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Homework 2 Recurrent Neural Networks and Sentence Representations

CS539 Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning – Homework 2
Recurrent Neural Networks and Sentence Representations
Overview and Objectives. In this homework, we’ll get more familiar with LSTMs by doing a bit of math, interacting
with simple versions in toy settings, and then move on to developing a full pipeline for part-of-speech tagging in English
with a Bidirectional LSTM.
How to Do This Assignment. The assignment walks you through completing the provided skeleton code and analyzing some of the results. Anything requiring you to do something is marked as a "Task" and has associated points
listed with it. You are expected to turn in both your code and a write-up answering any task that requested written
responses. Submit a zip file containing your completed skeleton code and a PDF of your write-up to Canvas.
Advice. Start early. Students will need to become familiar with pytorch for this and future assignments. Extra time
may be needed to get used to working remotely on the GPU cluster here. You can also use GPU-enabled runtimes in
1 Demystifying Recurrent Neural Networks [5pt]
1.1 Deriving LSTM Gradients for Univariate Case
Consider a univariate LSTM defined given the following equations. We refer to this model as univariate because all
inputs, outputs, and weights are scalars. σ(·) is a sigmoid activation.
it = σ(wixxt + wihht−1 + bi) (1)
ft = σ(wfxxt + wfhht−1 + bf ) (2)
ot = σ(woxxt + wohht−1 + bo) (3)
gt = tanh(wgxxt + wghht−1 + bg) (4)
ct = ftct−1 + itgt (5)
ht = ot tanh(ct) (6)
I TASK 1.1 [2 pt] Considering only a single time step t, compute the gradient expression for
the hidden state ht with respect to wix and bi. For this exercise, you do not need to consider
the influence of previous time steps.
I TASK 1.1 EC [5 pt extra credit] Assuming a sequence of length T, derive the gradient
expression for a loss L(hT ) computed at time T with respect to weight wix and bias bi
(i.e. δL(hT )
δL(hT )
). You can assume time steps start at t = 1. As the loss is not specified,
you can leave δL
in your expressions.
1.2 Hand Designing A Network for Parity
To ground this complicated looking model, we will consider a simple sequence classification problem – parity of binary
strings. Given an arbitrarily-long binary string b ∈ {0, 1}

, classify whether it has an even or odd number of ones.
For example all these strings have an even parity – “ ”, 0000, 101101 – and these an odd parity – 1, 0011001,
00011100. Below is a simple DFA1
that accepts strings with odd parity at the accepting state s2. As it only has two
states, it seems solving the parity classification problem only requires storing 1 bit of information in memory.
s1 s2
Another way to think about this computation is as a recursive application of XOR over time. If the parity up to
element t − 1 is 1 (odd) and we see a 1 for element t, the updated parity is 1 XOR 1 = 0 (even). Likewise, if at
time t + 1 we observe another 1, 0 XOR 1 = 1. In other words, PARITY(X, t) = X[t] XOR PARITY(X, t − 1) and
PARITY(X, −1) = 0 by definition. This sounds like the sort of operation we can do with an LSTM!
I TASK 1.2 [3 pt] Manually find weights and biases for the univariate LSTM defined above in 1.1 such
that the final hidden state will be greater than or equal to 0.5 for odd parity strings and less than 0.5 for
even parity. The parameters you must provide values for are wix, wih, bi
, wfx, wfh, bf , wox, woh, bo, wgx,
wgh, bg and are all scalars. The LSTM will take one bit of the string (0 or 1) as input x at each time step.
A tester is set up in where you can enter your weights and check performance.
Hints: Some of the weights will likely be zero. Others may be large. Scale matters, larger weights will saturate the activation functions. Also note that A XOR B can be written as (A OR B) AND (A NAND B). Work
backwards and try to find where this sort of two-term structure could be implemented.
Through this exercise, we’ve shown that a 1-dimensional LSTM is sufficient to solve parity of binary strings of arbitrary
length. In the next section, we’ll try to actually train an LSTM for this task. Hint: It may be harder than you think.
2 Learning to Copy Finite State Machines [10pt]
Let’s probe LSTMs a bit by making them mimic simple finite state machines. The rest of this assignment will work
within the PyTorch deep learning framework. You’ll need to install PyTorch in your development environment.
2.1 Parity: Examining Generalization To Longer Sequences
First, lets try to train an LSTM to perform the parity task we just did manually. The file provide
skeleton code for these experiments including a parity dataset shown below. During training, it generates all binary
strings of length 0 to max_length. At inference, it generates all binary strings of length max_length.
