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Homework #3 HiLo Guessing Game


Homework #3

Hand in:

Turn in a printout of your source code along with a printout of sample runs showing that your program works.

HiLo Guessing Game

This assignment utilizes:

- random numbers

- loops

- conditional statements

- basic input/output

Write a program to play the Hi-Lo guessing game! In particular, your program should:

· Generate a random number from 1 to 100.

· Ask the user to guess the number

· If the user is right, the game ends

· If the user's guess is too high or too low, the program informs the user of that fact and asks for another guess.

· This repeats until the user gets the number correct.

Further, your program should keep track of how many guesses the user takes to get the number right. An appropriate insult/compliment should then be issued to the user. For example:

11 or more "What a terrible score!..."

9-10 "Not too shabby, but not too good either...

7-8 "That's pretty good but you can do better..."

5-6 "That's a very good score..."

0-4 "Amazing! Or was it luck?"

Here is a sample run:

Let’s play a Number Guessing Game!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


Too low!!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


Too high!!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


Too high!!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


Too low!!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


Too low!!

Guess a number between 1 and 100


You win!!

It took you 6 guesses.

That's a very good score...

Some Help (random numbers): To generate a random number from 1-10 in c++, do the following:

First, “seed” the random number generator. To do this, add #include <ctime to the top of your program, and add the following command:


Now use “rand()” to generate “pseudo random numbers”. Each call to rand() will generate a giant random number. Take the result and get the remainder of this giant number modulus 10 using ‘rand() % 10’. The remainder of any number when divided by 10 will be a number from 0 to 9. Take the result and add 1 to it to get a number from 1-10:


int x1 = rand() % 10 + 1; //will be something like 4

int x2 = rand() % 10 + 1; //will be something like 1

int x3 = rand() % 10 + 1; //will be something like 6

Extra Credit 1 (10 extra points)

(This is easy, you might as well do it!)

Make the following improvements to your program:

· Instead of always guessing from 1-100, ask the user to input the range of numbers to guess between.

· Before playing, request some personal information about the user. Then, during the game, have the program spew random comments at the user based on this information.

· Make your program do something cool other than what is already listed.

Extra Credit 2 (50 extra points)

· Write a second version of the Hi-Lo game, except that instead of the user guessing the number, the computer tries to guess a number the user is thinking of. That is, the computer makes a guess, and the user tells the program if the guess is too high or too low.

· To get points for this version, your program should always guess the number within, say, 10 guesses.

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