Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
EECS 445 Introduction to Machine Learning
Homework 3
1 Convolutional Neural Network [9 pts]
1.1 CNN Architecture [3 pts]
While working on Project 2, Yiming tried to build a convolutional neural network (CNN) to help classify
Junghwan’s posters. At the beginning, Yiming designed a simple convolutional neural network defined by
the layers in the left column of the table below. Note the following definitions:
• CONV5-N denotes a convolutional layer with N filters, where each filter is 5 × 5 × D with D being
the depth of the activation volume at the previous layer. Padding is 2, and stride is 1.
• POOL2 denotes a 2 × 2 max-pooling layer with stride 2 (no padding)
• FC-N denotes a fully-connected layer with N neurons.
(a) [3 pts] Fill in the size of output at each layer, and the number of learned parameters at each layer. Write
your answers as a multiplication (e.g. 128 × 128 × 3 (H × W × C)) instead of a single number (for
both the output sizes and the number of learned parameters).
Layer Output Size Number of Learned Parameters
Input 32 × 32 × 3 0
1.2 Training Neural Nets [6 pts]
After training the above convolutional neural network above, Yiming found the performance of previous
architecture on the test dataset was bad. Thus, instead of using a single fully connected layer, Yiming
decided to use the following structure at the end of the second pooling layer,
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xd’s hm’s yk’s
md w
where Yiming flattens the output from the second pooling layer to a vector x¯ = [x1, x2, . . . , xD]
, and
adds 2 fully connected layers FC-M (with some activation function F1 ) and FC-K (with some activation
function F2). Here, F1, F2 are some nonlinear activation functions where F1 : RM → RM, F2 : R
K → R
Note: w
ji is the weight for l
th fully connected layer, connecting unit j with input i.
We have computed forward and backward propagation of values element-wise in class and discussion. However, this is fairly inefficient when implemented in Python since it requires nested Python loops. Instead, we
use matrix operations to avoid explicit loops and speed up our computation since Python functions can be
internally optimized to iterate efficiently, possibly using multiple threads.
(a) [1 pt] We can write the forward propagation of these 2 layers in matrix form:
h¯ = F1(W(1)x¯ + ¯b
y¯ = F2(W(2)h¯ + ¯b
Define W(1), W(2)
, x, ¯ h, ¯ and y¯ in terms of x1, . . . , xD, h1, . . . , hM, y1, . . . , yk, and the w
ji .
(b) [2 pts] Given the derivative of the function F
2 = G2 where G2 : R
K → R
K. Suppose we compute
some loss L at the end of the neural network and we have ∂L
∂y¯ = D. Find the expression for ∂L
∂W¯ (2) ,
(2) .
Hint: Make use of the element-wise product function x¯ ? y¯ = [x1y1, x2y2, . . . , xnyn]
for x, ¯ y¯ ∈ R
Use dimension information to confirm your results.
(c) [2 pts] Given the derivative of the function F
1 = G1 where G1 : RM → RM. Find the expression for
∂W¯ (1) ,
(1) . (You may find your previous results useful.)
(d) [1 pts] After calculating the gradients, based on the previous results, we can update our parameters
based on SGD. Suppose the learning rate is η. Write the update rule for W(1), b(1), W(2), b(2)
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2 Poster Clusters [18 pts]
Thanks to all of your hard work in Project 2, Junghwan has a way to easily sort through all of the newest
movies. Unfortunately, in his excitement, Junghwan misplaced the labels on his posters so you have
promised to create him an unsupervised algorithm for categorizing the posters.
Like the autoencoder in Project 2, we will attempt to identify structure in the data without training on labels.
You will be implementing the k-means clustering algorithm as well as a variant of the algorithm, k-means++,
which has the additional property of encouraging good cluster centroid initializations. These are simple yet
powerful unsupervised methods for grouping similar examples within a dataset. You will then compare the
results of this clustering with the performance of the spectral clustering algorithm. You will write your code
in clustering classes.py and clustering.py.
(a) [1 pt] Why are poor centroid initializations often a problem?