1 class Parity ( Dataset ):
3 def __init__ ( self , split =" train ", max_length =4) :
4 if split ==" train ":
5 self . data = []
6 for i in range (1 , max_length +1) :
7 self . data += [ torch . FloatTensor ( seq ) for seq in itertools . product
([0 ,1] , repeat = i)]
8 else :
9 self . data = [ torch . FloatTensor ( seq ) for seq in itertools . product
([0 ,1] , repeat = max_length )]
11 def __len__ ( self ) :
12 return len ( self . data )
14 def __getitem__ ( self , idx ):
15 x = self . data [ idx ]
16 y = x. sum () % 2
17 return x ,y
Listing 1: Parity Dataset
To train our network, we can build a DataLoader from our Parity dataset (see below). However, our dataset contains
strings of variable length so we need to pass a custom function to our data loader describing how to combine elements
in a sampled batch together.
1 train = Parity ( split =’train ’, max_length = max_length )
2 train_loader = DataLoader ( train , batch_size =B , shuffle = True ,
3 collate_fn = pad_collate )
Listing 2: Data loader
Our pad_collate function puts all the elements of a batch in a B×Tmax tensor for inputs and a B tensor for outputs
where Tmax is the largest length in the batch. Shorter sequences are zero-padded. A batch of inputs looks like:
1 tensor ([[1. , 1. , 0. , 0. , 0.] ,
2 [0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , 0.] ,
3 [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.] ,
4 [0. , 1. , 1. , 0. , 1.] ,
5 [0. , 1. , 1. , 0. , 0.]] , device =’cuda :0 ’)
Listing 3: Example input for a batc
I TASK 2.1 [5 pt] Implement the ParityLSTM class in Your model’s forward function should process the batch of binary input strings and output a B × 2 tensor y where yb,0 is the score
for the b
th element of the batch having an even parity and yb,1 for odd parity. You may use any PyTorchdefined LSTM functions. Larger hidden state sizes will make for easier training in my experiments. Running will train your model and output per-epoch training loss and accuracy. A correctlyimplemented model should approach 100% accuracy on the training set. In your write-up for this question,
describe any architectural choices you made.
Hint: Efficiently processing batches with variable input lengths requires some bookkeeping or else the LSTM
will continue to process the padding for shorter sequences along with the content of longer ones. See
pack_padded_sequence and pad_packed_sequence documentation in PyTorch.
I TASK 2.2 [1 pt] also evaluates your trained model on binary sequences of length 0
to 20 and saves a corresponding plot of accuracy vs. length. Include this plot in your write-up and describe
the trend you observe. Why might the model behave this way?
I TASK 2.3 [3 pt] We know from 1.1 that even a univariate LSTM (one with a scalar hidden state) can
theoretically solve this problem. Run a few (3-4) experiments with different hidden state sizes, what is the
smallest size for which you can still train to fit this dataset? Feel free to adjust any of the hyper-parameters
in the optimization in the train_model function if you want. Describe any trends you saw in training or the
generalization experiment as you reduced the model capacity.
Note: In developing this assignment, I never successfully got it down to a hidden dimension of 1. Lower dimensional settings tended to be sensitive to batch size and learning rate. Don’t spend all night tuning this
unless you’ve finished the rest of the assignment and have nothing better to do.
2.2 Embedded Reber Grammars: Thinking About Memory
Next we turn to recognizing an Embedded Reber Grammar (ERG). An ERG generation diagram is shown below. To
generate an ERG string, start from the leftmost black node and sample any outgoing edge (only B in this case) and
write down the letter of that edge. Repeat this process from the new node until reaching the right-most black node
through the edge labelled E. So BTBTSSXSETE is a valid ERG string. Notice that the sub-networks in dashed boxes are
identical for the upper and lower branch. These are the Reber Grammars that are embedded in this larger grammar.
To make longer strings, the dashed boxes can be repeated k times (E edge returns to start) before exiting to the T/P
edges headed towards the terminal node on the right.
The plot on the right shows train and validation accuracy over training for an LSTM and vanila RNN on the task
of identifying ERG strings with k = 4. An example string from this grammar is BTBTXSEBTXSEBPVVEBTXXVVETE.
Breaking it out, its easy to see the structure – BT BTXSE BTXSE BPVVE BTXXVVE TE – as a prefix, four repeated
Reber Grammar strings, and a suffix. The dataset contained 50% positives samples, 25% negative with a random
perturbation of one character, and 25% negatives with the second-to-last letter perturbed. In this setting, the vanilla
RNN model overfit to the training set given sufficient time, but failed to generalize. In contrast, the LSTM model
generalized well to the test set.
