CSC453 Homework 2
This HW is divided into 3 parts. Please download the schema and dataset provided for
each part. Create the database on Oracle server using SQLDeveloper, and then write the
queries for each part. Your queries must work for arbitrary data, not just the provided
Submission instructions: For each Part submit a Part-X.sql file and a Part-X.pdf file,
where X = A, B, and C. Part-X.sql contains all your SQL queries. In Part-X.pdf
copy/paste screenshots of each query and its answer from SQLDeveloper. Screenshots
instructions are here. In total you shall be submitting 6 files.
A. Basic SQL Operators (20 points)
Dataset: Trips
The schema is as follows:
Trips Trips TID, TripState, TravelMode, Fare
ByCar TID, Rental Company, Mileage
ByTrain TID, Type, Coach, TrainSpeed, NumberofStops
ByPlane TID, Airline, Class, LayoverTime
The Trips table stores information about trips taken by various modes of travel and their respective
fares. Each trip, owing to its mode has some relevant information specific to the mode. For instance, a
car trip has the rental company and the mileage, where as train trip is characterized by the trainspeed,
type, coach, and number of stops. The TravelCompany is interested in answering the following
1. [1pt] List car rental companies which have a mileage of at least 27 miles/gallon.
2. [1pt] List trip IDs taken on train costing strictly more than $150.
3. [1pt] Find trip IDs and their fare that are not taken in the US i.e., `Non-US` trips.
4. [1pt] Find the business class plane trip IDs that are greater than $1000.
5. [2pt] Find any car trip more expensive than a trip taken on a train in the same state or outside
the country.
6. [2pt] List pairs of distinct trips that have exactly the same value of mileage.
Note a pair of distinct trips is of the format: (TID1, TID2).
This distinct pair is not the same as the pair (TID2, TID1)
7. [2pt] List pairs of distinct train trips that do not have the same speed.
8. [2pt] Find those pair of trips in the same state with the same mode of travel. List such pairs
only once. In other words, given a pair (TID1,TID2) do NOT list (TID2,TID1).
9. [4pt] Find a state in which trips have been taken by all three modes of transportation: train,
plane, and car.
10. [4pt] Find the details of a) the most costly trip, b) the cheapest trip, regardless of the travel
mode. Write two separate queries for (a) and (b). Write both (a) and (b) as a self-join with
basic SQL operators (Filter, Project, Rename, Join (cross-join, natural join), Union,
Intersect, and Difference). Do not use ALL, ANY, DISTINCT, GROUP BY, HAVING,
Submit A.sql consisting of all SQL statements, and A.pdf consisting of screenshots of queries and
results. Not following screenshot instructions will result in loss of points.
Part-B. Advanced SQL (15 points)
Dataset: ComputerStore (Provided in D2L/Homeworks)
The schema is as follows:
Company Employee Fname, Minit, Lname, Ssn, Bdate, Address, Sex, Salary,
Super_Ssn, Dno
Department Dname, Dnumber, Mgr_ssn, Mgr_start_date
Project Pname, Pnumber, Plocation, Dnum
Works_On Essn, Pno, Hours
Dependent Essn, Dependent_name, Sex, Bdate, Relationship
The Employee table stores information about employee. The Department table stores
information about a department, and Project about the project. Works_On and
Dependent are relationship tables.
Answer all 6 questions.
1. [2pt] Retrieve the names of all employees who work on at least one of the projects.
(In other words, look at the list of projects given in the PROJECT table, and retrieve the
names of all employees who work on at least one of them.)
2. [2pt] For each department, retrieve the department number, department name, and the
average salary of all employees working in that department. Order the output by
department number in ascending order.
3. [3pt] List the last names of all department managers who have no dependents.
4. [3pt] Determine the department that has the employee with the lowest salary among
all employees. For this department retrieve the names of all employees. Write one query
for this question.
5. [3pt] Find the total number of employees and the total number of dependents for
every department (the number of dependents for a department is the sum of the number
of dependents for each employee working for that department). Return the result as
department name, total number of employees, and total number of dependents.
6. [2pt] Retrieve the names of employees whose salary is within $20,000 of the salary
of the employee who is paid the most in the company (e.g., if the highest salary in the
company is $80,000, retrieve the names of all employees that make at least $60,000).
Submit B.sql consisting of all SQL statements, and B.pdf consisting of screenshots of queries and
results. Not following screenshot instructions will result in loss of points.
Part-C. Analysis SQL (25 points)
Dataset: Restaurants (Provided in D2L/Homeworks)
The schema is as follows:
Restaurants restaurant rID, name, address, cuisine
reviewer vID, name
rating vID, rID, stars, ratingdate
1. [1pt] Find the name of all restaurants offering Indian cuisine
2. [2pt] Find restaurant names that received a rating of 4 or 5, sort them in increasing
3. [2pt] Find the names of all restaurants that have no rating.
4. [2pt] Some reviewers didn't provide a date with their rating. Find the names of all
reviewers who have ratings with a NULL value for the date.
5. [4pt] For all cases where the same reviewer rated the same restaurant twice and gave
it a higher rating the second time, return the reviewer's name and the name of the
6. [4pt] For each restaurant that has at least one rating, find the highest number of stars
that a restaurant received. Return the restaurant name and number of stars. Sort by
restaurant name.
7. [5pt] For each restaurant, return the name and the 'rating spread', that is, the
difference between highest and lowest ratings given to that restaurant. Sort by rating
spread from highest to lowest, then by restaurant name.
8. [5pt] Find the difference between the average rating of Indian restaurants and the
average rating of Chinese restaurants. (Make sure to calculate the average rating for
each restaurant, then the average of those averages for Indian and Chinese
restaurants. Don't just calculate the overall average rating for Indian and Chinese
restaurants.) Note: The difference can be negative.
Submit C.sql consisting of all SQL statements, and C.pdf consisting of screenshots of queries and
results. Not following screenshot instructions will result in loss of points.