(b) [1 pt] Implement the function Point.distance() in the file clustering classes.py. This
function takes as arguments two Point objects and returns the Euclidean distance between the points.
The feature data for each point is stored in the features member variable.
(c) [2 pts]Implement the function Cluster.get centroid() in the file clustering classes.py.
This function returns the centroid of the current Cluster object as a Point object. As in lecture, this
is calculated by finding the mean point of the cluster. You may denote a point as having no label by
excluding the label argument. The default value specified in the Point constructor will initialize this
value to None.
(d) [1 pt]Implement the function ClusterSet.get centriods() in the file clustering classes.py.
This function returns the centroids of a ClusterSet object as a list of Point objects.
(e) [1 pt] Implement the function random init() in the file clustering.py according to the function specification. This function returns the cluster centroid initialization for the regular k-means algorithm.
(f) [2 pts] Implement the function k means pp init() in the file clustering.py according to
the function specification. This function returns the cluster centroid initialization for the k-means++
algorithm. Pseudocode for this initialization can be found below.
1) Randomly select one point as the first centroid.
2) For each point x, calculate the distance from x to the nearest centroid that has already been
selected. Denote this distance Dx.
3) Select the next centroid from the list of points with the probability of selecting point x being
proportional to D2
. Note that for the sake of implementing this in Python it may be necessary
to normalize your calculated distances.
4) Continue the previous 2 steps until k points have been selected.
(g) [4 pts] Implement the function k means() in the file clustering.py according to the function
specification. Note that you must construct your own implementation; the use of library functions that
trivialize this problem (e.g., sklearn implementations) is prohibited.
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(h) [4 pts] You will now apply these algorithms to the posters dataset. For the sake of reducing computation
time, we will consider only the first 400 images from the dataset (00000.jpg through 00399.jpg).
We have provided a preprocessed version of this dataset and the code for loading it in. Within the
main function in clustering.py, use your implementation of the k means function to determine the best k-value in the range [1, 10] for each k-means initialization method as well as the
provided spectral clustering algorithm. Note that there is not a single correct answer for these values. You should evaluate clustering performance using cluster purity, which is implemented for you in
ClusterSet.get score(). The purity metric is the ratio of points within a cluster with the most
common label to all points in the cluster. All three of these algorithms require a random initialization,
so performance may vary from run to run. To mitigate this effect, run your algorithm 10 times for each
candidate k value and average over the purity scores. A correct implementation may take up to ten
minutes to run.
Plot the average performance vs. k for each clustering algorithm on one graph by implementing the
function plot performance(). Include this graph in your write-up. Don’t forget to label your
axes and include a legend. Your plot should look similar to Figure 1:
Figure 1: Purity of each clustering method as a function of k
(i) [2 pt] Using the best k-values you found for each algorithm, compare the performance of both initialization techniques. Report the average, minimum, and maximum cluster purity of the resulting clusters.
Briefly discuss which method works best and why. Compare your purity score to the score we would
expect from a random assignment of points to the k clusters.
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3 Spectral Clustering [5 pts]
Here you will run through the spectral clustering algorithm by hand. Figure 2 shows the graph that we will
be working with.
1 2
3 4
Figure 2: Spectral Clustering graph
(a) [1 pt] Compute our similarity matrix W, degree matrix D, and the corresponding graph Laplacian L
based on the graph in Figure 2.
(b) [1 pt] Using the scipy.linalg.eigh method to solve for the eigenvectors corresponding to the
k = 2 lowest eigenvalues. List out the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors (round to
four decimal places). Refer to the documentation for more details: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/
(c) [1 pt] Based on the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors computed in part b, what is our cluster assignment?
(Hint: as in lecture 16, plot the rows of the eigenvectors and the clusters should be clear)
(d) [1 pt] Complete problem b again but with k = 3. List out the eigenvalues and the corresponding
eigenvectors (round to four decimal places).
(e) [1 pt] What are our cluster assignments now?
