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Homework 3 Bitmap indexing

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Objectives: There are three parts of the assignment,
A. Bitmap indexing
B. Bloom filters
C. Finer points of SQL and relational algebra (i.e. sets, bags and nulls), and the
extended relational operators.
Reading and discussion:
A. Bitmap indexing, Ch. 14.7 All in the text.
B. Bloom Filters, The Wikipedia page,
(recall this material is central to contemporary database developments. Despite
being first published in 1970, it is not in the textbook). Also you’ll see the
Wikipedia page covers a number of variations/improvements on Bloom filters not
covered in lecture. Though it won’t be on an exam in this class, if you think your
future may include low-level visibility (i.e. source-code) with a parallel cloudnative database, you should familiarize yourself with the full contents of the
Wikipedia page. Also, though not uploaded to Box, supplementary reading is
Bloom’s original paper. It is linked into both the lecture notes and the Wikipedia
C. Reading, text, 5.1, 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2.
The Assignment:
Part A: Text problems 14.7.1, 14.7.3a
Part B: Consider the Bloom filter presented in Jason Davies’ interactive demo,
Before you get started, you should play with the demo until you are comfortable that the
idea actually works.
1. For the following, be careful to use all lowercase letters. Start from an empty
(reset) demo filter. Place the letter ‘z’ in the query box. (the box on the right side
of the diagram). Start from ‘a’, add the alphabet, as keys, to the filter. (i.e. add a,
then b, then c and so on).
a. How much of the alphabet could you add as keys to the filter before
getting a false positive hit? If you are at all concerned about your answer,
proceed to question 2.
Homework 3 CS386D Database Systems
Created on 2/13/20
Version: 1.0
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b. If I asked you to repeat this problem with 5 letter words would you expect
different results?
2. For the demo Bloom filter,
a. If one key is stored in the filter, e.g., ‘z’. What is the probability of a false
b. If 20 keys are stored in that Bloom Filter, what is the probability of a false
c. From an empty filter, add as keys the letters a through t, (20 keys). Type
your name in the query box. Did the filter report your name is probably
there (True), or did the filter report your name was definitely not there,
(False). There will be a Piazza poll. Enter your answer, (True or False) in
the Piazza poll.
3. Suppose Jason Davies was given a set of requirements for a Bloom Filter,
detailing the size (length in bits) of the Bloom Filter, and that he should use the
optimal number of hash functions. The result was precisely the Bloom Filter
illustrated on the web site. How many keys did the requirements document state
were to be stored?
Part C.
1. Text problem: 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 16.2.2 b, c
Think about 5.1.41
2. Consider the following pair of tables, R and S.
thePrimaryKey name joinKey1
1 Andrea 101
2 David Null
3 David Null
4 Dan Null
5 John 106
thePrimaryKey romanNumeral joinKey2
6 V 101
7 X Null
8 L 105
Create a database on your machine for tables R and S and load the 8 rows.
Consider each of the following queries in relational algebra. Translate the query to SQL
and execute the query on the database. When translating, do the easy, obvious translation
without concern for set vs. bag semantics. i.e. DO NOT introduce the SQL distinct
1 Think about problems are just that. Read the problem and understand the issue. Optionally you
may do the problem on paper if that helps you digest the material. In either case, do not hand
anything in. It will not be graded. Post on Piazza if you get stuck.
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operator. The goal of the homework is to see how Null is treated. (Note: I’ve never
located a butterfly/join symbol in MS-Word. So in the relational algebra expression
below, the word “join” replaces the butterfly symbol.)
i. σ(R)
joinKey1 = 101
ii. σ(R)
joinKey1 ≠ 101
iii. σ(R)
joinKey1 = Null
iv. Π(R)
Name, joinKey1
v. Π(R)
vi. R join S
joinKey1 = joinKey2
vii. R join S
joinKey1 ≠ joinKey2
viii. R full outer join S
joinKey1 = joinKey2
ix. R left outer join S
joinKey1 = joinKey2
x. R left Semijoin S
joinKey1 = joinKey2
xi. R left Antijoin S
joinKey1 = joinKey2
For each part of question C2, turn in only the output rows, clearly separating and labeling
the output
3. For parts vi and vii, write three different equivalent SQL queries that implement the
query shown in relational algebra. (That is the 1 you wrote above, plus 2 more. You
should execute them to test if all three produce the same result.)
4. For parts viii through xi, write two different equivalent queries that implement the
query shown in relational algebra.

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