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Homework #2 University SQL

EECS 484 Homework #2

There are three parts to this homework assignment, all of which must be appropriately submitted
prior to the assignment deadline. For Part 3, you may submit either a computer-generated PDF or a
PDF conversion of a hand-written solution. If you opt to write your solution by hand, make sure that
your writing is clear, legible, and unambiguous in all circumstances.

Part 1: University SQL (40 points)
Consider a database consisting of the following five tables. Attributes that are underlined have been
designated the primary key of their respective tables, and fields with identical names in different
tables can be safely assumed to be foreign keys.
Students(SID, Name, Major)
Projects(PID, Project Name)
Courses(CID, Course Name)
Members(PID, SID)
Enrollments(CID, SID)
The Project Name and Course Name fields are specified as UNIQUE, and all fields are required except
for Major, which may be NULL (to represent undeclared).
Write each of the following queries in a separate file titled Query[N].sql, where [N] is the number of
the query as enumerated. Each query is worth 10 points. Follow strictly the order of fields to be
returned. There are restrictions on the constructs that you can use for some of the queries. We have
not provided you with any sample data for this part of the assignment, so it is suggested that you
devise a way to test your scripts to ensure that they are correct. In all instances, do not duplicate
rows in your results.
1. Write a query that finds the list of the IDs of all students who are enrolled in (EECS442 and
EECS445 and EECS492) or (EECS482 and EECS486) or (EECS281). The results should be
sorted in ascending order. Note that “EECS442” is a course title and that there is no space
between the department abbreviation and the course number. This query should be
completed without views or nested queries; correct implementations of this query that
utilize views or nested queries will receive half credit.
2. Write a query that finds the IDs and names of all CS majors who are enrolled in at least one
CS-heavy course. A CS-heavy course is defined as one in which strictly fewer than 50 non-CS
majors are enrolled; this includes 0 non-CS majors. The results should be sorted in descending
order by ID. Do not return duplicates. A student whose major is CS will have the VARCHAR2
value “CS” for their Major field, while a non-CS student will have something else. Remember
that the Major field can be NULL.
3. Write a query that finds the IDs and names of all students with at least one project partner
who is enrolled in (EECS482 or EECS483) and (EECS484 or EECS485) and (EECS280). Do not
return duplicates. The results should be sorted in descending order by the students’ names.
This query should be completed without views or set operations (MINUS, UNION,
INTERSECT); correct implementations of this query that utilize views or set operations
will receive half credit.
4. Create a view called StudentPairs with two columns, SID1 and SID2. The contents of this view
should be all pairs of IDs of two students who are enrolled in at least one common class but
are not already partners on any project. You should report each student pair exactly once. The
lower ID should be SID1, and the higher ID should be SID2. The contents of the view do not
need to be sorted.
Part 2: Booktown SQL (56 points)
A new bookstore called Booktown has opened in your suburb, and they’ve hired you to find some
information about their current inventory. They’ve provided you with a database of their store’s
contents in BuildBooktown.sql, which defines the schema of the data tables as well as the data they
contain. You should familiarize yourself with the schemas contained in this file, as they may contain
information that is helpful in completing your queries. You can use the script file DropBooktown.sql
to drop the database once you’ve finished using it.
Booktown wants to emphasize a few things about the schema of its database that you may
accidentally overlook. Pay close attention to these points:
• There is no requirement that the pair (First Name, Last Name) for an author is unique; the
same pair with a different Author ID represents a different author
• Despite consisting only of numerals, the ISBN field of an edition is a string
• The Publication Date field is a string that has the format YYYY-MM-DD, with the month and day
being padded with a leading 0 where necessary; these values can be compared using standard
Write each of the following queries in a separate file titled BooktownQuery[N].sql, where [N] is the
number of the query as enumerated. Each query is worth 7 points. There are no restrictions on the
methods you use to complete the query: nested queries, views, and set operations are all legal. Your
queries must be correct for any data set and not just the one that we have provided; there is no
