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Homework 3: Concurrent Data Structures

CSE113: Parallel Programming
Homework 3: Concurrent Data Structures

1. This assignment requires the following programs: make, bash, and clang++. This software
should all be available on the provided docker.
2. The background for this homework is in the class material for Module 3.
3. Find the assignment packet at You might collect this from a a bash cli using wget. That is, you
can run:
Download the packet and unzip it. But do not change the file structure.
4. This homework contains 2 parts. Each part is worth equal points.
5. If you need help, please visit office or mentoring hours. You can also ask questions on Piazza.
You are allowed to ask your classmates questions about frameworks and languages (e.g. Docker
and C++). You are not allowed to discuss technical homework solution details with them.
6. For each part, read the what to submit section. Add any additional content to the file structure.
To submit, you will zip up your modified packet and submit it to canvas. If you have questions
about the structure of your zip file, please ask!
7. Your submission will consist of two parts: a zipped directory of code and a pdf report. Upload
both files to Canvas when you submit. The contents of the report for each part are detailed in
each section. The structure of the zipped directory is described at the end of the document.
8. You should feel free to modify any part of the function that you are working on. In some
cases I have left some loop structure in the code to guide you, but in some cases you may
need to change loop bounds, increments, etc.
9. The code contains empty checker.h files. These are stubs that we will fill in when grading.
Do not remove them.
1 Producer-consumer Queues
In this part of the assignment you will implement several variants of a producer-consumer queue
and optimize a simple concurrent program using your queues.
The set-up is as follows: You are programming a strange machine: This machine can execute
three threads: a memory load thread, which can load memory; a trig thread, which can execute
trigonometry functions; and a memory store thread, which can store to memory. The three threads
can communicate with each other through producer-consumer queues.
The overall goal of the program is to take in an array of floating point values and compute the
cosine of each value, and then store the value back. To do this, the array of floats is sent to the
memory load thread. For each item in the array, the memory load thread loads the value, and sends
it to the trig thread for computation. The trig thread performs the computation, and sends the
value to the memory store thread. The memory store thread then stores the value back to memory.
There are two producer-consumer queues: memory_to_trig has the memory load thread as the
producer and sends values to the trig thread (the consumer). The trig_to_memory queue sends
values from the trig thread (the producer) to the memory store thread (the consumer).
While this scenario may seemed contrived, it is similar to how some accelerators are programmed.
You have 3 parts of this assignment:
1.1 A synchronous producer-consumer queue
For this part, the program is given in main.cpp. Your job is to implement CQueueSync.h. The
queue should be implemented in a synchronous way, i.e. as discussed in the Feb. 4 lecture. Every
enqueue must wait for the corresponding dequeue, and vice versa. This program is built with the
first compile line of the makefile and produces an executable called syncQueue.
If you are running on a machine with 2 cores, please consider adding yields to your spin-loops.
1.2 An asynchronous producer-consumer queue
Similar to the above, the program is given in main.cpp. Your job is to implement an asynchronous
concurrent queue, as discussed in lecture. You will use a circular buffer of size CQUEUE_SIZE. You
will implement this queue in CQueue.h. This program is compiled in the second line of the makefile
and will be called asyncQueue.
1.3 Batching communication
In this final part, you will modify both the program and the queue to take advantage of batched
data. For the queue, you will implement the functionality to enqueue and dequeue 8 items at a
time. The API for these two new functions are given in the CQueue.h file. They are enq_8 and
deq_8. The enqueue takes a point to a float array called a. It enqueues 8 floats starting at the
initial location of the array, i.e. e[0] - e[7]. Dequeue is similar, it reads 8 values from the queue
and stores them in e[0] - e[7].
Be sure to check that the queue has enough elements to dequeue, and equeue before executing
these functions. As you should find, the size check is a little more tricky than we discussed in class!
Now modify main2.cpp to take advantage of these new API calls. That is, the program should
be similar to that of main.cpp, however, instead of calling enqueue and dequeue for each element,
you can call it for batches of 8 elements. You can assume the size of the input array is divisible by
The makefile will compile this into an executable called Queue8API.
1.4 What to run
You should time each of your executables. I also suggested that you check each program for
1.5 What to submit
The code component of your submission is the completed header files for the queues (SyncQueue.h
and Queue.h), as well as main2.cpp. Although you did not need to modify them, please also include
main.cpp, the Makefile and the checker.
The report component should include a report with a graph of your times and 1 paragraph
explaining your implementation and 1 paragraph explaining your timing observations.
Your grade will be based on 4 criteria:
• Correctness: Do the pipelines that use your queues produce the right results? Do you batch
your communication correctly?
• Conceptual: Do your queue implementations match what we discussed in lecture?
• Performance: Does your performance match what you think it should? If so can you explain
why? If not, can you say what you expect and make a hypothesis why not?
• Explanation: do you explain your results and implementation accurately based on our lectures?
If you are interested in exploring more, consider the following challenges (these are just for fun; no
extra credit is given!)
• Generalize your queue implementation to be able to batch more elements (e.g. 2, 4 16, 32,
etc.). Explore the performance around these numbers.
• Experiment with various queue sizes. Do they make a difference? How small can you make
the queue before you start to see performance issues?
2 DOALL Loop Parallel Schedules
In lecture, we considered different ways to parallelize DOALL loops, also known as a parallel
schedule. Static work partitioning works well for DOALL loops where iterations take roughly the
same amount of time. When loop iterations have more variation, it helps to use dynamic scheduling,
e.g. workstealing. These dynamic strategies can either use a global worklist, or local worklists.