3.1 Code Prerequisites
• If you are currently using scipy version 1.2.1 (or later), you should be sufficiently up-to-date. You
can verify this by running conda list scipy
• If not, please run conda update scipy to update
4 Collaborative Filtering [12 points]
4.1 K-Nearest Neighbors
Recall from class that we can predict a user’s rating of an item using the ratings from similar users. As it
turns out, we can also predict item ratings using users’ ratings on similar items, an approach called “itemitem collaborative filtering” that was patented by Amazon in 1998 (U.S. Patent 6,266,649 B1) and published
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in 2001 (“Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms” by Badrul Sarwar, et al.). In
other words, given user a and item i that a has not rated, we can predict a’s rating on i using the ratings that
a has made on items similar to i.
(a) [1 pt] Assume you have n users and m items in your database. Your ratings are stored in a matrix
X ∈ R
n×m, where Xai is user a’s rating on item i. Let r¯
(j) be the jth row vector in X and c¯
(j) be the
jth column vector in X. Which vector would you use to represent item k?
(b) [2 pts] Recall the Pearson correlation coefficient that we used to calculate similarity between two users
a and b:
sim(a, b) =
Yaj − Y˜
? ?Ybj − Y˜
Yaj − Y˜
Ybj − Y˜
Here, R(a, b) is the set of items that both a and b have rated and Y˜
a:b is the average rating by user a
on items rated both by a and b. We want to edit this formulation to fit the item-item case so that we
compute the similarity between items i and j. How would you redefine R(i, j) and Y˜
(c) [2 pts] Assume you have the following dataset, defined as in part a:
X =
1 0 5
3 4 3?
The items are rated on a 5-point scale, with 0 indicating a rating that does not exist yet. Find the similarity between items 1 and 3 and provide a short interpretation of the result.
4.2 UV Decomposition
We can think of collaborative filtering as matrix factorization. Any n × m matrix X can be approximated
by a lower rank matrix UV T where U is n × d and V is m × d and d ≤ min{m, n}. Let u¯
(i) ∈ R
d be the
th row vector of U and v¯
(j) be the j
th row vector of V . Then [UV T
]ij = ¯u
· v¯
. We want to use this low
rank matrix to approximate observed binary labels in Y . Let Yij ∈ {−1, 1} if the (i, j) entry is observed,
and Yij = 0 otherwise. Then we would like to find U and V such that:
Yij [UV T
]ij = Yij (¯u
· v¯
) 0 whenever Yij 6= 0
Note that this is trivially possible if X = UV T
is full rank (each element can be chosen independently from
each other). The smaller d we choose, the fewer adjustable parameters we have in U and V . Therefore, d
controls the complexity of the solution that satisfies the constraints.
It is often advantageous to potentially avoid satisfying all the constraints, e.g., if some of the labels may be
mistakes. We might also suspect that we gain something by turning the estimation problem into a maximum
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margin problem, for u¯
’s given {v¯
(j)} and for v¯
’s given {u¯
(i)}. The formulation with slack is given by:
2 +
2 + C
subject to Yij (¯u
· v¯
) ≥ 1 − ξij ,
ξij ≥ 0 for all (i, j) where Yij 6= 0
(a) [2 pts] If we fix U, i.e., fix all u¯
, ..., u¯
the optimization problem reduces to m independent optimization problems. Define these optimization problems for v¯
(j) where j = 1, ..., m. What do these
optimization problems correspond to?
(b) [1 pt] If we fix V , what does the optimization problem reduce to?
(c) [4 pt] Consider a simple two-user and two-movie example and let the observed rating matrix and our
initial guess for V be given by:
Y =
−1 1
1 0?
V =
1 0
0 1?
i. Solve by hand Uˆ = [¯u
, u¯
, given the initial V . Given this V and your solution Uˆ, can you
predict Y22?
ii. Solve by hand Vˆ = [¯v
, v¯
, given your solution Uˆ. Can you predict Y22 now? If so, what is
the resulting prediction?
REMEMBER Submit your completed assignment to Gradescope by 11:59pm on Tuesday, November
26th. Attach any code as an appendix.