guarantee that we will run your scripts against the exact data you have access to.
Be sure not to repeat results in the output of any of your queries. Be careful, though: just because
the values of the fields you returned are the same in more than one row does not necessarily mean
that they are the same result. This might happen if you are selecting only fields that are not
guaranteed to be unique, as repeated tuples may then represent disparate entities.
1. Write a query that finds the ISBNs of all editions of books written by Agatha Christie. The
results should be sorted in descending order.
2. Write a query that finds the IDs, first names, and last names of all authors who have written at
least one book in every subject for which J. K. Rowling has written at least one book. The
results should be sorted in ascending order by the author’s last name, with ties being broken
in favor of the larger ID.
3. Write a query that finds the first and last names of all authors who have written at least one
children’s/young adult book (subject: “Children/YA”) and at least one book of fiction (subject:
“Fiction”). The results should be sorted first in ascending order by first name and then in
ascending order by last name.
4. Write a query that finds titles, publication dates, author IDs, author first names, and author
last names of all editions of books written by an author who wrote at least one book with at
least one edition published between the dates of 2003-01-01 and 2008-12-31; both dates
should be included in the range. The results should be sorted in ascending order by the
author’s ID, then in ascending order by the book title, then in descending order by the date of
5. Write a query that finds the titles of books and the cumulative total number of pages of all
editions of each respective book. The column containing the cumulative total should be
named Total_Pages. Only books that have editions listed need to be included in the results,
which should be sorted in descending order by the cumulative total number of pages across
all editions.
6. Write a query that finds the subjects for which no book has been written by any author. The
results should be sorted in ascending order.
7. Write a query that finds the IDs and names of publishing companies that have published at
least one edition of a book written by any author who has written exactly 3 books. The results
should be sorted in descending order by the publisher’s ID.
8. Write a query that finds the IDs of all authors who have written exactly 1 book. The results
should be sorted in ascending order.
Please make sure that all of your queries execute in SQL*PLUS without syntax errors or undesired
side effects. If you ever create an intermediate view, be sure that you drop in at the end of the file in
which it was created. Under no circumstances should you alias the names of the columns except in
Query 5 as specified. Do not include any column formatting, SQL prompts, or other contents in your
scripts that might change the format of your output. Do not tamper with the autocommit feature
Part 3: RA & RC (20 points)
(Notice that you do not need to represent the sorted order of the results of the queries in your
relational algebra expressions. There may be a possibility for partial credit.)
1. Write relational algebra expressions equivalent to Booktown queries 1, 2, 3, and 4 listed
above. (2+3+3+4 points)
2. Write relational calculus expressions equivalent to Booktown queries 1,2 and 3. (2+3+3
Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted to the online Autograder, which should be open. You will have to
create a team in order to submit: simply click on the “Create Team” button from the assignment
home page and you will be set. All 12 SQL script files should be placed in a single tarball named
homework2.tar.gz and uploaded to the system. To make this tarball, place all of your SQL scripts in
the same directory with no other SQL files and run the following command:
% tar −zcf homework2 . tar . gz ∗. sql
These files will be autograded; however, you will only receive feedback for your first submission
every day. As such, you should take special effort to test your own files manually.
If, for some reason, you are unable to complete one or more of the queries for Part 1 and/or Part 2,
you still must submit a file with the appropriate name (but it can just be a blank file). If you are
missing any of the required files, your submission will not be counted in any capacity.
Part 3 will be submitted to Gradescope. The PDF of your RA & RC expressions can be named
whatever you would like. Ensure that your uniqname is clearly visible on the PDF, which can either
be fully computer-generated or a scan of something hand-written. The staff recommends formatting
software such as LaTeX or Microsoft Word’s formulas feature. If you choose to hand-write your
solutions, give yourself plenty of space and write legibly.

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