
Your program should produce output that follow the specification in the following 4 questions.
Q1 ([25] points): Print “Q1” followed by the 26 character counts for letter.txt. Please see sample output files for the exact format. We will test it on
different letter.txt to check your count output.
Q2 ([25] points): Compute X1 log e1 and X1 log s1. Print “Q2” then these
values up to 4 decimal places on two separate lines. Sample output for letter.txt is as follows:
Output format explanation: The first line is the value of X1 log e1 and the second
line is the value of X1 log s1. There is no empty line in between or additional
blank spaces. Notice that the values are 0 since ’A’ (or ’a’) does not appear in
the text! The negative sign is due to python implementation, we also accept
0.0000 as an answer
Q3 ([25] points): Compute F(English) and F(Spanish). Similarly, print
“Q3” followed by their values up to 4 decimal places on two separate lines.
Q4 ([25] points): Compute P(Y = English | X). Print “Q4” then this value
up to 4 decimal places.
You are expected to print out the answers to the above questions to stdout.
In other words, your program should print the values to your screen. You can
use the python print() function. Do not add additional blank lines between
your outputs. Carefully follow the format described above as your submission
will be automatically graded using an autograder. We provided four sample
input and output files for your reference.
1.5 Files in the assignment
The homework is released as a single which contains the following files
and directories:
• English character probability file e.txt
• Spanish character probability file s.txt
• directory samples contains sample letters and the desired output. Your
outputs should be identical to the ones provided. HINT: One way to check
whether your output matches the expected output is to use vimdiff on
Linux Terminals (use CSL Machines) for a line by line comparison between
two files. Usage:
>> vimdiff file1 file2
You can save your output to a file and then compare using vimdiff as
>> python3 | tee your_output
>> vimdiff your_output letter_out.txt
• Skeleton code to help you get started. It contains the following
two functions:
– shred(): Implements digital shredder functionality described in section 1.1. You are provided the definition and return value. You will
need to complete the function to answer Q1.
– get parameter vectors(): Reads ”e.txt” and ”s.txt” and returns
the e and s vectors described in section 1.2. We have already implemented this function for you. You can directly use the returned
values in your code.
You are free to implement the rest of the assignment as you wish using your
python coding skills.
1.6 Deliverables
Please submit your files in a zip file named hw2 <netid>.zip, where you replace
<netid> with your netID (your login). Inside your zip file, there should
be only one file named: Do not submit a Jupyter notebook .ipynb file.
Make sure you use python3!

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