I TASK 2.4 [1 pt] It has been demonstrated that vanilla RNNs have a hard time learning to classify
whether a string was generated by an ERG or not. LSTMs on the other hand seem to work fine. Based on
the structure of the problem and what you know about recurrent networks, why might this be the case?
3 Part-of-Speech Tagging [15pt]
Now lets get to work on a real problem – part-of-speech tagging in English. This is a many-to-many sequence problem
where each word in an input must be labelled with a corresponding part-of-speech tag. The goal of this section will be
to train a bidirectional LSTM model for this task. Unlike in the previous sections, no skeleton code will be provided
and students are responsible for building the whole pipeline including text processing, data loading, model design,
training, and evaluation. Feel free to use any libraries you wish to accomplish this.
We will be using the Universal Dependencies2 English Part-Of-Speech (UDPOS) benchmark. The easiest way to
load this dataset is through the torchtext module. The code below loads the dataset and prints out an example.
1 from torchtext import data
2 from torchtext import datasets
3 TEXT = data . Field ( lower = True )
4 UD_TAGS = data . Field ( unk_token = None )
5 fields = ((" text ", TEXT ) , (" udtags ", UD_TAGS ) )
6 train_data , valid_data , test_data = datasets . UDPOS . splits ( fields )
8 def visualizeSentenceWithTags ( example ):
9 print (" Token "+"". join ([" " ]*(15) )+" POS Tag ")
10 print (" ---------------------------------")
11 for w , t in zip ( example [’text ’] , example [’udtags ’]) :
12 print (w+"". join ([" " ]*(20 - len (w) ))+t )
Listing 4: Loading the UD En POS benchmark
2 > visualizeSentenceWithTags ( vars ( train_data . examples [997]) )
3 Token POS Tag
4 ---------------------------------
5 they PRON
6 are AUX
7 doing VERB
8 it PRON
9 deliberately ADV
10 . PUNCT
Listing 5: Visualizing a sentence and its associated list of tags.
Notice that there is a train, validation, and test split of the dataset. We should only evaluate on test once when we
are completely done tuning our model on validation and are looking to report final results.
I TASK 3.1 [2 pt] The first step for any machine learning problem is to get familiar with the dataset.
Read through random samples of the dataset and summarize what topics it seems to cover. Also look at
the relationship between words and part-of-speech tags – what text preprocessing would be appropriate or
inappropriate for this dataset? Produce a histogram of part-of-speech tags in the dataset – is it balanced between all tags? What word-level accuracy would a simple baseline that picked the majority label achieve?
You will need to get the dataset into a form that we can use in a model – i.e. numeralized batches of sequences
and their labels. Simple examples of dataset classes and dataloaders that rely on our Vocabulary code from last
assignment have been demonstrated in lecture. Another option is to look into the APIs which can
flexibly handle text datasets like this one and take care of tokenization / numeralization with less effort – provided you
spend the time learning the API. Either way is fine for this assignment.
The next step is to implement your model and the training routine. The lectures and other skeleton code in this
assignment should provide a good starting point for these. If you run into trouble, printing out the shapes of tensors
and reading the PyTorch documentation can be very helpful. A useful development strategy is to operate only on
a single batch at first – if your model can’t quickly fit the batch, something is wrong. Once you get a basic model
running, you’ll want to tune parameters and network structure to achieve good validation accuracy.
I TASK 3.2 [10 pt] Create a file that implements and trains a bidirectional LSTM
model on this dataset with cross entropy loss. The BiLSTM should predict an output distribution over the
POS tags for each token in a sentence. In your written report, produce a graph of training and validation
loss over the course of training. Your model should be able to achieve >70% per-word accuracy fairly easily.
To achieve stronger performance, you will likely need to tune hyper-parameters or model architecture to
achieve lower validation loss. Using pretrained word vectors will likely help as well. You may also wish to employ early-stopping – regularly saving the weights of your model during training and then selecting the saved
model with the lowest validation loss. In your report, describe any impactful decisions during this process.
Once you are done finetuning, evaluate on the test split of the data and report the per-word accuracy.
I TASK 3.2 [3 pt] Implement a function tag_sentence(sentence, model) that processes an input sentence (a string) into a sequence of POS tokens. This will require you to tokenize/numeralize the sentence,
pass it through your network, and then print the result. Use this function to tag the following sentences:
The old man the boat.
The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families.
The man who hunts ducks out on weekends.

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