Furthermore, the granularity of the tasks can be tuned.
Your assignment is to generate a several parallel schedules for the following loop:
void function(float *result, int * mult, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float base = result[i];
for (int j = 0; j < mult[i] - 1; j++) {
result[i] = result[i] + base;
Notice that the outermost loop is safe to parallelize because the inner loop only reads and writes
to arrays at index i. Each outer loop i computes the mult[i]-th multiplication of result[i]
(assuming a greater-than-zero values in mult). You are not allowed to use the multiplication
operator: it will be computed with repeat additions. Depending on the values in mult, there is
potentially load imbalance across loop iterations. We will consider a linear load imbalance, where
the amount of work for index i grows linearly with i. Larger values of i will take considerably
more work than smaller values of i.
You will have 4 parts to this homework:
2.1 Static schedule
In main1.cpp, implement parallel_mult using a static partitioning. That is, each thread should
compute the same number of i indices. You should split the work up in a chunking style, i.e.
where thread 0 computes indexes 0 through size/num_threads; thread 1 should compute index
size/num_threads through 2*(size/num_threads). This may be similar to your solution to
problem 1c in homework 1.
You are responsible for creating the threads and joining them at the end. I have provided you
data to operate on. Please use results_parallel as your results array, the mult array as the
mult argument, the SIZE constant as the size argument. Instantiate the thread id as we’ve seen
previously for SPMD programs. Use the NUM_THREADS constant as the number of threads.
The makefile will compute an executable called: static to run this part of the homework.
2.2 Global worklist workstealing schedule
In main2.cpp you will find a similar program to main1.cpp. However, instead of statically partitioning, you will use an atomic global counter to distribute work across threads. That is, you write
the parallel function to use an atomic increment to get an index to calculate. For more information,
see the global worklist material in the workstealing lecture.
Like main1.cpp, you are responsible for launching and joining the threads. The arguments
should be passed in similar to main1.cpp.
The makefile will compute an executable called: global to run this part of the homework.
2.3 Local worklists workstealing schedule
In main3.cpp you will implement a local worklists workstealing schedule. First you should implement IOQueue.h as an Input/Output Queue as discussed in lecture. These queues need only support
parallel enqueues, or parallel dequeues, but not both. You do not need to implement dec_32 for
this part of the problem. The deq should return -1 if the queue has no more elements. The work
items in this assignment are indexes to compute; i.e. they are integers between 0 and SIZE - 1.
In the main file, you should implement the parallel_mult function using a local workstealing
schedule. The queues (one for each thread) are provided in the global variable Q. The function
should provide the same results as the previous parallel_mult functions; I have deleted the initial
code though because this implementation will be sufficiently different from the nested for loops.
You should first launch threads to initialize their local queues using the parallel_enq function. This function should be called in parallel in SPMD style. Each thread should enqueue an
equal number of indices to compute. They should enqueue indices in a chunked style, similar to
main1.cpp. Ensure the queues are initialized with enough space using the init function.
After the queues are initialized, join the threads in the main thread. Then call the parallel_mult
function. Implement this function using a local worklists workstealing strategy.
The makefile will compute an executable called: stealing to run this part of the homework.
2.4 Task granularity
Your final implementation task is to increase the number of tasks (indexes) that are dequeued at
a time. First, implement deq_32 in IOQueue.h. This function dequeues 32 elements at a time and
stores them in the argument array. It returns 0 if successful, or -1 if there are not 32 elements in
the queue to dequeue. You can assume that the program only operates on loop iterations that are
multiples of 32 (i.e. you do not need to ever combine single deqs with 32 deqs).
The main function is the same as main3.cpp, with the exception that you should dequeue 32
elements at a time.
The makefile will compute an executable called: stealing32 to run this part of the homework.
2.5 What to run
Please run each of your executable. Record how long each program takes to run.
Change the number of threads to 1 in utils.h and run static to get a single threaded measurement of runtime.
Change the number of threads to match how many cores you have on your machine.
2.6 What to submit
The code component of your submission is the completed files: main1.cpp, main2.cpp, main3.cpp,
main4.cpp and IOQueue.h. In the zip file, please also include the checker file and the Makefile.
The report component should include a graph of your runtimes. Explain your implementation
in 1 paragraph. Explain your results in a another paragraph.
Your grade will be based on 4 criteria:
• Correctness: Do your schedules produce the right results.
• Conceptual: do your implementations use the concurrent queues in a way that balances work
across the threads? Are your queues implemented correctly?
• Performance: Does your performance match what you think it should? If so can you explain
why? If not, can you say what you expect and make a hypothesis why not?
• Explanation: do you explain your results and implementation based on our lectures.
Similar to part 1, there are extra challenges in this assignment if you are interested in exploring
further (although they are not worth credit!)
• Based on the linear load imbalance, can you determine a static schedule that improves load
• can you change the granularity of the global worklist, i.e. change the number that it steals
each time? Does this make a performance difference?
Zipped file directory structure
Please submit your code zipped up in the following structure:
• Submit your code constrained to exactly the files discussed in the section. Do not rename the
files. Only modify the files you are asked to. You can add functions, but do not change the
signature of the functions that are provided.
• from the directory where you originally unzipped the packet, run:
zip -r part1 part2
• This will create Please submit this file.
• you can double check your file fits the format we are expecting by copying
and to a new folder. You should be able to run:
and not see any errors.
In addition to, please also submit a single pdf file including the report components of this assignment. Please submit this pdf as a separate file in canvas, and not as part of the

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